Road To Nowhere... Scouting Around Town Through The Forest

in #photography2 years ago


Most of my photography posts on this blog are usually having a lot of water and that's because I live across the Danube. I was born here, I ran from the town for some good years during my early 20s and I once again came back to my origins.

For how long will I stay this time? I don't know, I guess for as long as crypto will make sense.





Today I decided to try a new path, one that's not paved, that was quite a bit off the shore and highly consuming when it came to the energy that I spent in less than a couple of hours of walking, but definitely worth the hassle.

The plan was to have a power walk up the hill to one of the monasteries we have in here which usually takes about half an hour in total going both ways on the same paved path. But when we reached close to it(the monastery) we simply changed tracks.






We turned left, and we also left the pavement behind entering forest roads drizzled by dirt bikes, ATVs and SUVs and simply followed the road with its twists and turns.

At some point, not to far from the cross road, we passed by some cabins where the dogs welcomed us in their particular way, barking...

Luckily none was out cuz if that would have happened, by the tone they had in their voice our encounter would have not been too pleasant for us.






We followed the path and we got to some other crossroads and while it seemed tempting to keep left we actually took it on the right and climbed a highly inclined slope.

On top of the slope we were right above the monastery. You couldn't see it because of the trees, but we knew we were close to it due to the familiar environment.

We admired the view of the Danube and the lake from above for a few minutes and afterwards we headed down the trail to the paved road from which he walked down to where we left our bikes before starting the journey...








Cuz we didn't took the cars when we left home to the get to the foot of the hill. There was no way we could have rode the bikes all the way either, cuz none was prepared for such trails and neither were we.

It was a nice experience. I'm honestly not much of a fan of going in the nature and exploring the unknown, but I got to say I loved this afternoon. I was quite tired when I got home but it was definitely worth it...






14,000 steps, 10 kilometers, a lot of fresh air, and some good amount of calories burned in this beautiful autumns Sunday. I hope you guys enjoyed your Sunday as well and see you next time.


Thanks for your Attention,


beautiful landscape. thanks for sharing

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Un loc atat de frumos merita o toamna la fel de frumoasa!
Ma bucur ca fotografiezi mai mult acum, ma bucur ca ne arati si noua.

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I love autumn and its spectrum of colors, your photos are very beautiful.

Ah that's a beautiful place of origin! I hope it was a great start of exploring the nature as you had fun. Have a nice day!