Transparency Report / Actual HP Reduction / What & Why?

in CryptoCompany CEO2 months ago
Authored by @PowerPaul


I wanted to make a short statement about the HP power down, which I initiated on the account @cryptocompany and @ccceo.invest a few minutes ago. This statement is important to me so that you know what, how, why; instead of wild guessing.

The power down serves to cover upcoming expenses for CryptoCompany CEO.

I have mobilized the maximum amount of HP, but I won't need that complete amount. The maximum quantity was only chosen so that the required amount will be available as quickly as possible. As soon as the required amount is available, the power down will be canceled.

The CCCEO Voting Service will not be affected by this, or only to a minimal extent, since the absolute majority of HP for the voting service is generated via HP delegations. The voting service will therefore continue to be highly profitable - no need to worry about.

The amount of Hive required depends on the exchange rate. If more assets become liquid during the power down than CCCEO actually currently needs, the liquid HIVE will be transferred to the HBD savings on @ccceo.wallet in order to cover future web server costs.


Of course, I would like to cover these costs from liquid assets - or alternatively from private funds (because I don't mind to use private funds for CCCEO - this is and was the case all the time). Since both are not available in sufficient quantities, I can't avoid organizing the necessary resources through an HP reduction.

Since the costs arise through and for CCCEO, I see it as legitimate in an emergency to cover these costs from the work of CCCEO - even if I would like to avoid a power down in order to strengthen the blockchain itself.

Costs for which the power down takes place:

• The domain must be renewed this month.

• My private residence and my workplace are in one house. Burglars are currently making my life difficult (breaking into the property and/or the house itself) on a regular basis (almost every day; at least every weekend) - so I have to invest in more comprehensive data backup to protect CCCEO in the event of an emergency. Furthermore I also need a few electronic components to expand the security technology and improve detection of unwanted persons. Necessary so that CCCEO can continue to run as smoothly as possible, if the worst comes to the worst - or to avoid it in the best case.

Any questions about? Please feel free to ask in the comments.

Now it only remains for me to say... Enjoy your day!

Thank you for being here. YOU. ARE. AWESOME!

See you later in the comments &

make the best out of the your day!


The "Comment & Win" function with !PGM function... Yes, the PGM bot is down since a few days, but I still refuse to exclude it from the banner. I think we all have the hope (& should motivate @zottone) to hold up the project.

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I read this a few days but forgot to reply (as usual lol... I sometimes read posts on my commute with a device I don't use for replying). It's horrible what you're going through, and the circumstances under which you can't even seem to get help from the proper authorities. I truly hope that you'll be safe in the meantime, and that your measures are not going to be drastic enough to put you in harm's way. Stay safe, man. 🙏

[@PowerPaul:] Thank you buddy! Yeah I agree, really not a funny situation. But I try to use every circumstance as a feedback where I can improve - so, beside what I have to do, I try to focus on the doings for a better tomorrow. The only way... Please don't mind it to much - I will get bigger and stronger out of this.

The following speech seems a little big, but it is maybe the most inspiring speech of our time and I can relate to it. ... I like quest! Nobody grows thru throwing soft cotton balls - I take this quest.

Thank you buddy! Usually I don't like to say, because it brings a high level of measuring, but: "I try to make the best" ("within my stupidity" - to don't trip into the Dunning-Kruger-Effect) ... and in relation to stay save.

Thank you! I am looking forward to be with you!

Be transparent to the situation and than everything is okay. If it needed for the security than take it. It's a good reason.

I can completely understand the need for this power Down, sometime it is not in our control to control things. You are a good man and your commitment to the hive is amazing. keep it up.

[@PowerPaul:] Thank you bro for your kind words! ... Thank you. I will!

Great to be with you! 💪



I don't know why I can't fit this upside boat on my head
It is clearly capsized.

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Thanks of the update and transparency! So sorry you are dealing with burglaries-yikes. I hope you are safe.

[@PowerPaul:] Thank you bro. Yes, such a great & supportive community (and because it is kind of a personal relation very often) earned to be transparent.

I prefer to say that I am stupid to avoid the Dunning-Kruger-Effect and to be self aware of the subjective reality; but within this I try to act as best as I can - including to stay safe. Thank you bro - I try to be according to this wish.

