Day 86 - Harvest day has arrived for the Zebra Stripe

in Canna-Curate3 months ago

I have been checking the buds with a microscope for the last few weeks and finally they are ready, the trichomes are showing amber so they are quite ready to go for an indica dominant strain. The plant gives off a fruity smell to it, and the buds are getting quite heavy. Some of them did not reach the netting, but luckily those are short enough not to bend over. It would seem they did not all start flowering at the same time, so there were some height differences in the canopy. But a few big colas popped through and they look quite nice.

My previous grow was a sativa dominant strain, so its nice to switch to a indica dominant strain this grow. I was hoping for more purple and black coloring in the leaves and buds but it would seem it did not get cold enough in the grow tent this time. Only getting down to around 65F it was not enough to trigger a metabolism shift in the plant and make those deep purples and blacks known in some indica strains.

Strain:Zebra Stripe
Dominance:80/20 Indica Dominant Hybrid
Nutrients used:Foxfarm Big Bloom / CO2 enriched grow environment
Phenotype traits:Compact nodes and short but wide growth, stubby leaves. During flower should be able to turn purple or black due to genetics from the blackwater strain
Lineage:Blackwater x Blueberry Muffin x Alien OG
Current growing stage:Late flowering
Current plant age:86 days old
Location:Central Virginia USA.

We can see how only half the plants really got above the netting, I blame them on being autos without my knowledge. If I could have kept them in veg for longer they would have been more equal I think.

The plants on the left side came through the netting, but the ones on the right seemed to start flowering more early so they did not grow as tall.

Though even on the smaller plants it has a few nice buds on it.

Even some cylinder shapes ones... weird how they were growing in different shapes but all the same strain.

Some purples were formed but not much. I guess this corner of tent got a little bit colder.

During late flower the leaves start to look pretty beat up, but the buds look great.

The tallest of the colas really stretched, being a few inches higher than the others. Glad they did not get any light burn on top of them. I had to keep the lights pretty close so the shorter buds could grow well too.

Now its time to get the scissors, a bowl and spend a few hours with sticky fingers harvesting all the buds. I am going to extend the drying process by a week, as I was not satisfied with how curing went late stage with the Sour Diesel. Thinking they need more than just a mere three days to dry using a the wet cut method.

So we shall wait until they dry, and then I will make a guess the weight post so we can see where I weighed in on this grow and what others think the weight may be. I am thinking this is not as much as my previous Sour Diesel grow, so probably not over 3/4 of a pound this time.

But I am really curious how it tastes and vapes, but for now I will need to wait until its ready.. A few months at least to dry and cure properly.

Previous posts on this grow:


Looks good for a auto. I hate those. I like to veg longer and grow a beast. That looks fire though. Do you wash you plants after you cut them and before you start to dry them? Not as important as outdoor grown weed as far as cleaning but it will also slow down the drying process so you can get a good cure.

Yeah they came out okay, was annoying to find out I topped them when they were already flowering.. that made them stunted a little.

I do not wash my indoor buds, I keep a regimen of cleaning around the tent. Wearing clean clothes when I open the tent, and have filters on all inlets to the tent. I also clean the tent between each new grow. So the buds are quite clean.

But outdoors this year I will indeed need to wash them from what I have read. Will be a whole new experience of growing for me.

Oh... it's your first time outdoors.. be prepared. Start seeds now for outdoors.

Yep, got them going in the grow tent now. We got another month of cold weather here so I will let them veg in the tent and once the risk of frost is over I will bring them outside.

Mother's Day is the safe day here

It has been great to follow the growth process of your plants, I am sorry that not all the plants have had the same growth, but the ones that have overcome the network look great, I love the striking color they have taken, between yellowish green and purple.
It's incredible how time has passed so quickly, it doesn't seem like it was 86 days, and it's good to know that they are ready to be harvested dear friend @solominer
Thank you very much for this update. Have a wonderful day

It sure is amazing how quickly they grow, indoors I can grow three crops a year.. maybe four if I had all autos.

Glad you liked the updates and the color of the leaves. Hope you have a good day too.

It's amazing how they came out well in the tent....without direct sunlight.
Even electrical light up would not give them the satisfying enrichment.
Anyways, maybe that's actually the style for such plant

Yeah indoor growing technology has come a long way. I use lights similar to street lamps. They are quite powerful and not like your normal house bulbs.. with 1000w of light they seem quite happy.

Next grow will be outdoors, so we shall see how they compare.

It has been a great journey indeed and believe me you have really put in your best in this plant. I love your commitment in studying this plant even to this very point of getting to the final bus stop or should I say results needed

Thanks, I think so too. There's a lot to learn but I am open to always trying new ways of growing.

Normally because that's what makes you special

Hopefully enough bud there to keep you going for a while! 😎

Hopefully, my next grow is going to be outdoors so it will probably need to last me longer than my indoors grows.

Wow this is amazing, I follow up this flower. The flow look so beautiful. I love it

It has come a long way since they were just seedlings. I love that about plants, seeing them grow over time.

I would love to have a smell of that!! Enjoy those sticky fingers!!! 😅

I can smell it every day I enter the house, near the end of flower it was getting quite skunky. And once trimmed we could smell it from even further way.. a good fruity smell to it.

hah yeah man

They sure do look pretty. :)

Thanks man they sure do.

The plants look very healthy
This is how I always what weed to look like. You’d be craving to smoke it
Nice one!

Much appreciated, Yeah I sure am. But got to wait a month or so or it will taste like leaves and grass.. lol

Lookin Good Solo. Waiting is the hard part of the whole gig! 😀 I am gonan be hitting you up for some 411 and some tips if you don't mind for my next grow.

Looks killer my friend... I hope you get the 3/4 or better. 💪

Thanks much, yeah waiting for the last buds to ripen up seems to be forever.

Okay yeah hit me up with your questions and I will try to help.

Hehe me too.

It's really good to see you have the long awaited results. I hope you will not forget to mark this experience

It sure is, and glad I blogged about it to remember it for a long time.

This is why memories are important

I get inspired by the way you do farming and its well organized. You have great knowledge of farming and also use tech.

Thank you, I think finding a way to mix tech and gardening/farming is key. Glad you like what I am trying.

Good thing your in a state that allows Cannabis. This reminds me of that Mission in GTA San Andreas where a farmer lives off the grid. Farm and everything but he has a secret pot growing operation in a shed somewhere.

Purely for self recreation. You can get some if you complete missions for him.

Hah yeah I have lived places were its not legal and would never risk growing.

Lol I remember that truth mission.

GRRRRRRRRRRR there are so much illegal stuff going on in my area. But the sad truth is, Me drawing about anime Waifus earns more than being a drug dealer.