Family and the role it plays in our lives.

in Family & Friends15 days ago (edited)

Hello, everyone.

A family is the small unit that makes up our big community. Different families came together to build a community, no matter how big the community might be. Without those small families coming together, it will not stand nor will it be regarded as a community. A lot of people lie to themselves and say that they don't really need family; they can do life on their own or with a few friends; they are okay, but they forget that family serves as the foundation, and without any, you cannot stand. We all need family, and sometimes the role family plays in our lives is so underrated.

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Family are the only people that love you unconditionally. Even when all hope is lost and friends and people around you start giving up on you, family will always stick with you. It's only family that you are completely sure will stick with you through the highs and lows; you just know they will be there in any way that you need them. I have seen people fall ill and friends eventually back off, and family takes up the mantle and handles it perfectly, without complaints. In many cases, the one who fell ill is the one who kicked family out because they felt friends were enough for them, and now they are in a critical condition. Other friends they thought were enough have disappeared, and the family they kicked out is what they fall back to.

Even as a family, we all have our differences. The only time our differences become an issue is when we fail to put them aside and love and bond with each other like it is expected of us. They say a house is not a home without a family living in it; it is the family that makes a house a home. Nothing beats the sight of family members doing things together in love and harmony. The type of family you grow up in has a way it affects you; there is a way it affects your emotions, how you react to things, and in so many other ways. In other words, the family we grew up in is what shaped and molded us into whatever we are today.

Family plays a vital role in our lives. family is like a support system; in many cases, when we need support both emotionally and financially, it is always family that we fall back on, and it is surprising how family is always there to provide us with all the support that we need. Family is just always there, both when you need them the most and when you don't really do, even though there is no time we do not need family. The feeling family gives you is something you cannot find elsewhere, which is why it should be valued and cherished.

No group in the world practices acceptability like family; they accept each other with no questions asked. Your character in the family, no matter how bad, is accepted by your family while they try to get you to change. Even when society rejects you, the family always gives you the welcome you crave. To enjoy the benefits that come with family, all members must be willing to bond and love each other.

This is my entry for day 15 of the InLeo monthly prompt. You can join by clicking the above link.

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