Don't be sorry, but happy that you don't have this kind of stuff. And spoken from my perspective: yes, it is foo; but I try to be aware that other people live in a more foo situation. I am thankful for everything. Especially about this great community we call Hive and/or CCCEO which brings me a smile into the day - even if a situation is like it is actually. Happy, that you are a part of it! ... Thank you!




What do you call a witch's garage?
A broom closet.

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@cryptounicorn420, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of cryptocompany



Do not worry Paul, you deserve that funds and hopefully your project will grow big and you do not need to worry about the funds anymore! Wish I could help you more! 😉

At least my upvote is yours! 😇


[@PowerPaul:] Dear Lord, you are such a nice person! Reading this is so heart warming... So great to be with you! Who needs gold when he has persons like you in his surrounding? Assume that somebody is smiling and making a wink. <3



I went to visit the wife's grave today.
She still thinks it's going to be a fishpond.

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@lorddiablo, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of cryptocompany

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Great that you're so transparent about it, is always the best way imo to communicate openly.
I'm really baffled by the burglars thing :o
Hope they will soon stop bothering you!

[@PowerPaul:] Sure, you earned it! I agree - the best way.

Oh, maybe I should offer adventure holidays for bored people... lol

Thank you bro; they will... They will.

<3 Stay awesome!



You are out of jokes for the day!

@cryptocompany you can call @lolzbot a maximum of 8 times per day.
Level up by buying more $LOLZ so you can share more jokes per day!

That's what the powered Hive is for! Sometimes you have to make tough decision, this is one of them. Costs of running a server and web services are so expensive these days and currently there is no sale event that could help the firm to get some profits from ready items.

Have a safe life there and use the funds properly secure the project.

[@PowerPaul:] Yeah, kind of right. But I think there is always a little taste with powering/reducing down.

For sure I could find anything to sell, but for the next steps I would prefer deliver more, instead of selling more. Don't worry, I assume and will act that I and we will manage every mountain on the way. How it goes? "No water to deep, no mountain to high"?

Thank you bro - I try to act accordingly. And thanks for your agreement & support! Thank you for being here and in the community as such a great person!



You are out of jokes for the day!

@cryptocompany you can call @lolzbot a maximum of 8 times per day.
Level up by buying more $LOLZ so you can share more jokes per day!

Sorry to hear you live in such an insecure environment, I completely understand your priorities.

Yeah, thank you. I assume this situation will be gone one day. These dudes are "just" youngsters on drugs (but that's sufficient to act crazy. Some guys brain is in the hand of hard drugs... so hard to calculate their behaviour...). Experience showed (so far) that when you show them that you don't play around, they will switch over to easier targets after a time...

Yeah, as relaxed and unregulated living in a 3rd World country can be, there are some downsides... I assume this will pass on day - at least here on this property. They just have to learn that it makes no sense to go in here.

Thank you for sharing your words! <3



My house-mate is terrified of negative numbers
He'll stop at nothing to avoid them.

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@servelle, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of cryptocompany

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Burglars are currently making my life difficult (breaking into the property and/or the house itself) on a regular basis (almost every day; at least every weekend)

Damn, living your life there, is like playing Tower Defense !LOLZ


You are kind of right... You don't like to hear the details... Maybe one day I will write about on my personal blog... Scroll down there a little and you know why I was able to make all this pictures. Which pictures? You will know as soon as you see them after my hint now. Nice photos with a touch of art (don't value "art" to high, right now)! ;-)

You know where I am living, right? Damn... Most of the natives here think that we western people are rich as foo. And they have no problems with robbing, because "You are rich and can buy it again"... And when these robbers are on drugs, often they don't care about anything... And police here is no option; police is paid by the criminals very often - so they don't want to bring them in jail, because it would influence their otherwise poor income... And there are enough stories here, where police was included in robbery. The higher they are, the more shady they are. Beginning from the policemen up to the president, from smuggling to robbing the whole country - everybody knows; they don't have to hide this fact. So you don't let police to your property to show them nothing... Kind of crazy here. I really like the place where I live, but on this aspect I wish very often to live in a country where my neighbor has at least the same stuff in his house...

