Hive is great but it needs to evolve !

in #tribes4 months ago

Hive is great but it needs to evolve !.jpg

It has been quite a long time since I've written my last blog post. I had set out to broaden my horizon. I spent some time trying to discover other social media blockchain projects. After one month of doing that, I 've realized several things that I would like to share with you in this post:

Other web 3.0 platforms can't really compete with Hive

One of my excursion was in the world of web 3.0 social platforms. I've spent a lot of time trying to understand and use a platform called Deso. It has a lot of similarities with Hive but also some important differences. The main difference in my opinion lies in the reward system. Deso doesn't have an inflation model and therefore the only rewards can be obtained through other people who either tip you or buy your personal coin. I've found the concept interesting but I'm not sure it really works.

Another big difference is the creation of accounts. It is very easy to create an account on Deso. It takes less than a minute and is totally free. First I thought that this was really awesome but after a while, I think that it comes with some real costs. When it's free and easy to create an account, then everybody can create one or many accounts. Because of that Deso, is literally invaded with bot accounts that generate fake or AI generated content.

Easy free accounts can be counterproductive for a blockchain because it invites abuse and botting.

Since rewards can only be given by other users, there are many scams in action that try to make you tip or invest.

No rewards, no interaction, no quality

When the content is mainly produced by bots and quite uninteresting, a lot of users quickly jump ship and stop creating content and few are actually consuming content. It becomes a bot place where more and more bots try to scam you into tipping them. The result is that you have very little meaningful interaction with other users and very little incentive to produce quality content.

Hive has so much in its favor, let's make sure that we don't forget what we have and improve what needs to be improved

There are definitely many things on hive that are not perfect... well they are quite far from being perfect. Account creation seems not to be working well. Retention is bad but heck, once people get it, many tend to stay for years! Which web 3.0 or even web 2.0 platform can say the same. I probably spent more time on Hive than on Facebook and Instagram combined.

I believe it's a big mistake to invest energy and funds to try to bring people to hive from web 2.0 networks like X. The problem is that instead of using the platform, many of us are spending most of their interaction on Twitter. When listening to them, I can't shake the feeling that they sound like a sect...

To make Hive great we don't need to persuade people to join. We simply need to make sure it's always getting better. The better it is, the more it will attract people organically. Instead of promoting hive outside, let's make sure that people can create accounts easily, without it being too easy. Let's make sure that it's always possible to upload videos without having technical issues....

Hive is great but it needs to be in working order

The incentives on Hive are battle proved and there is nothing comparable

In my opinion, the very best thing on hive is the incentive possibilities. Everybody can attribute his part of the reward pool the way he wants and reward people for interaction and content. How wonderful it is to give something away for free? We should make sure that as much rewards as possible are distributed not only to content creators but also to commenting people. They are as important in my opinion as the ones creating content. The value that such people manage to generate with their time and work is the very thing that will attract other users. The reward pool of hive is the very best marketing tool that we have.

The projects on Hive need to become more reliable, more professional. Instead of always trying to create new stuff, they should make sure that the existing things are working properly and that users have a nice experience...

With @ph1102, I'm running the @liotes project.

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Thanks for the comparison with other potential competitors like Deso. I remember when you first talked about it, you were more optimistic, but looks like, once you started using it, you discovered Hive is still much better.

I agree there's plenty to improve on Hive. Some may be easier than others. I've seen that post by @ura-soul too. If that was the experience of a new user, we can bet we would lose 99% of them, instead of them trying until they find a way in that works.

On retention, seems like people who are onboarded by someone they meet in real life and who were given a proper introduction to the ecosystem are more likely to keep going than the average onboarded user on Hive.

When listening to them, I can't shake the feeling that they sound like a sect...

I had the same impression sometimes, and such perception works against Hive instead of for it.

To make Hive great we don't need to persuade people to join. We simply need to make sure it's always getting better.

Agreed 100%. We can tell the world when we have something remarkable, so they won't miss it, but better make sure it's remarkable first to not lose them as soon as they arrive.

The article by @ura-soul was a little shock I have to admit. So much energy flows in trying to onboard people and if account creation doesn't really work, then all this effort is more or less for nothing.

Yeah, unfortunately, I agree. What's worse is that most times, he, as a potential new user, couldn't understand why the process didn't work. There aren't enough explanations to tell the user if they did something wrong or what prevents them from going through the process. That's bad! With good error messages, maybe a FAQ or video walkthroughs if it's necessary, at least some of the users could understand what the problem is and fix it from their end if they want to have an account.

I was just pointed to DeSo myself today. They are VC backed and are openly lying about them being the first decentralised social media solution.

I have known about it for some time. I haven't bothered to check any competition of Hive. It seems like they all fail sooner or later, no matter how much money they have behind them or how much hype they stirred. They either turn into plain Web 2 - and there's enough competition there - or they try to mimic Web 3 and fail.

You may be right, but I think its a mistake to assume that none of these projects will succeed, since all it really takes is to copy Hive with more up to date technology and properly market it.

Yes, that is true, which means, as Achim also said, that we need to keep evolving. And yet, most of them try to reinvent the wheel, and that gives us time. Hopefully, we'll use that time well.

I've navigated the Deso platform for a couple of weeks and I was amazed to see how few people there had ever heard about hive. I'm not even sure that the ones running the platform have heard of hive... They have a big project running with that attracts a lot of funds and eyes. They got listed by because of that and it didn't cost them a dime.

