For better bonding, phones should be kept away. 

in Hive Learners27 days ago

Hello, everyone.

Welcome to my blog and another wonderful edition of the Hive Learner's featured post. Family bonding is something every family should aim for; a strong bond amongst family members enhances family growth. Today, the excessive use of phones and gadgets has hindered a lot of family bonding and even spending quality time with family. Many of us are guilty and must admit we spend so much time on our phones instead of spending time with family and making memories. Time that should be spent having a discussion with family and friends these days is spent on the internet doing one thing or another. The funny thing is that content on the internet is never ending. Sometimes take a break and live a real life and then go back to the internet.

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Before smartphones and other gadgets family and friends spent more time together, back in the days one way to combat boredom is by spending quality time with family and friends, making memories but today smartphones do that job with ease, and is slowly taking the place of family in the life of many. People no longer go to visit family and friends since they can just check up on them online. My cousin will say, What is the need of stressing to go to someone's house to check on them when you are seeing their WhatsApp status? That alone shows you that they are fine. Thanks to technology we are all growing apart with little or no bonds at all, even kids of these days don't get to enjoy their childhood like we did as kids these days now own smartphones and only want to spend time on these smartphones rather than bond with each other.

The more technology evolves, the more distant a lot of people become from family and loved ones. I have been in my aunt's house for the past one month, and her 11 year old son prefers to spend time on his iPad than actually engage in a conversation with anyone, and if you try to engage in any with him, he lets you know you are disturbing him and wants to be left alone. He plays games and doesn't even want to bond with his other siblings. Every parent has their own style of parenting, but letting him grow apart will have an effect on him later, but they don't see it that way.

A lot of people can stay glued to their phones for hours and not even bother to check on people living in the same house with them. For me, I feel it is very important that every family adopt the tradition of phone-free time, a time where every member of the family drops their phone and tries to bond with each other. They can play games or do a lot of things. Whenever my dad is lucky, we do observe moments like this and listen to him tell us about his life experience as a military personnel, and then, in the end, he gives us room to share our story too.

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With this, he has been able to build a relationship with us because he was never around while we were growing up and was very strict the few moments he was around, which made us very scared of him. We were never free around him, but with his few phone free days, we have been able to bond a little as well as have the relationship we never had with him. Time away from phones and gadgets can help families bond as well as grow in unity.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha

 27 days ago  

Well, we cannot compare physical seeing to seeing each other on the phones. Phones have a way of taking away people's focus on surrounding environment. Hopefully, we can have more bond time with relatives

 27 days ago  

Not all people have the time to bond with family, all they will say is that they have a phone that they can use to check on them or there's a WhatsApp video call that they can use to see each other, having time for bonding with family or relatives is a good thing.

 27 days ago  

My cousin will say, What is the need of stressing to go to someone's house to check on them when you are seeing their WhatsApp status? That alone shows you that they are fine.

Oh! My kinda person. There's absolutely no need to pay transport or walk under the sun to go and meet someone 😎


@offia66! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @kingsleyy. (6/20)

 27 days ago  

I still engage in long conversations with my daughter and my wife without being interrupted by a cell phone or any other electronic device. Conversations with my mother or grandmother were sacred and I believe I am passing on these values along with my wife to my daughter. Even though I can communicate with my family members by cell phone, it is not the same to discuss an issue person to person as it is to discuss it over the phone.

 27 days ago  

Nothing beats physical discussion with family members, no matter how well phones get, physical communication will top the ladder.

A proper parenting will be to attain a balance amidst every technological advancements

 27 days ago  

I agree with you social bonding is important to people who avoid cellphones. Maybe your idea of having some time separated for "no phone" time would be interesting.