Ladies of Hive AUTHOR OF THE WEEK #182

in Ladies of Hivelast month

Here are the four authors who are up for nomination for Ladies of Hive Author of the Week.


Before selecting a candidate to vote for, please review their postings using the links provided below.

The nominees for the Ladies of Hive Author of the Week #182 are:

@sunshine29 with I Wish to Work From Home

@sacra97 with Have Fun at Work

@cirangela My Work and My Stress

@rafzat with My Ways of Handling Job Stress

And when you are ready to vote, go to THIS LINK TO THE POLLS. You have to be logged on to InLeo be able to cast your vote.

The Ladies of Hive Author of the Week will:

  • Receive 60% of the beneficiary award for the announcement posts next week.
  • Be included in a digest that will be heavily marketed on Web2 (e.g. X, Reddit)

On top of 60% of the announcement post of the community, our winner earn a spot in a Curation List during the following week!, and they are participating as long as the posts are made from INLEO

And now for last week:

@weeklytops revealed the winners of every community that participated last week in a weekly summary.

The Ladies of Hive Author of the Week #181 winner was @bipolar95 with Socio Economic Development.

CONGRATULATIONS to @bipolar95. She will receive 60% of the proceeds from this announcement as reward.

LOH-tshirt-03-00 (1).png

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Cordial Greetings dear Ladies:
Congratulations @bipolar95, enjoy your award, well deserved 👏👏👏👏👏😀
I have already made my vote, for this week.
Wishing the best of luck to all participating ladies !HUG !LUV

Dear @silversaver888, you just got hugged.
I sent 1.0 HUG on behalf of @marilour.

silversaver888, marilour sent you LUV. 🙂 (2/10) tools | trade | connect | wiki | daily

Made with LUV by crrdlx.

Thanks for voting, @marilour !

Nothing to thank. It is always a pleasure to participate, good luck to all the dear ladies 😊✨
Dear Lady, it would be an honor to have the community badge. What should I do to get it? 🤗 !LUV

silversaver888, marilour sent you LUV. 🙂 (1/10) tools | trade | connect | wiki | daily

Made with LUV by crrdlx.

Thank you 😌❤️🌹

You received an upvote of 100% from Precious the Silver Mermaid!

Please remember to contribute great content to the #SilverGoldStackers tag to create another Precious Gem.


Hey @pixresteemer, here is a little bit of BEER from @silversaver888 for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

Hey @silversaver888, here is a little bit of BEER from @pixresteemer for you. Enjoy it!

Did you know that <a href=' can use BEER at dCity game to buy cards to rule the world.

Greetings beauties of ladies of hive.😇❤️.



Muchísimas gracias por la postulación, me encanta, creo que es la primera vez por aquí ja, ja. Son muy especiales todos los temas. Un abrazo.

Thank you very much for the application, I love it, I think it's the first time here ha, ha. All the themes are very special. A hug. @silversaver888

Well-done, sis @sacra97 !

Some excellent picks!

@silversaver888! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @thebighigg. (21/50)

Thank you for your support, @thebighigg !

@thebighigg! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @silversaver888. (1/20)

I am honored, thank you ❤️🌹

Well-done, @bipolar95 !


Many many congratulations to the winners.

Thank you for your support!

@djbravo! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @silversaver888. (2/20)

Most welcome dear.

Excellent pick @silversaver888!😊
Congratulations to @bipolar95!🤗😊

Thank you for your support, @silvertop !

@silvertop! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @silversaver888. (3/20)

Thank you 🥰🌹❤️😘

Mascot of Hard Work and Perseverance, The Ladies of HIVE...................

I will go cast my vote now, sis! Love ya much!🤗💜🌞😘😍🌹💕🌷🤗 !LADY !LUV

silversaver888, elizabethbit sent you LUV. 🙂 (1/5) tools | trade | connect | wiki | daily

Made with LUV by crrdlx.

Hahaha, cast your vote sis 😘😍🌹

@elizabethbit! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @silversaver888. (4/20)

elizabethbit, silversaver888 sent you LUV. 🙂 (1/10) tools | trade | connect | wiki | daily

Made with LUV by crrdlx.

I did sis-yesterday! Love ya!!!🤗😍😘💕🌹💜 !LOLZ

Why does Snoop Dogg carry around an umbrella.
Fo Drizzle.

Credit: reddit
@silversaver888, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of elizabethbit


Congratulations to the winners


Please don't forget to vote, @jaci11

Well done to all four entrants selected this week!

I'm back from vacation, @joanstewart !

Trust it was relaxing and exceptionally good! !LUV

silversaver888, joanstewart sent you LUV. 🙂 (4/10) tools | trade | connect | wiki | daily

Made with LUV by crrdlx.

Congratulations ladies, well done 👍

Don't forget to vote, @megamo !

Congratulations to all winners

Congratulations to you @bipolar5

Congratulations 🎉