I have told them on social media now that Hive/Steem got there first, but I have zero expectation that anyone will pay any attention.
I am 99% sure the operators know about Steem and probably Hive. You don't enter into a marketplace and spend that kind of money without doing the most basic research.

Well said that hive is better in many ways, but it needs to evolve. I agree with you that tipping on content is not a sustainable model. though I never used Deso but will check it out later

We often forget how nice Hive is. It is only when we see something else that we can appreciate it's true value. Therefore we should make sure that Hive keeps evolving and getting more professional.

I agree with you. Hive has a lot of potential but too many projects do not end up being as professional as they should be. And in some Dapps they don't finish one thing and jump to another which, at least in my opinion, discourages some users.

It's always frustrating when you try to learn about an app on hive but then you can't even find a FAQ...

I've never heard of Deso too, but I'll be sure to avoid that if I ever come across it now! 🤣 That said, most of what you've said about HIVE is it's social media platform. I'd say (as I've said before) that instead of attracting users, the DHF should be spending to attract devs over here.

We should make sure that the dapps on hive are actually working smoothly and that information regarding them is available. I mean we try to make video creators to come to hive but when you try 3speak every second video I try to upload is met by bugs and issues. If you want to create a free account, most means are actually not working...

I saw your posts on Deso. I recently re-activated my account there. No good response yet.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts on Hive. We hope that it will evolve to a better direction.


Hive has a lot speaking for it but at the moment a lot of things don't work the way they should.

I agree, a focus on improving the user experience and including the sign up process are important things to help make Hive a better place to be. There also needs a focus on driving value to Hive as a token instead of HBD. Hive is a mature token now and it cannot get away with bad tokenomics this bull run.

The best way to drive value to hive is to make sure that people like it and want to invite others to join it. Therefore the user experience needs to be improved on all fronts.

I agree with the you on the fact that we don't need to persuade people to join Hive, but we need to keep improving hive. Hive is growing from strength to strength, but maybe I should just check out Deso for comparison sake.

It's interesting to compare two very similar ecosystems and see what is good and what is less good. I believe it allows us to improve what we have.

Constructive comparison are needed for positive results and improvement/growth. I believe that.

The projects on Hive need to become more reliable, more professional.

I agree, so many projects rise and fall. Lots of buzz at first, then they disappear or grow stagnate. But there are some still going strong!

There is a lot of projects that are run by individuals and lack a professional structure. These projects tend not to survive in the long run. But there are also other examples that make a great job.

Great one there. Nice to hear you spent a month navigating other web3 platforms and finds hive to stand out though there are things to improve. Nice sharing your findings.

@achim03! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ oasiskp2. (2/20)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power (2x 50 HP) and Alive Power (2x 500 AP) delegations (4 weeks), and Ecency Points (4x 50 EP), in our chat every day.

Thanks :-)

I definitely agree. Hive is way better than most of the other platforms. I just don't think it's worth all the time with the fees and I think the social aspect on Hive is there already.

Hive is way better than most of the other platforms

It's true but I also believe that hive needs to become better and more professional.

We need more builders as i have said many times along with content creators ofc. Builds creating apps and games will bring a lot of people! X or any given web 2 media can be used for marketing reasons and not directly to attract let's say and bring new people but to show them that Hive exists out there!

If there are great apps on hive that actually work perfectly and are well documented, I believe that people will come by themselves...

exactly to the point!

You have said it all. The need to improve on what we already have is a sure way to retain user confidence and drive up new user base.

I am here for 7 years and i really want to see all the people know about hive, yes we need evolution.

We need people to know about it and also to make hive more professional.

Thanks for sharing! I think web 2.0 and web 3.0 can co-exist for now, and such changes will take a long time to evolve. Just look "slow"/"long" it took the mainstream folks to accept that BTC is not a ponzi scam and willing to list them as an ETF.

You are welcome...

So you mean that evolving is not just we trying to register people on the platform but by going deeper to make the interface a fantastic one

When we go out there and try to make people come to hive and then they can't create an account, all the effort is kind for nothing...

I understand all the words and I agree everything needs evolution with passage of time. But still it's good

It's not bad at all :-)

What's good about it? The main disadvantage of Deso is that , fake accounts could be created and I am hearing about this platform for the first time. Thanks for sharing your experience with us.

Making account creation too easy and cheap leads to bots taking over...

I believe as time goes on, more and more development will continually takes place

I'm not sure about that...

Well I strongly believe that needed change and development we want to see in hive, it will take place as time goes on

So you are saying we need to go deeper, not wider ...

I would say, Hive apps should add a layer of quality to their projects to become more reliable, to offer a better user experience and to be more professional in general. I see a lot of projects on hive that hardly finish one sideproject before jumping to the next and never really finishing any of them. The result is buggy services with missing support, lacking documentation and little accountability... I'm sure we can do better :-)

I am sure we will get there bro
@oasiskp2 nominated you for a prize in the draw

@achim03! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @heartbeatonhive. (3/50)

@achim03! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ heartbeatonhive. (3/30)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power (2x 50 HP) and Alive Power (2x 500 AP) delegations (4 weeks), and Ecency Points (4x 50 EP), in our chat every day.

You are welcome

I think Deso is trying to make itself more appealing with people by making its sign up very simple.