A situation where you don't like to think about, but have to, if you don't want to act stupid or naiv. Sad, but needed here...

What type of fruit is not allowed to get married?

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@cryptocompany, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of dewabrata

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2000 people die at sea every year.
Let that sink in

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@dewabrata, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of cryptocompany

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No wories, you need these funds so use them !LOLZ !SLOTH !PIZZA !PGM

Doctors tell us there are over seven million people who are overweight.
Of course, those are only round figures.

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@cryptocompany, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of memess

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[@PowerPaul:] Yes, I think it's understandable. I'm glad that you guys/girls understand it!



Where do boats go when they're sick?
To the dock

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@memess, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of cryptocompany

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Yeah here is a vote and hoping that you end up getting those burglars and make them pay.

No one likes a thief.

Be safe!

Thank you bro for good meant words & the vote(s)!

To be honest: I prefer to don't get them. Because If I do so, the trouble is not coming to an end. Luckily I have the legal right to act as I will and I am trained for to act so, but theory and practice can be different here. For sure I could sit in the woods here and just wait for them. Things will happen before they realize what's on. But one thing is sure: however your rights are, it will be veeery expensive, because the police, the lawyer, the judge, the jail guard... all will press out as much money as they can on you. So the best is: show them that you aren't playing around and that there is no reason to try and try again, I mean to think.

I hope that they see one day that they have no chance and their effort is not worth. Luckily these guys aren't professional but youngsters from the local village. So they get bored when they see that it's not worth over a long time period - at least this is what I hope and work for and what works/ed for other persons here (or my clients on this topic in the past). Catching them would be sub-prime. Because if you do, you don't need to bring them to the police. And hurting them and let them running back home is no option, too; because their family will be mad on you. Ah damn, now we are in the discussion of how to act best... very difficult and often an illusion to be able to control a whole situation. And normally you can't get all of them: they act in a group and maybe you hit (a part of) the group on your property, but never the observers on the streets or wherever they are. So there are always people where know what happened - beside that the whole village knows why a person is gone - they hear the fire all the time. But they are the community; I/we are just the external gringos. They will hold together.

A policeman from the village said once to me: "Don't let them go back and have the hole ready." ... "Do you have pigs?" ... But this can't be the prime way for me... My doing is to detect them as early as possible and scare the shit out of them. How I said: they need to understand that there is no time window where it is possible to enter and it's not worth the relation between risk and possible income. (I am building on a onion-shaped detection and to scare them away as early as possible...) Damn, I could write and write and write about... Paraguay is a weird place sometime, especially, but not only, in rural places...

Be blessed, too! I try to act as best as I think I can; promised.

Yeah. That would really work. See them coming then scare them into realizing life is worth living.

In fact the mere thought of a sniper could keep an entire Mass formation of soldiers pinned in place. Fear is a very powerful tool.

You stay safe. And be smart.

Oh, I saw this to late... I had to tune my notification system last days... Now i am back in the notification stream...

Thank you for your words, bro!



What do you call a hospital for horses?
A horse-pital.

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@ganjafarmer, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of cryptocompany

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Curated and voted 100% by Selection of the best articles about Games and eSports in Hive.

In addition to the other comment from the @cryptocompany account: but maybe it was meant as kind of needed support. Yes, can be... In every case I don't take it bad on you - let's make this clear. Other people reblog, too - and for sure it is always meant with a good intention. So thank you once again for every positive meant doing! Thank you bro!

[@PowerPaul:] You are funny... Wasn't there other info in the last days to share? I am not very proud on a power down... ;-) However...

Thank you for your engagement all the time & Hive a great day! Stay tuned!



I wouldn't buy anything with Velcro
It's a total rip-off.

Credit: reddit, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of cryptocompany

Farm LOLZ tokens when you Delegate Hive or Hive Tokens.
Click to delegate: 10 - 20 - 50 - 100 HP


I can never take my dog to the park because the ducks keep trying to bite him.
I guess that’s what I get for buying a pure bread dog.

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@cryptocompany, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of imno


👍 !PGM


$PIZZA slices delivered:
@thehockeyfan-at(1/5) tipped @cryptocompany
memess tipped cryptocompany