Ready to AMA?

in Reflections18 days ago

Question time!

It has been many years since I have done this, and I definitely haven't done one after having a stroke, so it is high time I opened up the floor and fielded some questions. Essentially, I don't have many rules for these when I have done them, but one rule always stands.


Don't be a dick.

I know that can be hard for some of you.

I will keep this post short.

Because hopefully it will extend further into the comments section if people don't have to read too much here. I am generally pretty open and not shy in answering most things, so ask away. If I don't want to answer, I won't.

I don't know what you might want to ask me, but that is part of the fun of it, isn't it? Maybe it is about Hive, maybe it is about my work, maybe my childhood, or maybe you want to know whether I think you are pretty.

Well - that is it.

The comment section is open.

[ Gen1: Hive ]


Are you planning a visit back to Adelaide? It would be great to meet you in person.

If I come, I would definitely have a meetup with peeps.
No plans at the moment though.

What's your favourite movie villain comeuppance?

I don't know if it counts, but how about Ramsey Bolton from GoT?

That'll do nicely. Just rewatched.

Sansa looking away in disgust, then changing her mind and deciding it's worth watching. If anyone had it coming, it's that guy.

I see many active Ecency users asking questions in comments. Would you consider joining us sometime on Wednesdays in the HHH Live show hosted by @ph1102 in Ecency Discord? Your insights and experiences on Hive would be valuable for so many!

Possibly! The only reason I haven't done much of that live stuff, is that I am unsure if I can handle it these days :)

You would never have to go 'on air' unless you chose to. Many of us only type ideas and responses in event chat. There is never any pressure to go on mic.

Invite me into the discord and I will see what I can do.

I joined already :)

I know how much you have helped me learn about Hive over the years and I'm quite excited to see you in Ecency Discord.

Thanks for spreading the word about the #HHHLive, Melinda! ❤️ Everyone is welcome to join and everyone can contribute in some way that could be useful for new Hivians, but also for old ones... 😃

Hopefully I can kick this off with a question not so personal. Glass half empty or half full? And was it always that way?

I should have added, how about you?

I can see how that can happen if you have bad times. I wonder if we are more skeptical when we get older too. I like to think that I am a glass half full type of person and am an eternal optimist. I checked with my wife to be sure and she agrees 😅

I wonder if we are more skeptical when we get older too.

I think so. Experience tends to take out some of the naivety.

I checked with my wife to be sure and she agrees 😅

Does she balance you out, or do you ramp each other up? :D

She is more pessimistic, so I make her more positive. If something goes wrong, I get the I told you so line.. haha whereas I don't worry about something until it actually happens, not when it possibly could happen. Do you balance with your other half?

Do you balance with your other half?

In some ways yes. She is far more patient than me, but we sometimes tend to bring out the worst in each other.

Good question!

Half empty, but it used to be half full. I thought I was an eternal optimist to the point I was told I smile too much and no one will take me seriously. But, after negative event after negative event, it started to fade. I still believe there is a chance for positive outcomes, but I spend much more time preparing for the worst.

How are you able to write continuously? Do you think about your topic throughout the day? And how/when do you find the time to write?

Finding the time is the difficult part, as there are ideas everywhere. As I have said for years, those who find it hardest to create, tend to be those who consume the most passive content. I don't consume much passive, which means what I do consume I am part of - real conversations with people.

Time however is always limited, so I tend to write when I have space at work like lunch breaks, or answer comments. And then, after everyone goes to bed in the house I sit down and start writing. That is why often my posts will be late at night my time. I don't schedule any articles to post at a certain time.

Those are really good advice. I guess it would be helpful if I setup Hive on my phone. Thanks

Phone is hard for me - I struggle with anything too long. However, I do it on occasion.

Oh, you use a laptop on bed? That seems better than the small phone screen.

Oh, you use a laptop on bed?

Ah no. I use a desktop and write at a desk. I have my work laptop when travelling, but I don't take it into the bedroom :)

Gotcha haha

You're drifting on the ocean with three other people in a lifeboat that had sprung a leak - tossing one overboard would save the other three people's lives...would you throw someone out...Here's the thing though, the other three people in the boat with you are your three brothers (me and the other two). Which would you throw out (if any?)

lol - Isn't that an easy question to answer? :D :D

Out they go!


Have you always been such a prolific writer? I know you kept writing, every single day. through your stroke and beyond. Perhaps you kept a journal when you were young?

Have you always been such a prolific writer?

Not at all. I started consistently not long after I joined Hive. I spent the first six months of Smallsteps life awake at night watching TV shows as I nursed her and we were struggling very heavily financially due to the health difficulties. Someone told my about Steem and I started, knowing nothing at all about anything. I earned very little, nowhere near enough to even bother with, but I loved the writing. So I stopped watching TV and started writing and writing.

I used to draw when I was young, but I was never very good in my opinion, so I didn't keep it up.

Writing is a release for me now - like a meditation of sorts.

a meditation of sorts.

That's what a good freewrite feels like to me. As if those are not even my thoughts. I have to empty my mind (meditate) to write a good story. I haven't been able to do it lately, I don't know why.

As if those are not even my thoughts. I have to empty my mind (meditate) to write a good story

Yes - there is something to this. I can't do it either. I used to write short stories here, and even had a few series going. I don't think I have it in me anymore sadly.

