Redesigning Our Front Yard Can You Give Me Some Plant Tips?

in HiveGarden17 days ago

Redesigning Our Front Yard

Have you ever looked at your front garden and felt it needed a touch of magic or an update? That's precisely how we felt about ours. It was a space with potential and when we moved in we had the "free" (paid for in land costs) land scaped garden. But it lacked personality and charm and it didn't really represent our home. So after sitting on it for nearly 2 year and letting much of it turn to weeds (except the grass as I really enjoy having grass) it was time to change it!

One of the challenges of our garden redesign was the additional drive way our neighbours put in. This means we have to ensure it remains relatively controllable, I initially wanted to put in an olive tree or almond tree but speaking with my neighbour we decided against it in case it caused access issues. So we decided on pilly hedges Now, you might be wondering, "What exactly are pilly hedges?" Well, they're not your typical hedge. Pilly hedges, also known as lilly pilly hedges, are native Australian plants that offer not only lush greenery but also vibrant bursts of colour. Their dense foliage provides privacy and serves as a beautiful backdrop for other garden features

We chose pilly hedges for their hardiness and versatility. They thrive in various soil types and climates making them an ideal choice for our garden. They are also a low maintenance plant which means we can enjoy their beauty without constantly tending to them.

They also make for wonderful ornamental trees and perfect for sculpting as I have done with these ones cutting them right back into ball shape. Being native means they will survive the coming winter and in future look absolutely great. At the base I have retained the Agapanthus A.K.A Lily of the Nile that were already there. Some are a little worse for wear I didn't water them all that much through summer..... They will be fine though.

I also used black mulch mainly because my house has a lot of white and I needed to break it up a bit.

A great relatively low cost design, will have lots of lovely greens and dark reddish leaves and even some flowers so will be great attracting bees. Next on our list was our beloved iceberg rose bush. It had been flourishing in our backyard for years, but we felt it deserved a more prominent place in our garden. So, we made the bold decision to transplant it to the front, where it could be admired by all who passed by.

But perhaps the pièce de resistance of our garden makeover was the ornamental pond. We had always dreamt of having a water feature in our garden and keeping in line with Feng Shui to the left of the door means wealth. Not only would it add visual interest the water would create a sense of tranquillity for anyone passing by.

Installing the pond wasn't too hard as it was just a precast mass produced plastic pond for around AUD100, they had some nice fibreglass ones but I didn't want to see it get pinched or broken out the front and this still looks good.

Growing up my grandparents had a pond in their front yard with goldfish which I will also be getting on the weekend with the kids. I had fond memories and I would often sit out there with my toy fishing rod and pretend to go fishing.

Once my kids saw the upgrade they really enjoyed it and can't wait to go fish shopping, I will also get some aquatic plants and a solar filter system or fountain.

I still haven't finished and I would like to hear from you on what other plants I should add to the front and what I should put in that blank section as I can't make a decision! I was thinking about more Azalea's just to finish off the bottom so it matches the top, but I can't decide.

What are your thoughts?


You did great with your front yard. Your neighbors are lucky that you're so considerate of them :) I love the mini pond and the fact that your kids are excited about it is awesome :)

More to come soon with some fish and lilly pads. Also going to make a little gnome garden

Can't wait to see when it gets completed :) I imagine it's going to be beautiful unique 😊

I’d really love to see your post about the fish shopping
I also wish to have an aquarium but it’s quite expensive