Starting All Over!

in Hive Motors18 days ago
Authored by @Technicalside


Well Hello There Fellow Technicians And Hivers!

Another Heap Of A Mess!

Lately we've been getting our butts kicked by these megatronics! To think it's a system that we completely understand and know how to work with but the last few weeks we've gotten some wild problems!

Problems that can only be sorted out by starting over completely! I mean that! I tore the entire thing down to a bunch of parts and I decided to clean everything out again and start from the bottom and work my way up to the top!

Sometimes it sounds easier said than done but the main thing about this is the insane amount of time it takes up!

Tear it down to build it up!


Finally... Well Sort Of!

I'm there! Well almost and sort off! Not really though!

I've tore it down to a million pieces and I washed what needed cleaning, which was mostly everything! I don't like building with a heap of oil everywhere!

The cleaning of these things can really be tedious work but work that has to be done none the less and then you got to clean it off with the air aswell!

Now I told bossman I want to put in a Kinergo here! Well we're buying something else nowadays but to me I will still call it the Kinergo!


Milburg It Is!

Well that's oddly strange to pronounce! But I have to say the kits we get from them is above and beyond the Kinergo's! This I mean! It comes all packed in a sturdy box and everything is sealed off nicely inside it!

Every new kit you buy has a spanner tool inside it and that already makes the job so much easier!

The coolest thing though would without a doubt be the syringe with the grease inside it!
Felt like a doctor!


The Computer Is Buggered!

Okay so the computer is a little buggered up but we just need to verify the software it has on! Once we did that we can send it away to the uncle who fixes them for us!

It's been quite a tedious job but now I am sort of done with it!
All that needs fitting is the computer and then we can fit the entire transmission back into the vehicle!

Easy going for the day tomorrow!


Take note this is not a how to guide, merely myself talking about the work I do and my thoughts around certain things.

To everyone who made it this far into my post Thank you for the read and the support.

If you found this entertaining or educational please consider a re-blog and up-vote.

Most of all please leave a input in the comments below, whether is good or bad critic I would like to know, whether its your opinion or your way of doing things in a different manner I would like.

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