Life after Hive - the junk that washes up as the Sol rises on my beautiful beach

in Amazing Nature15 days ago (edited)

I'm on the beach again, which is something I do almost daily in this permanent holiday lifestyle of mine that I've been living for most of my life.

How does metal get washed up by the waves onto the beach when it's supposed to be heavier than water?

I don't know what you're up to in your life, but from my perspective I personally recommend treating this life as one long holiday. It works for me and I think you'll find that this attitude really stimulates good physical health mental peace of mind.

Found lying on the beach sand at the high tide mark

The struggle to survive, to stay alive, to keep body and soul together, to have enough food to eat and shelter to sleep every night, is actually really easy. After all, nature provides for all of us inhabitants of Earth. There is no need to stress about survival.


If you are struggling to survive then it means that either your mindset is out of balance or your attitude to life is not ideal or your values and perspective of reality are flawed . It suggests that you might value certain things which are not as important as you think they are.

Notice the wildfire with smoke in the distant background

Indeed the most important things in life are easy to obtain - if your mind grasps and clings very lightly. If, on the other hand, we clutch tightly to our expectations and our desires then that clinging will be the source of our misery. For example if you were expecting the price and value of Hive token - our beloved cryptocurrency - to rise systematically in value with the current bull market, then you will be particularly disappointed to see no such rise whatsoever.

I'm too preoccupied with finding more junk washed up on the beach to lament over the failed Hive really

If you are attached to your money and have strong desires, like a donkey, then this condition of Hive's failure to rise will bring you sorrow. I'm sorry for your loss. I too thought Hive token was a good investment. I know better now and see it as a failure.

With treasures washing up and a view like this, who needs Hive?!?! Hahaha

The blessing of this is that it has allowed me to become detached from my material possessions in my wallet. Now I can simply walk away looking at it as a clown might look at the sorrows of the world. I now simply laugh, do a few somersaults and walk away, all the way to my beautiful beach, which is - after all - totally free. This is the life for me where I feel most happy, touching sand while this blockchain tanks.

Heavy metal, yet washed up by wave action.

Hive token has empowered me by breaking the chains of attachment to wealth and fortune. It has been six years of accumulating Hive token and seeing it now fail miserably in this current market. Now I laugh at the way I used to cling in desperation to my wallet. I can only joke like a clown at the way I used to struggle so hard to accumulate a few measly tokens. What an absurdity, thinking that I would become rich by working hard here on this Hive blockchain.

In the sea so long that barnacles have grown on the surface of the metal

Well that illusion is over and Hive token has proved its ability to fail, perhaps by manipulation of those few whales and developers of Hive, or perhaps by the failure of the code that has built the Hive blockchain, as originally designed by Ned Scott and Dan Larimer back in the day when Hive token used to be known as Steem.


Now I am happier than ever because my attachment to the illusion of wealth that was presented to me here is now happily broken and I can walk away from it like a liberated soul might walk away from the dead carcass that was once it's home for six or seven, perhaps eight decades.

Masses of shell scattered like stars in the universe, or lost coins worth nothing because there is an infinite amount of them

What I feeling of lightness, joy and cloudy cornucopia. The beach offers much more dopamine, comfort, peace of mind and tranquility than this failed Hive blockchain. The sense of remaining carefree has now brought me to a place where I no longer depend upon the value of the Hive token to make me feel good, like I used to in previous years.

No Hive was needed to bask in this beautiful setting for years

Now I know what it feels like to get a divorce, to walk away from an old lover. As they say in the cryptocurrency trading industry - never marry your coins. I might not be dumping them at this deflated price currently, but I'm certainly no longer expecting them to go to the moon. And now that that desire has been burned up, I can happily claim my state of freedom, self-sufficiency and exhilaration all from myself internally, while no longer depending on this failed Hive price action to bring me happiness.


That's how I see Hive now - as a failed project that's never quite gained any traction or following, but simply sinks deeper and deeper into obscurity along with the other millions of junk tokens in the cryptocurrency sector. Well, we leave the trash where it belongs - piled up in a heap to be forgotten by the next generations who will find something that really works, by building something better than what we have here right now.


I would love to hear your opinion, and if you can prove me wrong then that will be a double bonus. My Hive investments have failed badly. Right now it seems like the beach is a better place to be than this broken blockchain of history. Perhaps I'll find some sun also known as SOL which appears to be food for the soul as well as something which makes the wallet swell when HIVE is going to hell, judging by the price action, based on the tokenomics and code.


