The Splinterlands 6th Anniversary - This Party Will Blast!

in #splinterlands16 days ago

Let's celebrate 6 amazing years with Splinterlands, and get ready for what's yet to come! Will take you on a journey trough remarkable battles, sparks of rebellion, and achievements! We will witness amazing rewards and even unsettled conflicts! It's time to raise your banners and light up the digital realms as our favorite on-chain play2earn game celebrate six epic years!

I've done my fair share of battling, trading, and exploring since December 2021, but I can say I've been around for enough to consider myself an OG player! I joined half way through .. not early... not late!


I will take you on a journey, sharing my tales of triumph, weird strategies that led me to victory, and we'll cherished memories together. Join me in commemorating this amazing milestone!

Let's start with my latest wild advancement! I unlocked Champion III last week, a massive thing for me! The goal was so remarkable because I slaked in Silver for two years and a half, before the new system! Onwards and upwards!


How you play it? You try to create the most optimal 7-card deck, using the available cards, and fight against opponents. More wins will bring more Glint, which can be used at the shop for cards, potions or even titles!

What's Glint? The new currency for ranked play, which can be used in the shop to buy all kind of stuff. You earn Glint daily depending on the wins, and then a big bunch at the end of the season... based on the overall performance!


The Shop is constantly updated with new stuff, as the community feedback is used and implemented. Rarity draws were added first, and I said I will keep my Glint for a Legendary claim. However, Loot Chests came as a new addition. I spent my Glint for seven Ultimate Chests and I hoped that 17,500 Glint were spent wise!

Got a Beta Pack in there, eight Franz Ruffmane cards, 24 legendary potions, enough Merits to buy a Gladius Case and even 5 energy! Not bad but for the next season will keep the Glint for the Legendary draw.


How much time I spend in the amazing Splinterlands universe? Between 30 minutes and one hour per day, mostly making sure my energy never reaches 50! Playing the game never consumes a significant part of your day, as I balance it with many other activities.

Don't worry about the gap between veterans and new players. The Rebellion lowered the gap between OGs and newbies, as the new cards and abilities destroyed the old strategies!

What have I managed to achieve so far? I reached Champion III tier and completed my goal of opening 100 Chaos Legion packs! Epic battles? There's been several so it's hard list them all!

Just because I upgraded Franz Ruffmane with the cards I've got from the chests, I will share on of the battles I've done with this brave summoner.

What a great opportunity to showcase Franz courage and skills... a battle with a big mana pool and a trio of devastating battle-rules. Extra armor for all due to Armored Up, plus Explosive Weaponry and Stampede! Everyone will trigger Trample when killing an enemy, and this will happen so often with the blast damage!

Franz Ruffmane: +1 Armor & +1 Gladiator card

Legionnaire Alvar: Tank with Void Armor

Shieldbearer: Tank with Taunt

Djinn Renova: Caster with Strengthen

Adelade Brightwing: Caster with Flying and Repair

Captain Katie: Caster with Snipe and Bloodlust

War Pegasus: Ranger with Flying and Shatter


The battle-plan was simple... stay alive and destroy the opponents. I played with two tanks, Alvar to take on the casters and the Shieldbearer to taunt the extra attacks. This way the damage will be split between them, and the backline will be safe.

Adelade will repair Alvar's armor and delay his demise, while Katie's Snipe will be deadlier with the blast damage. Then ... we have the War Pegasus! This wonderful unit will shatter the armor of the enemies and accelerate the havoc.

I was playing against a team of archers, powered by General Sloan. They started to hit the Shieldbearer and I realized that his Taunt will make the blast bounce in two of my units... not great!

What? 41 moves in round one? Never seen so many! The Chaos Knight was down half way through, and Djinn Renova managed to stay alive. It was a proof of strength as more units were eliminated! The Time Mage demise brought my speed to normal values, and Katie tasted the sweet bloodlust! Power overwhelming!


From 41 moves in the first round to only 15 in the second... and then Captain Katie casted Avada Kedavra! Her powerful blast killed not one, not two... but three of the opponents in one go!

Triple kill... triple bloodlust! Captain Katie instantly gone to eleven health and seven spell damage. It didn't count anyway ... as it was game over! Flawless Victory! See the full battle here!


Upcoming Goals? What are my aspirations within Splinterlands? I wanted to buy at least five War Wagons during the Conflicts phase, fill them with my best cards, and hopefully get an airdrop!

My grad desire is to earn at least one airdrop card through Conflicts! Nothing from the first two, and I considerably boosted my chances for the third one! ! I splashed the cash and got a big bag of VOUCHERS, plus a decent amount of $DEC, and got 10 packs and fresh war wagons.


Did the 6,550 HR made a difference? I got 37 chances to get Venka the Vile but this was still low! The gods of random were looking the other way, and another conflict passed without rewards.

The 4th of the series comes with sorrow and low expectations, as we are mourning the loss of Commander Goff! However, there's no time for grief ... the legions have besieged Solace in an attempt to retake the city. Maybe... fourth time lucky!

I feel confident this time, and hopefully Lorkus lands in my deck. I will go past 40 chances and the odds are decent! Time will tell!


What's next? I want to open 25 Rebellion packs, and the quest is already delayed! I had two packs from the presale and I bought 8 more so far. I need to step up and get some more packs before the summer!

I hope I will maintain a high rank in the new seasons, and mirror this type of steaks more often. It's not that easy to make a 10-wins streak at Diamond tier!


Splinterlands isn't just a game... it's a dynamic universe that has the potential to shape and transform lives. My honest advice is to enjoy the game and build up your deck. Dream big but don't get upset if you don't win many battles.

The community is the best place to learn more, with useful intel available on forums, Discord channels, and social media groups. When you win... you win! When you lose... you learn! Happy Anniversary Splinterlands


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Thanks for the invite! ATM I am brawling with frens' but will keep in mind

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Thanks for sharing! - @alokkumar121