It's Time to End the Treasonous Usurpation of Sovereignty of Americans by the United States Government

in #life8 months ago (edited)

IMG source -

I got an email today from Dr. Robert Malone, as I do most days, and twice on Sundays. I tend to agree with most of his views, and particularly as to the hazards of the c19 jabs, which neither of us reckon do anyone any good, and do plenty of harm. Dennis Rancourt showed recently that ~17M people have been killed by them, and ~2B people injured. That's enough. It's time that stopped, and long past time.

Today the email from Dr. Malone examined the question of whether the USG has any business telling us what to think. Here's what he had to say about that.

"I assert that the US Federal Government has no right to regulate, infringe, or otherwise influence educational policy. I assert that the US Federal Government has no right to deploy propaganda, nudge technology, PsyWar or Military Psychological Operations technologies, tactics or strategies, censorship, or related manipulative mis- dis- or mal-information actions or activities as defined by the Department of Homeland Security Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, or in any other way seek to manipulate the psychological state, availability of information, thought, speech or emotions of the Citizens of the United States.

"If we, as Citizens of the United States and our separate individual States are to retain our individual sovereignty, religious and spiritual autonomy, and free agency, we must be granted relief from these egregious overreaching, arbitrary and capricious actions by the US Federal Government, its Administrative Agencies, and their employees.

"A free electorate must be treated as adults, not as children or serfs to be ruled over, and to be allowed to freely analyze all information, form their own opinions, and communicate their decisions (via direct and/or representational vote) regarding the most appropriate methods and policies by which they should be served by the US Federal Government, its agencies and their employees.

"Nowhere in the US Constitution are powers or authority assigned to the US Federal Government to act in some way to fashion, shape, nudge, propagandize or in any other way manipulate the information, thoughts, religious morality, feelings and beliefs of US Citizens. In fact, multiple clauses in the US Constitution indicate that performance of such activities are forbidden to the US Federal Government, its agencies and their employees.

"The US Constitution is designed to protect the rights of both States and Individuals from arbitrary and capricious Federal overreach, and to prohibit what is essentially the imposition of any religions, including false religions, on the Citizens by their Federal Government.

"On the question of whether the US Federal Government is to be servant or master of the Citizens, the US Constitution is clear that the States and Citizens of the United States are master, and the Federal Government is servant. The proper role of the Federal Government is to protect and serve, and it is absolutely forbidden to act as the unrestricted ruler and shaper of US society."

I'm not saying government is appropriate, and while I do believe governmental authority is evil, I do not believe it is necessary. There are no necessary evils, and I don't reckon we should suffer any evils, and particularly not on purpose.

But insofar as the Constitution of the United States exists and is concerned, I agree with Dr. Malone's statements above. Right now people are being killed by these nudges, propaganda, disinformation, and outright lies about the c19 jabs by the USG to the American people, and many more injured grievously, and permanently. It is treasonous, contrary to the express language of the document that specifies the limits of lawful powers the USG may exercise, for that to be undertaken by agents of the USG, and treason is a capital crime for damned good reason.

Treason kills Americans. It's time that ended, and ended for good.


I'm not saying government is appropriate, and while I do believe governmental authority is evil, I do not believe it is necessary. There are no necessary evils, and I don't reckon we should suffer any evils, and particularly not on purpose.

Dear @valued-customer !

Do you want the American federal system to collapse?😦

Some people around me claim that America will be divided and a civil war will break out!

I don't want that to happen!😮

All government is premised on the subjugation of sovereign individuals to institutions. Since institutions have no sovereignty inherent to them and are artificial, legal fictions, utterly liable to capture by means of financial corruption, they are inherently evil. Institutions are unborn, undying, unfeeling, and inhumane. People and societies live and die, love and hate, suffer and enjoy. I see institutions as antichrist, and society as christ. We are the saviours that can undertake the example Jesus set to love one another, treat one another as our own selves, and feed the hungry, clothe the naked, and heal the sick out of love. Institutions cannot do that, and there is an endless supply of examples of institutions doing the opposite, starving the hungry, stripping the naked, and murdering the sick, for profit, because they are incapable of love.

All governments are institutions. Democracy is a trick. While it can be rhetorically claimed to be the best possible way for society to rule itself, majority rule is mob rule, and MUST subject the minority to forced compliance with the wishes of the majority - and even this is not actually possible IRL. IRL, only some eligible voters actually vote, and therefore a minority of the population imposes it's whims on the whole. Democratic governance mechanisms cannot fail to be tyrannical as a result, and with appropriate covert psychological manipulation - which is quite obviously ongoing today - are effectively controlled by overlords no less than any other tyrannical system of governance like monarchies, fascism, and etc.

Decentralization of governance is the actual real structure imposed by the universe, created by God as you say you believe, through individual people being born with inalienable rights inherent to them as are their brains, hearts, and limbs. Today the same laws of physics that create sovereign people by natural birth also mandate decentralization of means of production of wealth, of modern goods and services, and this is novel, a new thing that has never before occurred in history. Prior to agriculture and collective production that centralized wealth and power - which decentralized meritocratic society I assert is humanity's natural state that it evolved in for hundreds of millennia, but even someone that denies God created humanity through a process of evolution from a primordial beginning as dust or clay must acknowledge is the original state of humanity that is directly related in Genesis - Stone Age technology required each household to produce the most modern goods and services it could have itself, by hand. Technology has slowly advanced since centralization arose to the present day, and Space Age technology is today advancing decentralization of the means of production of modern goods and services in every field of industry. This shows that centralization has been a temporary phase humanity has suffered in order to advance technology from the Stone Age to the Space Age, and that transition is now complete.

