Love Beyond Measure : A Mother's Unyielding Devotion

"When you look at your mother, you are looking at the purest love you will ever know.” —Mitch Albom
I spent my childhood residing with my grandparents while my parents worked in the city for our family. Despite their busy schedules, they consistently visited us in the province every month. On vacation, they fulfilled all my wishes and took us to explore the city. Despite not being there daily, my parents never abandoned us.

In my childhood, when my mother was upset, she would resort to pinching, prompting me to hide whenever I misbehaved. Contrastingly, my connection with my father grew stronger as he refrained from physical discipline, instead showering me with thoughtful gifts.

My mother enforced stricter discipline, frequently imparting extensive lectures when we made errors, driven by the conviction that it was ultimately for our well-being.

In my younger years, I believed our family was flawless because I never witnessed any conflicts between my parents. However, as I matured, I came to recognize underlying challenges in their relationship.

When my mother opted to pursue work overseas, I caught wind of relatives gossiping about my father. Despite the rumors, I chose to overlook them because, irrespective of the speculation, he remained my father.

Since my mother's departure, my father hasn't visited us in the province. Their relationship took on a civil tone, devoid of any prospects for reconciliation, and we accepted this outcome, preferring their separate contentment over a strained union.

Mama spent several years working abroad before returning to the Philippines due to health issues. We didn't want her to work again immediately, considering she needed to recover, but Mama insisted despite our objections. I could see that my mother was struggling, but she refused to stop working because she knew we relied on her.

After my second sibling graduated from college, he partnered with Mom to assist in funding my education. With a prosperous teaching career, he occasionally treated our entire family.

During our gatherings, we playfully teased Mama and Papa, and they simply joined in the laughter, creating a joyful atmosphere.

As the years pass, my mom is aging, and her body is weakening. Even though she doesn't need to work anymore since we're all grown up, she still refuses to stop working because she doesn't want to be a burden to us. After my brother talked to her, she finally agreed.

So, when she asked me to help her with her job as a household worker for a few weeks, I didn't refuse. Knowing that she would eventually stop working after that, I agreed.

Our routine for a few weeks has been working in the morning, and in the evening, I provide her with a massage to alleviate her exhaustion.Experiencing the challenges of her job made me realize the difficulty she faces daily, yet she perseveres for our sake.

My mother's constant compassion is evident in her persistent dedication to us,and even though she faces challenges, she doesn't stop. I express gratitude for having her as our mother.

Despite her imperfections, she consistently provides support, particularly in challenging moments. Even when facing illness, she shields us from concern by keeping it private. So, even on days when we sometimes don't understand her, we just try to be understanding because, without her, we would lack a vital support system.

On this special day where we honor the sacrifices of our mothers, I just want to express how proud I am of my mom and how much I appreciate all the sacrifices she has made for our family.

So, for Mother's Day celebration, I just want to thank her for being an exceptional mother to us siblings, whom we love dearly. She may not be perfect, but she has never once left us or forsaken us, which is why we love her so much.

Currently, my mother is recovering from an illness in our hometown. We visit regularly and stay connected through calls to ensure her well-being. I hope for God's blessings for a long and healthy life for my mom, allowing us more time to reciprocate the care and sacrifices she has generously given us.

Here marks the end of my blog dedicated to the special occasion of honoring our exceptional and remarkable mothers.

You're mother truly is amazing.😊

Happy mother's day to your mom. I believe you are so lucky to have a loving parent like her. Best regards.

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