Maybe some of the devs can pump some hopeium into the minds of the last few Busy Bees that are left behind trying to keep the Hive alive while the others desert it like rats on a sinking ship.

Photos my own, written and published from my mobile device on the beach.


If Hive failed or not is too early to tell, unless you sold everything at a loss (but then it is your fault).
It also largely depends on at which average price you bought in, and also what were the opportunity costs (what could you have achieved if you would have bought something else instead of Hive). So it is not that one-dimensional. But to just say "it´s failed" is too simple. Time will tell, the alt bull cycle has not yet begun...

Yes you're correct, I'm comparing it to other tokens which performed better. And we are a third of the way through the bull cycle by my TA, so there's still time for Hive to catch up. I like the tech, Hive is so good, just price fails. I blame the tokenomics and the devs whales.

With treasures washing up and a view like this, who needs Hive?!?! Hahaha

The blessing of this is that it has allowed me to become detached from my material possessions in my wallet. Now I can simply walk away looking at it as a clown might look at the sorrows of the world. I now simply laugh, do a few somersaults and walk away, all the way to my beautiful beach, which is - after all - totally free. This is the life for me where I feel most happy, touching sand while this blockchain tanks.

The beach offers much more dopamine, comfort, peace of mind and tranquility than this failed Hive blockchain.

That's how I see Hive now - as a failed project that's never quite gained any traction or following, but simply sinks deeper and deeper into obscurity along with the other millions of junk tokens in the cryptocurrency sector.

I am new here, just started. And it could be fun, yes.
I was posting for years on Twitter, Facebook, Wordpress.
Not very regularly there have been long times where i didn't post anything.

Posting here was not for earning a lot of money. I earn my money elsewhere.
Ok, it is nice to see that my postings are worth a few cents, even a few dollars some time.

But what is going on in the last days makes me sad. I could leave easyly because I just started. But you have been here for years. So that is hard and disillusioning.

Hope dies last. I'm excited to see what happens next, but at the moment I have the feeling that some pretty extreme interests are clashing.

Yes Hive is such a well built system with so much potential. I loved posting almost daily for years and accumulated loads of Hive tokens. But price performance is depressing here, despite the good project. So I moan about it too vent a bit, and then take refuge of the beach, since I get little joy from Hive price action. And very little feedback or readership, both of which are weak on Hive as its so small. So I appreciate your comment and readership friend.

And with 12 months of bull market cycle left, Hive has time to catch up in price.

your welcome.
Have nice day on the beach.

I'm not clear how you are surviving. You could be a government worker who stole the fiat and ran off into the sunset like many others 🌇

Would like to know more about why hive is a failed project, when there seems to be much innovation and growth 🤔

Two things that do worry about investing time and money into the Hive ecosystem are the whales and the 7 day restrictions on content payouts.

I understand that a nasty whale can destroy your account value by abuse of the downvote system, about which nothing can be done.

This is the reason hive was forked, and Blurt was created, just like how Hive was a fork of Steem.

I notice my post on Blurt was appearing in Google search prominently, compared to Hive.

Incidentally, Actifit automatically posts to blurt, whatever you upload there.

I'm desperate to find a trustworthy and safe decentralised platform to post activist content, and hopefully gain a fair reward 🙏 www.ScamBuster.TV

Thanks for your good response friend. I admire Hive as great tech, it's just the price which I'm wishing was higher, that's mainly it. I'm getting impatient for price to pump.

Blurt I've heard of, let me investigate. I tried it once but gave up for some reason a year or two back. Hive has so much going for it in socfi, I just wonder why it hasn't grown in numbers and value.

I'm self employed in the same activity for the past 16 years which is very low maintenance or effort. I'm surfing a wave of holiday lifestyle in a holiday seaside region on the south coast of Africa. Investing and trading sometimes, and writing are my other subjects, asking with Vedanta study. Thus the name Bitcoin Babaji.

Very interesting 👌.

I suspect a lot of evolution will take place. Hopefully for the better.

Hive will face competition, but competition may boost hive too.

The legacy content cannot be replicated overnight.

Thats the real asset ...

My concern is that with socfi now emerging as a new asset class, Hive- who was way ahead of the curve - may now get overtaken by some new project that has better marketing or something like that. What will it take for Hive to gain popularity I wonder?

Hive need some exciting stuff - The Casino Effect
Learn from meme coins

We do what is necessary to live life to the full, chasing rainbows no more. Reach a decision where it is acceptable in a balanced lifestyle. Many good people here in Hive who enjoy contact in communicating and sharing.

