破第一個世界紀錄花了兩個月。破第二個只花了兩天 。It took me 2 months to break my first world record. But it only took 2 days to break the second one

in HIVE CN 中文社区7 months ago (edited)

Since breaking the A to Z blindfolded typing world record, I received this question from some people: Which record are you going to break next?

Frankly, it was pretty hard to a normal person to break one world record. It had taken me 2 months to break one. Therefore, I did not think about breaking another one. But, since a friend has asked, I thought I'd try out.

I did not think this would happen but, after trying it for 2 days, I broke another one.

那到底是什麼紀錄呢? 第一個紀錄是從A打到Z,所以我想,我如果從Z打到A,應該速度也不會太慢。
So which record did I break? The first world was typing from A to Z, so I thought, if I tried typing from Z to A, I wouldn't be too slow at it.

Of course, for a normal person, just reciting Z to A takes some time as we're not used to it. So the first step is to be able to recite Z to A fluently.

After reciting it, then you practice typing it out, and slowly increase the speed while typing Z to A repeitively.


Just by doing that, after 2 days I broke the blindfolded Z to A typing world record, which was 4.95 seconds. My time is 4.712 seconds.

Below is my second world record breaking video, if you would like to watch it.

Don't ask me which record I'm breaking next!








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呵呵 真幽默 謝謝

詹老师牛逼克拉斯!🐮🐮🐮 越来越🤙🤙🤙
@tipu curate





說的對! 多謝



Amazing! Reminded me of my old self hehe..I was the fastest in typing in our office..

daaaamn that's awesome :)

I was the top biller in our office because of that..

在破纪录的路上勇往直前 大哥您值得表彰 😄



You are truly a person with solid mindset. I can not even memories Alphabets from Z to A. But you have broke another one. Congratulations.

thank you so much :)


  • 最快的穿超人裝從A打到Z的紀錄,順便破一下穿超人裝從Z打到A的紀錄
  • 以上換成鋼體人裝
  • 以上換成白雪公主裝
  • ...
  • 最快打出qwertyuioplkjhgfdsazxcvbnm的世界紀錄
  • 最快打出qazxswedcvfrtgbnhyujmkiolp的世界紀錄
  • 從A打到Z最"慢"的世界紀錄??

hmm ... intriguing 🤣🤣🤣

多謝劉美女這麼多idea!! 讓我多了很多個紀錄。要不然最後一個留給你來破? (從A打到Z最"慢"的世界紀錄)😆



Congratulations, man. If there is a Hive user who made it into the Guinness book of records once, I'm sure you will be the first one to make it twice. Breaking the record backwards was much easier than straight :P

haha thank you!! so full of compliments. I appreciate it.

You'r welcome man :)




Congratulations. Some day they will make a movie about you.

Like Henry Sugar.

They will make a movie about @magicmonk

The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar

Henry Sugar, an independently wealthy man who enjoys gambling, finds and reads a doctor's report on a strange patient who called himself "The Man Who Sees Without Using His Eyes". The patient had the ability to see even after doctors had sealed the man's eyes shut and bandaged his head. The man was part of a circus act and used his ability to make money. The man had been interested in magic all his life, and studied with Yogi Hardawar in India, who taught him how to see through thin objects such as paper or playing cards, and to see around solid objects such as a wooden door if he is allowed a finger or hand around it. The doctors decide the man could be of great benefit as a teacher of the blind and return to the circus, only to find that The Man Who Sees Without Using His Eyes has died.

Henry realises that the man's book contains a detailed description of the meditation method used to gain this ability; he steals the book and then decides to try to learn it himself. After three years, Henry masters the ability to see through playing cards, and can even predict the future. Henry uses these abilities in a casino, where he becomes cognizant of other gamblers' greed. He uses his powers to predict which number will win on a roulette wheel and makes a great deal of money at the blackjack tables, but refrains from more feats in fear of publicity.

Henry wins enough money to buy a small house or a large automobile, but realises that the thrill of winning or losing has been eradicated by its ease. The next morning Henry has an acute revulsion towards the money and throws the money off his balcony. A near-riot breaks out as the people of London rush to collect the twenty pound notes falling from Henry's apartment. A police officer scolds Henry and suggests that he find a more legal form of charity, and Henry vows to establish the most well-equipped and supportive orphanages in the world. This plan works until he reaches Las Vegas, where he unknowingly collects a huge sum from three casinos owned by the same Mafioso and narrowly escapes the owner's thugs. Henry flies to Hollywood, where he enlists the aid of a famous makeup artist to create various disguises and false identities to protect himself. This works, and with the aid of his accountant and the artist he successfully travels the world under a number of names and identities. At the end of the story, the author reveals that he was selected, seemingly at random, by Henry's accountant to write Henry's story after his death. The narrator is shocked to hear all of the events, and comments that Henry's wish came true — the Henry Sugar Orphanages, established all across the earth, are indeed the best in the world.

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Wonderful_Story_of_Henry_Sugar_and_Six_More

such a cool movie! thank you for the compliment

Yeah. We just watched it last night. I like Wes Anderson movies 🍿

This is great news. You should also share your stories and YouTube videos over on your Blurt.blog … (another fork from Steemit in 2020) you already have $123 over there…. https://blurt.blog/@magicmonk

hey! do they have a big audience?

Yes... there are many thousands active bloggers. Many are on YouTube, Tiktok. instagram, Twitter and Nostr... it's growing every day. You can trade your Blurt tokens on Hive-engine, Ionomy, Probit and several DEX.


謝謝!! 有道理

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