Infrastructure lags invention for the obvious reason that it takes time to build, distribute, and commence operation of production facilities, but nominal decentralized technology is today known to be able to produce all necessary goods and services that provide the blessings of civilization to humanity. That infrastructure is today being developed and distributed across the population in every field of industry, from producing food, power, structures, and tools to automation, education, and transportation of every kind. Because centralization cannot compete with decentralization economically, being burdened with horrible overhead that is necessary to overlords, that are necessary to centralized industry, as the decentralized means of production roll out the power of overlords decreases and individual sovereignty increases, and this is endemic and natural to the physical structure of the actual universe itself, and cannot be prevented, no matter how desperately overlords may try to prevent it.

I do not think overlords are trying to prevent it. I think they are trying to limit it to themselves by destroying or enslaving everyone else, through starvation, plague, and war killing or subjugating all of humanity that are becoming free from their subjugation and tyranny. I think that is what they are desperately trying to do, to genocide or enslave everybody that could be free to enjoy a human society of peers that themselves create the blessings of civilization. I note that prophecy of John of Patmos of paradise people will enjoy forever includes exactly these evils afflicting humanity, exactly as I observe they are being inflicted today. It is the laws of physics that are a Rod of Iron that cannot be defied, by which the human Christ will rule, and it is evil overlords that seek to defy the laws of physics, the very mechanisms that determine what is possible, that today make independent ownership of means of production the most economically productive and profitable to humanity.

I do not think you have understood that. I think you have been misinformed by mere men, whose opinions have been imposed through manipulation and lies by overlords that seek to benefit themselves, to maintain their sybaritic wealth and power centralization enables them to take from what is a system of slavery, while God and the prophets promise freedom and prosperity to all humanity, which evil overlords do not want. They want to alone be wealthy and powerful and rule enslaved people. People want to be free, not ruled by overlords, and people want to be rich, not poor slaves. Decentralization of economic production and government deliver that wealth and freedom to individual people exactly as Biblical prophecy proclaims.

I do not believe you want people to be enslaved to overlords, because you tell me you believe in Christianity which says that the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand, that people themselves will create it by loving one another and blessing each other with what they need to be prosperous and happy, just as Jesus says we should do. I see that this is exactly what is happening as people become able to make the blessings of civilization, abundant food, homes, household goods, electrical and other forms of energy to power everything we need to enjoy happy and comfortable lives. While you believe America is the best form of government in the world today, you seem to not have understood that government has to be evil, that every possible way for some men to rule other men cannot be good, but can only end up by creating overlords that will be tyrants.

Only free people can create the paradise Christ and Christianity promises. Freedom from slavery to evil men is the only way that prophesied paradise can happen. I believe you know that human beings ruling other human beings can only produce suffering and evil, and you know that only free people can enjoy paradise prophesied in the Bible you say you believe in. Therefore I think you do want people to be free, and for the cruel tyranny of government to end forever, so that the prophesied paradise can produce prosperity in perpetuity for our posterity. America is not that prophesied paradise, and that is obvious when you observe what Americans suffer in America today. Riots, indoctrination and derangement of children in government schools to be homosexuals and participate in perversion at ever younger ages, of every evil that can be described and inflicted on humanity by evil men, you can observe it is happening in America just as it is happening everywhere else in the world today.

You don't want that to continue. You want the promise and prophecy of paradise to come true. That can only happen to free people, and I believe you want people to be free and prosperous as is prophesied in the Bible, because that is what you tell me you believe.


Dear my respected senior @valued-customer !

I will translate your great and many English sentences and then write a nice reply!😂

I hope your health and longlife!

Good luck discussing the concept of abolishment of government with most Americans. I like to use coddle words like "self governance", and even that doesn't sit well with most.
"Nooooo , we just have to vote the lesser of two evils, maybe things will get better, I believe this guy running for office is really a good guy!"
Two wings of the same bird, illusion of choice.
Don't bother using the word "anarchy" because it's been programmed into the minds as vigilantism/looters/all things bad. Meanwhile back at the ranch... We see the embodiment of programmed teenage tik tok looters.
Oh my goodness..
It will get worse before it gets better.
Probably cyclic.

You're right. However, when I point out to folks that they govern themselves every day, and no overlord has to tell them to brush their teeth or run their lives, they are confronted with the fact they do in fact do that, every day.

It's a start.


That's a great way to help people see their own self governance.

There's another side to that coin as well, which I realized recently while reaching for dish soap that I didn't need to wash a dish.
I said to myself:
"Oh wow, the corporate programming has worked great, I always use dish soap even when I don't need it!"
It "Dawned" on me, product pun intended :D Now I use less dish soap.

Of course dish washing and tooth care are something that would exist outside of a government controlled system, but I bet the fluoride laden corporate products have also helped people with their tooth brushing self governance, while grabbing that squeeze tube every time.

It's still a great example, I just find the programming in everything.

Thank you as well for your response!