When The Gaza Strip Was Actually Used For Stripping

in #gaza5 months ago

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Nudge, Nudge, Wink Wink, Gaza Strip

A few years ago, well more like 12 years ago, I published this blog post about the Gaza Strip. It features text and pictures from the British version of Penthouse soft porn magazine from 1988.

It featured a photo shoot, shot on location in the Gaza strip, probably sometime that year. This was in the period between Israel taking control of the Gaza Strip in 1967 from Egypt and Israel's unilateral disengagement and pull out in 2005. I can only assume these photos were taken on one of the beaches which would have been part of one of the Jewish settlements which were destroyed in 2005.



The original post was on @israellycoolblog Nudge Nudge, Wink Wink, Gaza Strip with tastefully edited photos.

There was also a version with the original scans on the My Pet Jawa blog which I had to find on archive.org.

Original post

We all know that the “Concentration Camp” Gaza Strip today, under the strict oversight of Hamas is a Sharia compliant fun land of happy free women, walking around completely nude (underneath heavy black burkahs and veils of course).

But can you imagine a time, not so long ago, when evil, oppressive Israeli military forces commanded that British gentleman’s magazines must be able to shoot nude pictorials on the beaches! The indignity, the offence, the affront to feminist sensibilities. How could those evil Zionist pigs get away with freedoms like that?

Well they did and, through methods of research and subterfuge that he will not go into, Brian of London has carefully prepared a few of these images in such a way as to be publishable on the family safe Israellycool site.

For what it’s worth, here is the “writing” that accompanied these magnificent shots of the beautiful Gaza beaches (you were looking at the scenery right?). The feature was imaginatively named “Gaza Strip”. Oh they were really good the guys who came up with this stuff!

Magazine text

There are hundreds of girls like Karen, so entrancingly, inescapably, yearningly British, they stir memories of home and Empire, arousing protective instincts in the British male, wherever he finds them.

Well I tell you one thing, if you found Karen trying to do this on a beach in Gaza today, she’d need a hell of a lot of protecting!

We chose Gaza for no other reason than shooting a pictorial in the winter months is a cold, dark and thankless task anywhere on this side of the Mediterranean.

I’ll bet Gaza doesn’t pop to the top of their “where shall we shoot naked pictures of a Page 3 girl this winter?” editorial meeting this year!

Girls like Karen are the fantasy food of a million newspaper readers every morning as they stumble beneath those same leaden skies from home to work and back again and whose daily cheer lies in the picture on the third page of their newspaper.

Honestly, who writes this stuff and more honestly, who reads it? I’m only reposting it here because I don’t have the time to photoshop all the pictures into a form I can use here!

A million readers can’t be wrong and it was they who voted 36-24-36 Karen to the heady pinnacle of the Sun’s ‘Page Three’ girl of the year, a position most logically topped with Penthouse Petdom.

What’s this obsession with statistics? Is this like knowing the 0-60 time of a car? Some weird redux of beauty down to a string of numbers? I digress, back to the gripping story:

The world is full of girls who would like to make a living by revealing nothing more about themselves than their bodies. Breeding and genetic inheritance are all. Chauvinists that we are, we salute them all. Long may they continue their strip.

Tame Pictures




The Less Safe for Work Versions

These are the less safe for work pictures









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We need to go back to that, certainly 48% of the world would agree before knowing what region we're talking about.

I actually used to wonder how do those people or girls tend to feature in the front of the magazines

It is quite sad that most girls now feel revealing their bodies will earn them more respect and love from people which is a lie.
You find it hard to see a girl who does not like to reveal her body. Some people don’t and that’s because they have people or parents who are protecting them if not, they would have also done it…
I hope the world changes for good but do you think that is ever going to happen?

"For the last few months while building @v4vapp I was generously supported by the DHF. Going forward I have a much more modest support which covers direct server costs and a little of my time."

I am really happy to see this because it is actually great you are getting support for what you are doing great.

This thing is very wrong now a days we see girls are doing anything to earn money doing the same so all these things are very wrong.

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