Enjoyed seeing the beach, tossed up relics discarded on the beach, more than that the clean beaches, shells and dog enjoying time with you.

!LUV to the Cape it is a beautiful place.

julianhorack, joanstewart sent you LUV. 🙂 (3/10) tools | trade | connect | wiki | daily

Made with LUV by crrdlx.

Thanks Joan yes the people are good on Hive, it's the price that is frustrating me as I think too much about money lol. Hive is revolutionary. I wish it would gain more traction and use.

Doing well here in the Cape, strength to you over the elections.

Economy trends since 1980s has been in decline, mismanagement, overspending in many countries people now feel this tight squeeze.

Need to stop the meddling everywhere, those not voted in should be banned, those voted in without merit go to jail, those peddling snake oil treason straight to jail or hand over to people to settle.

KZN is already bubbling with the three Cadre political parties here, each trying to outdo the other, wait and see.

Yes KZN is a hotbed of faction fighting among the Zulu parties and ANC of course. The assassinating of candidates makes it a real war zone.

The social and economic decay looks dire throughout the country, and unlikely to improve it seems. We'll tolerate for a long as we can.

It's the poverty that is appalling, crippling people to the point they have, while the politicians run around with an army of body guards surrounding them, normal folk must get on with it.

Many Zulu have gone MK crazy with Zuma's arrival again, adding fuel to the fire.

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Hey there many thanks I am inspired. Just what I need.

Don't lose faith. Many tokens are still not yet pumping like they should in a bull market. Thus far we had these shitty Solana meme coins doing all the fireworks. If you look at HIVE's performance in 2021 you will see that in that cycle it also lagged. If you no longer feel like investing and stacking HIVE I get you, but at least have a few more months of patience before selling your coins, maybe they will be way higher valued than they are now. If you spent six years accumulating why sell everything now because of frustration? But if you found a better trade do it. Follow your heart. Sometimes that pays very well.

Much appreciated Ace, I won't sell this year. Thanks for the info on the tendency to lag. I'll just be patient hehehee.

Charts don't lie 😉.

"How does metal get washed up by the waves onto the beach when it's supposed to be heavier than water?"

Attached to stuff that floats, and then rots or breaks away. Pushed by currents and waves that can carve the Columbia River Gorge in a couple weeks. Lashed by storm winds that can drive a straw through a 2x4. Maybe a seal tossed it up.

"...I personally recommend treating this life as one long holiday."

You're young yet. Wait until you need surgery, or a wheelchair to get around. Having a nice nest egg will be far more conducive to your mental well-being than idyllic memories, and you'll care a lot because everything will hurt if you can't take care of it. That being said, I did follow your recommendation, or at least have as little to show for my life as if I had. Which is how I know having a nice nest egg would be desirable - and the lack of one regrettable.

"If you are struggling to survive then it means that either your mindset is out of balance or your attitude to life is not ideal or your values and perspective of reality are flawed."

Or, you're under compulsion by malevolent parties that make your life difficult, or born in a hostile environment, like Liberia or the Yukon.

"That's how I see Hive now - as a failed project that's never quite gained any traction or following, but simply sinks deeper and deeper into obscurity along with the other millions of junk tokens in the cryptocurrency sector."

I came to Hive for the free speech. I've never spent any Hive as money, and don't expect ever to do so. That doesn't mean I consider Hive a success, because there's too much censorship, pandering, and profiteering. The only reason I ever cared about the token price is because others do, and that affects the market for content.

"Maybe some of the devs can pump some hopeium into the minds of the last few Busy Bees that are left behind trying to keep the Hive alive while the others desert it like rats on a sinking ship."

At least you're having a nice day at the beach during the apocalypse.


Ha ha well said friend. The lure of profit has not played out well for Hive investors. So the free speech was a good lure too. Until you find out about the shadow censorship of sorts.

Indeed life is easy for me born on this South coast of Africa where almost every day is mild and temperate compared to some places. I'm totally spoiled here, become quite soft I guess.

Old age is a painful test, I see it in my elders, I'm almost 58 years old now, with excellent health, yet understand the suffering of the elderly vicariously.

My crypto portfolio is my nest egg, it just didn't grow as I'd hoped, though there's 12 months left of growth so we have time. Time to chill on the beach and let the crypto do the work.

🎉 Upvoted 🎉
👏 Keep Up the good work on Hive ♦️ 👏
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