Zsweet Inzanity - Day 20

in Canna-Curate2 months ago (edited)

I am really looking forward to this strain, having one of favorite breeds in its lineage (Durban Posion) curious how this hybrid comes out. The mentioned strain above is a South African landrace, meaning a wild cannabis plant from Durban, South Africa. Most cannabis we know is "cultivated" meaning its been bred over generations to form the highest THC / Yield and other good phenotypes that should be passed on. But with landraces they are still "wild" and have yet to be bred many times over changing them from the original plant they started as. Though Durban Poison has had generations of human interaction, its been kept quite close to its origins as a landrace.

Strain:Zsweet Inzanity
Dominance:50/50 Balanced Hybrid
Nutrients used:Foxfarm Grow big and Foxfarm Big Bloom / CO2 enriched grow environment
Phenotype traits:Rapid growth and “massive greasy colas” high number of flowers, strong smelling.
Lineage:Durban Poison / Rainmaker / Gorilla Glue #4
Current growing stage:Vegetative
Current plant age:20 days old
Sex:Feminized Photoperoid
Location:Central Virginia USA.
More info:https://en.seedfinder.eu/strain-info/Zsweet_Inzanity/Ethos_Genetics/

Zsweet Inzanity is a cross with Durban Poison and two other strains Rainmaker and Gorilla Glue #4. So I am really curious how this landrace hybrid does. I have some landrace seeds I am looking forward to trying if I like how these come out.

Right now the plants are getting 18 hours of light a day, this encourages leaf and stem growth. I am hoping they are twice the size by the time they go outside.

The leaves seem quite happy right now, they just got their first fertilizer feeding yesterday and took it well.

Of the four one is much bigger than the others, hopefully they all catch up to each other though.

I still have not decided if I am going to keep growing them in pots in the green house, or put them in soil outside.

The bigger of the bunch is just about ready for their first topping. I have a feeling this plant is going to be a monster so best to keep it trained well.

Misted them and gave them some more water to drink. Right now I think they still consume much of their water from the humidity in the air so I am keeping it at 70% RH.

They seem quite happy, hope they stay this way or even more happy outdoors. Honestly I am a little nervous putting them outside. I have never grown outside, so this will be all new to me. But I think its best to make use of Central Virginia's long summers. And maybe next year I can even squeeze two harvests in one summer out of some plants.

The tub is being well used as a nutrient storage and cannabis cultivation tool area... lol

Sometimes when I look at my grow tent, it reminds me of the time machine from Family Guy..lol I guess that is good, as my cannabis I have been growing is quite strong and seems to manipulate time while smoking it as well :-P

With only a few weeks before the risk of frost is over, I will keep growing these indoors. Just today it got below 32F so I know the cold mornings are done finished just yet. I would hate to put them outside now just to kill them, so its important to wait until the weather is mild enough to grow this South African based strain.


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This grow tent is really cool and weird at the same time. Indeed it looks like some time machine. Either these plants have come to you through time travel or perhaps you are going to send them somewhere.😅
But anyways they look so fresh and happy!😊👍🏼

I love these grow tents, they are great to keep the pests out and the light in.

Hehe yeah, thanks man.

I won't lie but this is the first time I've heard of such tents. These tents would be more useful for those who live in high-rise buildings in developed cities. This means now there is no need to choose between your gardening hobby and a developed city, you can grow whatever you want even in a closed room. That's wonderful!

Good afternoon dear friend @solominer
How good it is to see the growth of your plants, and although one of them has developed more, I hope the rest grow and catch up. It's great that they received the first fertilization and are developing well.

I don't know if it is a good idea to grow them outside the greenhouse, as you well know, there are some situations that you cannot control, such as air, light, temperature, humidity. something that in the greenhouse you can have greater control. Another thing you could do is try a plant and see how it turns out for you.

Thank you very much for sharing the evolution of your plants
Have a great day

Thank you, yeah true it probably is better to grow in the green house. I just need to make sure I can get the misters working before its time. Otherwise they will get too hot inside.

But if I get everything working I will probably put them in there.

Hope you have a great day too.

I love this plant. the leave look amazing. Thanks for sharing my dear friend

Thanks, they sure do.

You really know what you're doing, your plants are beautiful and vibrant!

Your greenhouse looks like something from the future, very cool.

I am trying my best, have had a few grows now so hopefully I am learning with every step of the way.

Hah thanks, yeah the grow tent is nice.

Your plants are very healthy and growing strong inside the house!!!

Gotta keep them strong for the outdoors :-)

Looking good my friend! They look nice and healthy too.

they sure are, I think they are enjoying their nutes.

it is an amazing genetic and grown really quickly :D

It sure is, liking this strain.

Looks very lush. I really like planting like this.

thanks man, yeah they are quite the happy plants.

YOOOOOOOOOOOOOO that table looks so good! You even included Images.

Zaaaaamn boi that must be some great zaza you growing.

When i learned more about weed, i was surprised to learn there was so many different types of cannabis grown in the world.

In the news its all classified as an illegal drug known as Marijuana. Regardless of what type, variant, or purpose.

Although in the capital its somewhat allowed for foreigners. But the permit is almost impossible to get unless you know someone. Hohohohoho

Let us see if you could get it right the next Guess how many grams post.

Markdown can be really fun to use, just got to sit down and set it up right. When it all comes together it can really add some great detail to posts I think.

Hah yeah man, there are wild strains from all over the world. Recently I got some from Laos and Napal. So plan on seeing more of these wild plants.

Oh man well hope they legalize, if Thailand did it ya'll can too.

Its gonna be awhile before my next guess the grains, since I am growing a photoperoid strain outside its probably gonna be ready by autumn if all goes well.

It's crazy how fast they grow. It seems like it was just yesterday that they sprouted up.

It is pretty amazing, glad that I blog about them so I can go back and find old pictures of them.

These plants look beautiful and with good color, and with this weather the heat is making them feel at home, so many plants are growing like rockets.

Much appreciated, they are looking quite happy.

Our summers are pretty hot here so I think so.

Jajajaa it really looks like, keeping plants is such a world full of techniques, discoveries and mostly trial an error, requires a lot of dedication and time to learn all this things, btw what do you mean by keep it trained? , I know nothing about keeping plants ✌️

Hehe it does... yeah but that is the fun of it.. Every grow is a little different.

Training involves manipulating the growth of the plant.


You can see the plant on the right as been topped, forming a shorter but with more buds. The one of the left is natural and just has a few tall colas.. they tend to fall over when they get filled with resin. So topping is a good way to train them.