[ENG/ESP] How quickly calves grow / Que rápido crecen los terneros.

in Hive Pets16 days ago
Authored by @Merlyned


Hello dear friends of this beautiful Hive Pets community, today I will talk to you about how quickly animals grow and even more so if they are cared for properly.

This little calf is now two months old and loves to run around the garden, he has a companion called Ojitos and they are adorable.

This one is called chiquito and it is called that out of affection, it is my father's and it has a beautiful color that makes it stand out among others.

Hola queridos amigos de esta hermosa comunidad Hive pets, hoy les hablaré sobre lo rapido que crecen los animales y mas si se les atiende como es debido.

Este ternerito ya va para dos meses y le encanta correr por todo el jardín, tiene una compañera que se llama ojitos y son adorables.

Este se llama chiquito y se le dice así por cariño, es de mi padre y tiene un color hermoso que lo hace destacar entre varios.


It is a mixed breed that has a dual purpose for both meat and milk, as it is male it can later be changed for another.

On farms you should always change the bull from time to time, in order to prevent it from following the same bloodline and getting sick, we must always be vigilant.

Every time I visit him I find him bigger and the good thing is that he knows me and loves that I care for him.

Es una raza mestiza que tiene doble propósito tanto para carne como leche, como es macho mas adelante se puede cambiar por otro.

En las fincas siempre se debe cambiar de toro cada cierto tiempo, esto con el fin de evitar que siga la misma linea de sangre y salgan enfermos, siempre debemos estar atentos.

Cada que lo visito lo encuentro mas grande y lo bueno es que me conoce y le encanta que le haga cariño.



Green grass is already coming but in small quantities, it is still nursing and it must be that way so that it can be formed properly.

They must be attended to every day since they stay at home and cannot be taken with the older ones since they injure them.

Author: @merlyned
Telephone: Estudio Blu.
I hope you like the post, greetings.

Ya come pasto verde pero en pocas cantidades, todavia se amamanta y debe ser asi para que se pueda formar como es debido.

Todos los dias se les debe atender ya que se quedan en casa y no se pueden llevar con los mas grandes ya que los lesionan.

Autor: @merlyned
Teléfono: Blu studio.
Espero que el post les sea de su agrado, saludos.


Your experience with pets is immense. You need to nurture the right animal separately. This is 90% of the benefits of staying healthy.

You are very right, if we raise them separately they will grow quickly, we just have to keep an eye on them, greetings mdakash62

Regular feeding and grooming of pets always keeps them calm

Ay! Que hermosos y tiernos se ven 🥹🙌🏻

Que lindas fotos les tomaste, espero que sigan creciendo sanos 🙏🏻

Gracias amiga @milagroscdlrr mi padre hace lo posible por mantenerlos hermosos y mas con este largo verano que no se consigue mucho pasto verde, saludos.

How beautiful! I don't remember if you shared photos of him before, but yes he is big and looks very well cared for. His coat tone looks like the tone of the soil, it is clay soil isn't it?

Yes friend, his color is beautiful, his mixed breed allows it, he is very playful and loves to run throughout the garden, the good thing is that he has a lot of space, greetings @gaboamc2393