I created one for Halloween back in 2017 using friends as inspiration.
This was the first:

I think if you change the "one" at the end of the address to "two" and so on, it will get to the rest of the series. I think there were eight.

I am looking for some stories from the past - they are hard to find!

Here is a couple

The only way to move forward is to let go of what is holding us back. This is the time to take action. What are you doing there?

I have got myself a coach, I have got a mentor, and I am making different decisions in the way I behave, based on the things I have identified that have been holding me back. It is slow progress, but there is progress.

That's right Mr Taraz behind a mentor, there is a human being with flaws and virtues, which help you to use your personal compass, when we go to therapy to keep walking and looking for the best path, the best decision, like life itself. Take care.

Do you plan your posts by the week or do they just pop into your head? You are a consistant mofo. More Splinterlands posts please. They are always a good education for a fellow player. Oh and do you think I'm pretty . I have attached a gif for your reference. untitled.gif

Do you plan your posts by the week or do they just pop into your head?

Pop into my head. In general (unless interrupted by work or life), I write in one sitting and click post. I am lucky I have conversations with a varied group of people, most of whom are pretty experienced with what they do and that helps. Also, I like to spend time thinking and exploring bigger topics - probably because I am useless at most practical things.

Oh and do you think I'm pretty

The intensity of your eyes have me mesmerized.

Taraz...How are you so consistent dammit...🙂

Easy! Sit down, write! It really isn't very hard - but I have found that the more I consume of random crap like streaming or sports, the less ideas I have.

What is a sense of life?

Sense or meaning?

For me, I try to look at it from a quality of life perspective and I think a major part of it is connecting with people, and feeling relevant to others. We have evolved for a couple million years and 200,000 as humans, to learn skills of communication, cooperation and collaboration, to be able to organize ourselves and do more than an individual can do alone. Yet, I think we are destroying our very nature, when we keep encouraging individualism.

So, connection with others.

What was your toughest moment in life?

Toughest moment was when I was awoken by my wife telling Smallsteps was having a seizure. She was under two and when I held her in my arms, I didn't recognize her face. It was her, but she wasn't there - she looked like a complete stranger, alien. I thought she was gone.

We never found out what the cause was.

That’s crazy

What kind of things in your life do you finance from HIVE rewards?

I don't finance anything from Hive rewards. I have helped people out from time to time with my earnings though, and they pay me back. In the future, I would like to use some of it to improve the house.

Honestly, what is your deepest fear?

Deepest fear would be losing my daughter.

I understand you, to lose a child for me, would be to lose part of my soul.

I don't have much other reason for my life at the moment - as sad as that is :)

What is your favorite splinterlands deck and monster and why?
When do you think real bull run will happen(at least 1-2 dollars Hive)?

What is your favorite splinterlands deck and monster and why?

Hmm - depends on round, but I quite like Water lately. Used to hate it. Favorite monster might be Venka right now, though I don't do well with her.

Probably 2025. :)

Which country you have visited is your favorite? why? What do you miss about Australia?( not including people).

hard question to answer as to which country, as I have done more cities - I really liked Barcelona a lot. City, beach, late nights, great dancers, good food... Tokyo was also awesome.

I probably miss sitting by the beach, listening to the waves.

What is the inspiration behind the name or nickname Smallsteps?

Two things. My daughter is unlikely to be very tall, given the genetics of her parents. And secondly, a bit at a time we can change the world. all great things are a series of many small steps and I believe my daughter has greatness in her.

I remember that you talked a little about Meta previously. So what are your thoughts about Gamestop this time?

I haven't followed it other than in headlines - guessing just more foolish hype?

Hehe! Probably.

Dear @tarazkp !
I feel that you are always postive and strong man!
There is an East Asian proverb that says that those who reveal their wounds and weaknesses are the strongest.

So, I thought you were a strong person who always had hope and positivity even in the midst of difficulties and pain!

The reason I talk to you is because I find new hope in you!
Thank you for always writing uplifting posts!

By the way, What is ama? 😄

By the way, What is ama?

Ask Me Anything :)

I've honestly got nothing right now. I sat here for five minutes trying to come up with something and I am blank.

:D Ask yourself why? ;D

Maybe I feel like I know everything I need to about you just from reading your posts :)

Wait my good Buddy did you say : Having a stroke 😳😳😳 hope you're doing well good buddy ... And oh do you think I'm pretty 😂😂😂 that was a good one man

did you say : Having a stroke

Yes. Next month it will be three years since I had a stroke.

Wow, I'm really happy you survived it buddy... That's no easy thing.. I wouldn't want to get nightmares but what therapy did you have to go through to come out... Based on your blog I can imagine you had a cool childhood... What type of class kid where you, the shy, the bully, teacher's pet or don't give a shit?😂

Based on your blog I can imagine you had a cool childhood...

Not a great childhood, but it did teach me to take responsibility for myself, as I was the only one who would pay the consequences for my errors.

In primary school, I was the one who was bullied. I was the only colored kid in the school at the time. At high school, I was midrange, but spent most of my time hanging out with the girls.

Wow, rough childhood, but at least you're the type that builds from the bad... So it's good