
in Reflections2 months ago


I am facing busy days lately. As the project grows, you just find out new tasks need to ve done, new challenges arise and some days you feel you just need 24 more hours to be able to deal with all it is coming.

You want good service offer to engage with clients and users, you need to closely work with the team to get the most out of everyone, at the same time, there are moments when everything is a mess and all you can do is to manage the little kaos and keep pushing forward.

I is tiring, but I love it. I enjoy defining how we want to grow, what challenges we decide to face together as a team, and how to, little by little we are creating a little project which surprises us every day.

Today, after working early for a couple of hours, having breakfast and taking a shower, when I was grabbing all my stuff to leave the house, I took a quick look outside and saw the margaritas flourishing in the garden, for a second, it made me think on how everything is evolving. Nothing is easy, but when you build something with a team you enjoy working with, the journey is a big part of the reward, no matter how it all ends. Like flowers which will end up dying, but their journey is Beautiful.



Beautiful flowers and it's nice how nature has brought such thoughts to you. Thinking of the struggle a plant has to go through to finally bloom into a flower I think puts perspective to our own lives...go through the difficulties and we'll bloom eventually.

Becca 🌷

I am jealous! We are nowhere near that, though there was a hint of green in the yard today.

Your yard will eventually reach the blooming point.
I am jealous of you guys when it snows in the winter. I miss it every winter :)

When I was in Portugal, two weeks ago, it snowed in Estrela Mountains just 60km north of our village. I could not do too much as it was raining all day and I considered driving and spending some time in the mountains.