Feathered Friends - Smap Round #166 - A New Visitor - by Sunscape

in Feathered Friends20 days ago


Look who came to visit my bird feeder in the middle of the afternoon. I happened to open the door to the porch and saw this young male turkey walking toward the feeder. I quickly grabbed the camera hoping not to startle him.


It is hard to capture him through the temporary fencing I have up for the dog. But I hope you can appreciate seeing him as much as I did. It is a rare sight for me, especially in my own yard.


It was fun watching him scratch at the grass to get to the fallen birdseed.


Then the feasting was over and he trotted off towards the wooded area behind the house.


I got closer to him to try and get a better photo and he kept a very sharp eye on me the whole time. I was surprised he didn't run off but gingerly walked into the brush unalarmed by my presence. I hope to see him back again perhaps with a mate and better yet a flock of young ones too.

Thank you @melinda010100 @barbara-orenya and @nelinoeva for this fun #smap contest. Have a great week everyone!

Until next time, this is Sunscape
Sun. Scape. Ing Your Day

3- sun smile.jpg


I'm surprised the turkey didn't scamper off into the woods. I don't know if you've ever seen them move through the woods, they're very fast for such a large bird. In my neck of the woods hunting for turkey during the season brings in sportsmen from all corners of New York State. Our area is known for its turkeys and White-tail deer. Great pics.

I was also surprised he didn't run off as I know they spook easily. My father used to hunt turkeys in the southern tier where he grew up. I prefer to enjoy watching them in the wild. A few years back a whole flock walked through my yard which was awesome to see. I usually have a small herd of deer visit on a regular basis. I am sure I will be seeing the fawns soon.

The southern tier, that's where we are located in New York.
Lots of wildlife which is always exciting to see no matter how many times you cross paths.

Nice sized visitor to the garden this time, should keep the yard nice and clear for you too.


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Very cool he stayed in your yard long enough to get photos! Nice looking Jake!

I hope the turkey keeps coming, maybe with his family.

Such a nice surprise to see this big bird in your yard.🙂
It would be really nice to see him again. Thank you so much for your entry!

It's a beautiful sight to behold and it wasted no time settling down to the business at hand...lol.

It sure did! I hope the turkey keeps coming back. ;-)