Tribute to my Humble Hero | LOH #185

in Ladies of Hive16 days ago


When I reflect on my life's journey and I think about who has been my support, my mind goes to my mother. From my early years to adulthood she has been one to rely on. Through every hardship, she has shown us unmatched strength and resilience that has shaped who I am today.

I could remember while growing up, we didn't have much. There wasn't enough food on the table and money was not really flowing. In spite of all these my mother would not allow us feel the full weight of the scarcity. Her salary was often insufficient as it is the lifeline of our family. She'd often take loans to pay our schools fees and settle other household bills. Yet she managed to get our stomachs filled and our wardrobes updated. Her ability to stretch every coin and sacrifice her own comfort to provide us what we need is what I admire till now.

It wasn't her financial sacrifices that made her my hero. My mother married my father though he was not her academic equal. She went through the ordeal of helping him on the farm, hawking farm produce in the market with her college degree. She often recalls how she hides from her classmates or members of her family while hawking in the market. But her silent prayers were answered when she got a job with the state government then she started using her salary as support.

In all the hardships she went through with my dad, she was never disloyal or disrespectful. She showed immense support and understanding even when dad made decisions that went off track. Her loyalty and resilience in staying through her relationship with my dad is worth studying.

My mother's silent prayers which echoes through the night is her way of finding peace amidst life's struggles. Her words of encouragement and support keeps us going. Even now in our adulthood, whenever we call her for support she answers a billion times 😊😊

To me, my mother is like a backbone that keeps everything in the home in place. She is the shoulder I have leaned on and still leaning on now. The one whose words of encouragement make us(her children) stretch beyond limits to achieve our goals.

Today, I honour and celebrate my mother not just for her sacrifices but for her immeasurable strength and resilience with which she has weathered the storms of life and the love she continues to show.
I recognize her immense impact today and always, and I am not ashamed to call her MY MOTHER


Our mothers are our jewels of inestimable value, their love are immeasurable.

Yes, they are blessings to us. Thanks for reading through 💜

The pleasure is mine

Greetings @d-honeyb , nice words: ‘for me, my mother is like a backbone that keeps everything in the home in place’, they reflect admiration for your brave mother, thanks for sharing, a hug.

I appreciate your feedback🫂
Thanks for reading through ❤️❤️


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It must be difficult for your Mother to put up with some of your father's decisions that caused more problems than it's benefiting the family. I can imagine your mother clearly making her case but assuring your father that she will go along with his decision as long as he took full responsibility for it as the head of the household. Your mother is a remarkably gracious woman @d-honeyb ❤️

You are right @kerrislravenhill

Thank you for engaging 💜💜