My Last Photo with Our Sweet Isay: It Is By Chance, A Rare Occurrence, and a Beautiful Moment With Her

in Hive Pets28 days ago

I don't remember encountering something like this before. I think this is just the first time - a very rare moment, that I was able to capture at the right time, right in that moment. I think I got lucky here.


So it is the shadow of me and my mama's dog, Isay. While we are near the stairs, close to this house window, It was one hot morning, the sun was glowing mightily, and I don't know how this happened, but when I saw it,, I didn't think twice and I immediately got my phone to capture it. My hand is fast because I know anytime it will disappear, especially when it's Isay we're talking here. She won't stay still and will surely follow her hooman everywhere.


When I first saw it, my reaction was, "Whoa, this is really a cool one." It is like a short clip in a movie while being projected on that blue plywood, playing it fast. I'm just glad I captured the image the way I wanted it to. I'm still thinking about how I will share it on Hive or how I will put a caption on it, but I'm thinking of a fun but meaningful caption, but then I feel like it will be too serious, so I set aside the thought. One thing is for sure, though, I never thought of sharing it with very sad captions or stories behind it.

Isay is really a sweet girl, you know, she's the kind of dog that you'll gladly have because she is so sweet and so cute. May I also add that she's not a picky eater too? She will eat whatever Mama eats, and that's why she'll have no problem feeding her. The only problem you'll see with having her is that she loves to jump up to her hooman to the point that Mama will have a scratch on her arms, but we see no problem with that. She's just like that whenever her hooman disappears for an hour, a minute, or even a second.

That's just how she reacts, as if she wants to let her hooman know how much she misses her. Another thing is that she loves to kiss her hooman, she will kiss her like she really wants to kiss her, but no, she just wants to smell mom's mouth to check if she ate something and if she smells something, like Mama really loves to sneak on eating bread. And when she smells that, she will react like Mama made a very big mistake, she's cute being that way, seriously!

Between her and Burnok, she's the homebody type, maybe because she's a girl. While Burnok loves to sneak out, following her Mama Black and our adopted dog Creamy White, they will all go outside, while Isay will just watch them inside the gate. Isay just loves to play with everyone, especially her brother, but Isay plays is like a wrestling, and Isay is always dominating game.

She just loves to play inside with the others, so we don't understand how the hell she ended up outside. Our guess was that she followed the others, it's the first time she sneaked out, and it's the first time that her mother didn't look for her because of the sudden downpour. Mama knows that Isay will come back immediately because it is raining, but how wrong she was to just assume that.

The next morning, she woke up, and Isay was not beside her. She couldn't find her, even if she already looked everywhere. After an hour of searching, she decided to stop. Then, while resting, the old man who decided to help her look for Isay dropped the sad news, Isay is at the next house on the other side, one river away from us. And she is lying on the ground, cold, lifeless, and unmoving.


While going there, I know Mama is still hoping and praying that it is not Isay. But when she saw her, she just said, "It's really our Isay." I feel that heavy and sad tone in her voice. Even I was so saddened by it. We were just happily playing with her the other day. I even gave her banana bread because she wanted it. I didn't know that it would be the last time that I would give her snacks.

Lead Image Edited in Canva

Yesterday, we both reminisced about the memories we both had with Isay. That's the only thing we could do. May 8 is supposed to be her and Burnok's birthday, but no one predicted that the day she was born would also be the day she would perish (ŏ﹏ŏ).



Sorry to hear that madam...she may be gone, but her memories remains .
Oks lang, Dami nyo pa doggie hehe

Nakakapang hinayang lang madam, she's the sweetest kasi out of them all and the pinaka makulit too and maingay. She's like the dog that made the house more lively and cheery, so nakaka sad talaga huhu. Kahapon nga usap kami ni mama, puro pag aaalala lang about Isay 😥

I'm so sorry for what happened to your dog. I have a soft spot for dogs and reading this makes me wanna cry. I hope she's already happy and free wherever she is right now.

It is sad that whenever me and mama talk about her, we can't help for to feel sad and this longing. She's been a good dog and that's the reason why it is hard 5o move on. But yeah, i really hope she's happy now wherever she is rn. ತ_ತ

I feel sorry for what happened to your dog Ma'am @ruffatotmeee I can relate and understand your emotions because I also had a good dog like Isay before. His name is Luke and he died.

It's really hard, do you have a new dog? Or since then you didn't get one?

I cried a lot Ma'am @ruffatotmeee because that dog teach me how to love a stray dogs and cats. I was bitten by a dog when I was young Ma'am that is why I do not like dogs before, then that dog just suddenly appear in our house and I start to feed him and name him Luke. During that time Ma'am, I was pregnant and alone in our house. I always heard and sense something weird during night time Ma'am and that dog is guarding me outside and never leave me and after that, I let him sleep inside our house and take good care of him. He is like a human Ma'am, he walk with me going to school and in the afternoon I am always surprise because the dog waits for me outside the school. When he died Ma'am I feel weird because the dog is digging a hole at our backyard then he died there. I think that dog is very old already

Sorry for your loss! I am sure that you and her shared amazing memories. Thank you for sharing her story with us as well.

We'll remember her forever that's for sure, especially she's the lively one at home (。ŏ﹏ŏ)

It is always so sad to lose a bestfriend. All of my dogs are considered by bestfriend and I really treat them like one. I remember my favorite dog, Chookie, died Holy week of the year 2021 when my cousin chatted that she was hit by a truck, I cried over for days and days because I was really hurt, I treated her like my bestfriend and I really miss her so much. Dogs are an epitome of love and loyalty and losing one is really heartbreaking💔💔💔

Seriously, she is the kind of family na ang sakit e-let go 😥. Lalo sa part ni mama, they sleep together pa naman huhu

oh how much I like dogs!!💕💕💕

Dogs is a beautiful creatures on earth!

Saddddttt was she sick? Wala kami aso on our own but sa labas recently lang na tegi, we got sad din kasi iba mag alaga ang dogs din talaga :(

Nooo, accident, not sure if it's a big car na nakatama sa kanya, it's so masakit huhu. Nakakainis coz first time nya nakalabas 😥

Maybe someone gave something to her kasi sabi may mga nababalitaan ako na may nagbibigay ng pagkain sa dog na may lason e. Sana lang hindi ganyan na experienced niya :<

Nooo, naaksidente sya, nakalabas kasi ng bahay, sumunod sa kapatid at nanay nya. Tas kala ni mama uuwu na kasi umulan hanggang nalatulugan na nya mag antay, kinaumagahan ayon, the sad ne2s greeted her 😥😥

I am sorry for you loss. It must be sad coz she's part of the family. 🥺

Seriously, masakit, we've been together for one year din, esp on Mom's part (。ŏ﹏ŏ)

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