Afraid to leave the nest - by Sunscape

in #birdwatching16 days ago


The first batch of sparrows are ready to leave the nest but are reluctant despite their parent's insistence.


The largest baby has already left the nest and its two siblings are being very stubborn. The father and mother have been prompting them for most of the afternoon.


Finally, one of the babies decided to step out onto the peg.


Oopsie, she lost her footing and struggled to right herself.


You can see the bird inside the house screeching as the other one tries hard to get upright.


With all the commotion both parents show up immediately to assist.


Happily, the baby bird managed to right itself and decided that life on the outside was too scary.


Once she was safely back inside the nesting house the parents once again started encouraging them both to come out. Maybe they will gain some courage and fledge tomorrow. It certainly is entertaining watching the entire process. As soon as they leave the nest the parents will start all over again.

Until next time, this is Sunscape
Sun. Scape. Ing Your Day

3- sun smile.jpg


Very funny birds! Just like little kids, not wanting to go to kindergarten!

Great analogy! The birds were funny to watch.