My Hivewatchers blacklist. My apology to the Hive community

in #hivewatchers2 years ago


I am not a pro blogger, I am a pro photographer. I joined this blockchain back in January, 2018. Here you may check my presentation post -

With this post, I apologize to the community for the mistakes I made, and I promise @hivewatchers to get better. You see, my native language is Russian; like most of my compatriots, I constantly rely on google services for information, all things in English. Yes, it's true, I'm better with the camera than with English letters.

Last spring, several of my #travel-photo posts received downvotes and alerts from the @hivewatchers account about the plagiarism. Shame on me - I did not pay any attention to it, mostly because I did not understand what is the issue about, as I did not think I had any "skeletons in my wardrobe" cause I always posted my own original content. Soon after that, I became more educated about the blockchain rules and what plagizrizm is.

Here is a list of posts with violations:

We content-creators do know that we have to cite sources for everything, when it comes to the images, be it Public Domain or Free licenced images. The same is true about the text, too -- however it can be difficult to remember this in time, especially in our era of copy-paste.


In my travel posts I did copypasted some wide-spread info (especially, some historic facts, dates, etc) about the places I visited and photographed, which may be found in different sources all over the internet, and thats why I considered it to be sort of a 'public domain' stuff.

No fraud and plagiarizm was intended, I added text descriptions to my photo posts, considering photo reportage to be the main sufficient part of my posts worth getting rewards, and the text was just an extra.

I re-wrote and translated the bits of information into English with the help of Google, and added to my posts, thus considering it to be my original author's work, which it is not. I am actually a reportage photographer, not an expert in copyright field. I was told this has the unpleasant name of 'plagiarism', and now I learned not to do so. In the future I always will be citing any used sources.

Again, I sincerely apologize for any mis behaving and not understanding what I was doing wrong, it was neither malicious nor hardened doing. I believe I am an original author and was bringing quality content to the blockchain. I hope it will not annoy if I call curators from the decent photo communities to speak for me, I hope you still remember my quality posts that you voted for. @crazy-andy @castleberry @brumest @slobberchops


By the way, step aside: let me mention this great article by @castleberry which can explain some basic things about the blockchain, including the 'using of the sources' issue. It can be a great help to understand the rules and guides of the Hive bockchain, even non-written ones.

I didnt re-cycle my old stuff and did not spam with the posts to maximise my rewards, and have no desire to create another accounts to perform any sort of fraud. I just want to be a good part of the Hive, I hope all my apologies will be accepted and misunderstanding will remain in the past!

Header photo of the post from here -


I've always enjoyed your posts. You have taken some amazing photos.

It is easy in life to have some misunderstandings sometimes. We are only human after all.

Hope everything gets worked out for you.

Thanks for support :)

Everything seems to be ok now :)

Как-то было вначале, что я тоже взял описание птичек, перевел на ангельский и вставил вместо текста. Ну и прилетело тоже предупреждение. первое проигнорил, думал, что фигня. А вот второе прилетело и я задумался. Поговорил с девушкой, которая замолвила слово за меня и всё.... я больше не играю в игры такие, чтобы использовать материал инетовский.

сто пятьсот процентов правильно. а главное, что незачем! проще направлять энергию на создание контента, чем на то чтобы стащить чужое и переделывать его, изображая "своё"


Но вроде иногда понимаешь, чот надо какие-то данные энциклопедические выдать. А ведь спросят - где взял? Укажи источник!

...и указываешь источник, которым пользовался.
тогда это -- не плагиат а цитирование.
(а если использовал, но источник не указал - плагиат).
и если пост состоит из цитирования чуть менее чем полностью, очевидно, это не приведет к высоким вознаграждениям за пост... как-то так.

Вот теперь тоже умней буду.)

Your photos are great!
It's sad about the tests - really, it's better to write nothing than to copy excerpts from guidebooks. I hope the community accepts the apology and the problem is resolved.

Спасибо за оценку фото.) Вроде теперь все в порядке, проблема решена.)