Entry # 185 : Tribute to Mothers

in Ladies of Hive15 days ago (edited)

Happy Mother's Day everyone! This day is something special to us mothers. Since my kids are all grown up with respective responsibilities, they opted to give me a special treat to the spa or they come home to spend some time with me and dine out somewhere or order special deliveries.



A mother's love is unconditional so they say, but it's not always the case. As far as I can remember, I've met my biological mother thrice my whole life. One was during our visit to my grandfather's house when I was in grade VI I think. We went to the island (now a tourist spot) with my aunt whom I recognized as my mom. The second time was when I was already a second-year college student and the third was during her funeral! It seems absurd, but that was it. At a young age,and with all the hardships I have encountered, I longed for a mother's love so dearly that I cried silently when I went to sleep at night. There were questions in my mind that were left unanswered: WHY? Why did my mother give birth to me just to let me suffer and be bullied by my cousins? Naturally, the first that entered in subconscious mind is hatred towards my mother! I envied my cousins who were pampered by their parents. It was like a curse when they would say I am their adopted child. I felt pity to myself. Self pity is such a bitter word. The sufferings was beyond imagination which made me utter a vendetta: That I will never part with my kids once I got married in the future so they won't experience what I've been through all those years of loneliness without a mother.


Fast forward, indeed I gave birth to five wonderful kids. I have given them my all and my everything. My husband used to console me that it was God's plan or else we wouldn't have met each other in Manila.

Since this is a tribute to all mothers, of course I count myself as one. Despite of those dark moments in my life, I was still thankful for my education and molded myself to do better for my future. I've developed to be a very protective mom to my kids and they can attest to that. I was not only protective but also a strict one!:) Together with my husband, we've provided them everything in our little ways filled with love and affection. They were the product of our love for each other. He would cook for us while I sat down holding our baby. It was his little way to cover up for the lost times when he was on board his shop. We were a perfect pair so they say. Well, it was a situation envied by many especially my in-laws! Would you believe that? It was because his attention was diverted to us. Very funny!

But there's no such thing as perfect marriage, right? Or should I say, the world out there is filled with lots of temptations especially to sailors like my hubby. He was a good provider and a good father to my kids but he was never a loyal husband to his wife.:( I fought for my rights for the sake of my growing kids. I became a martyr! Lol!

As a mother of five, I stood my ground. One thing that I was thankful for was that he had "affairs" outside my territory. Meaning he did it while he was far away from me or whenever he was overseas. My kids felt my heartaches all those years but I kept my stand, trying to be brave but I was dying inside! I've got 2 boys so I need to be strong. Though they have seen my struggles, I kept telling them not to interfere during our arguments because he's still their father and he was responsible in providing everything that we have.

Being a mother is not an easy task. With all the endurance and happenings in our lives, I prefer to deal with reminiscing the good memories we had together. Mothers always wanted the best for their children. Thinking it over, I am still grateful to my mother for giving birth to me. That was unconditional. She once told me that it was my grandfather's decision and against her will. Well, she was only 14 during that time and so helpless. At this point, all I could say is that my obligation as a mother to my kids never stopped as long as they needed me.


This is my entry #185 on mother's day.

Thank you for reaching this far.




Wow,Sis, such a brave woman. Even I have not experienced what you experienced growing without your mother besides you I can feel your pain. Thanks you have overcome it and very strong to face life.

Well, if given the chance, I wouldn't choose that path sis but then I got lucky to have found my partner in life who had pampered us with his love and the material things in life though his weakness (women) became a hindrance on the later part of our marriage which devastated us all. It's now water under the bridge so let it be that way. We've surpassed it all.

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Thank you so much and more power to you!

Greetings @sarimanok very touching your lyrics : ‘come to think of it, I am still grateful to my mother for giving birth to me. That was unconditional", for having brought you into the world at such a young age I think it is enough to value her, as you describe it, all this made you a strong woman and a wonderful mother to your children. Thank you for sharing, a hug.

You're right dear. Pain makes us a better person. We cannot understand motherhood unless we become one. Thank you so much for reading my testimony. It's meeting new friends online. God bless!

It's a shame that your Mother never developed a bond with you and left you wondering why? Why the neglect or was there some other reasons? What ever the true reason it is in the past. You didn't carry her baggage and already know that you won't neglect you children in the same way and love them unconditionally.
I wish you a Happy Mother's day @sarimanok ❤️

First, I was born out of wedlock because they said that my mom was too young to marry at 14. Also, grandpa was a I WW US Vet and hated my father's father. It was said that he even tried to shot my father for impregnating my mom. Lol! So they tried to separate them and even hide me under the custody of my uncle who was mom's elder brother. Sad to say, I only met my biological father a week after my mom's burial. That was the irony of it. When I grew up with my uncle's family, they were thinking all the while that I was in "good hands" huh! Funny, right? I was treated like one of our helpers. Lol!

Belated happy mother's day! You experienced a lot in life, and indeed a strong one!

Thank you! Those trials became my shield to face challenges I never dreamed to be experienced by my kids. Happy mother's day!

Wow, you're a strong woman and your kids are lucky to have you as a mother.

Yes, we protect each other especially in times of crisis. That's what family are for,right? They didn't want me to worry about the past but rather move on for the better.

Happy Mother's Day! You are a warrior and a worthy example to follow. We all have a purpose and you have carried it very well. I congratulate you, you have formed a wonderful family and you are the pride of your children and they are for you. The rest is circumstantial, it was the path determined for you to reach this existence, but in you always shone love, lots of love.
Until another time Lady @sarimanok !LUV

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Thanks dear. Yeah, what happened were circumstances beyond our control and I've lived into it. What matters most is that I have faced it hurting as it may. Sometimes,I can't even believe that I have surpassed the bitter past. Thank you for the kind words my friend. Nice meeting you here.


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Thank you!

Belated happy mothers day po! I can say just by looking at the pictures that you raised your children well, despite of experiencing those hard moments in your life.

Yes dear. I see to it that they won't go through those hardships in life. They grew up with YaYas but they do their tasks without one too. I've never spoiled them because I know for a fact that one day, they will be on their own sooner or later. Thanks for the visit dear.

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