You can only raise them, but you cannot choose the path they follow when they grow up.

in Hive Learners25 days ago

Hello, everyone.

Welcome to my blog and another wonderful edition of the Hive Learner's featured post. Letting kids deviate from what they were raised with or how they were raised is a very difficult thing for many parents to let happen. In many cases, it always results in a broken family, and the child who decides to take a different path is cut off from the rest of the family. It is very difficult to come across African parents that support their child's choice to deviate from how they were raised, but many kids these days tend to want to deviate, and it has in one way or another caused a crack in the family bond.

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Many parents try to keep their kids on the path that they showed them from the time they were little, but many kids grow up and, for one reason or another, will want to try another path. This is like a nightmare for many parents; they don't ever wish or pray for it, but sometimes it is inevitable, and they just have to deal with it either by fighting it or by accepting it. Some fight it, and in the end, they give up the fight and let the child do what pleases them. Their relationship with the child, in most cases, waxes cold, while others still accept the child for the new person they have become.

Sometimes I feel it is better if parents give room for the possibility that a child can grow up and decide to go down a different path. That way, the heartbreak that comes with it is reduced, and the situation is handled calmly and resolved without causing any chaos in the family. Growing up in the northern part of the country, this is a common thing that happens all the time. A Christian girl decides to change religion all because she wants to be with her Muslim lover, and the family will always want to stand in the way, and in the end, they lose touch with their daughter completely. They always run away from home and hardly return; some are cut off from family and anyone who tries to support her or their love as well.

If only parents would accept the truth that they can only raise the child, but the path they decide to go down or stick to is all up to them. And as parents, it is expected that they love their child unconditionally, irrespective of the path that they have chosen. You tried your best as a parent, but they chose a different path. You just accept it and accept their decision, especially in cases where they are persistent and adamant. Instead of letting their decision break the family apart, just let them go.

What will my reaction be if my child chooses a different path?

I have seen it happen countless times and how it ended happy homes. If my child decides to take a different path and I try to talk them out of it and they are adamant, then I am forced to accept them for who they have decided to be. Love them unconditionally, and most of all, accept the new them just so the love and harmony we enjoy can continue.

Thanks for reading my post.


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 24 days ago  

Tha is indiaunited 🎉

 25 days ago  

There will come a time in our live where our parents will just be supporting us and not forcing us do things there way.

 24 days ago  

Many African parents don't believe in times like this, some even want the child to go their way forever.

 25 days ago  

Flexibility is the right word! I like to think that when we give freedom of choice, experiences can be built there, and it's solely up to the son to make their decisions based on what they have lived.

 24 days ago  

You have said it all. I appreciate your time sir.

 25 days ago  

I believe that all people have free will, and that we can develop the ability to decide and if we are wrong we have the challenge to solve and face the problems. We should support our children in their decisions and not be judges, we instill values in them and they are able to develop them and transmit them to other people.

 24 days ago  

Many parents find it very difficult to support their child especially if the child decides to deviate.

 25 days ago  

The path to follow belongs to the children while the guidance belongs to parents. Each must respect and appreciate the others contribution. Good parents are a gift to many who maximize them.

 24 days ago  

You summarised everything sir,guidance is for the parents while the kids choose their path.

I agree. Parents should always be the support system of their children.

 24 days ago  

Thanks for stopping by.

 25 days ago  

The parent can only try to accept but it is mostly difficult for them. I have seen it play out and at the end, the child came back asking for her parents forgiveness.

 24 days ago  

Many parents try to fight it, but in the end are forced to accept it and let it go.

 24 days ago  


 25 days ago  

Yes, I totally agree with you, parents are fun of doing that, imposing things on their children not minding whether the children like it or not.

 24 days ago  

It is really wrong when parents force certain things down their children's throat. You are just forced to accept it whether you like it or not.

 25 days ago  

Especially in Africa, most parents want to impose stuff on their kids. From the day they were born till when they’re old their parents always dictate their life.
This doesn’t even give the child the opportunity to explore actually do what they want. It’s really sad.