Reciprocating the Care...

in Hive Learners23 days ago (edited)

Good morning everyone,
It's yet another day for a wonderful prompt from Hivelearners.

Everyone has got a role to play to ensure the smooth transition of activities here on earth and the basic unit of the world as a whole is the family.
I remember vividly when we were in primary school offering the subject Social Studies and a topic, Family will always be taught and there, we always reminisced over and over again what the functions of everyone in the family was....
The dad with the core duties of provision and securing the lives and properties of his family even when he isn't a security man, lol.

The mum with the core duty of cooking food and ensuring the morals of the children are in order.

The children with the core functions of doing many house chores and taking care of their parents at old age.

Now the question of if it's proper for the children to take care of their parents when they get old regardless of their financial capabilities comes to light?

My unwavering answer is that you not just should but MUST take care of them.

There's nothing wrong with reciprocating the care you've received all your formative years... We're talking about your parents who took care of you from the foetus stage down to training you and making a great sacrifice getting you to the stage where you are now?
I honestly see it as something you should even do without been told.

One of my lecturers told us his parents have been on 15% of his salary ever since he started recieving salaries till this point...
That's it! No parent is expecting you to give him or her the latest Prada in town or the Samsung yet to be produced... They just need that basic care; show them that affection, make them know you appreciate their sacrifices and that's all.

Do you know some parents let go of their dreams just to make sure their children succeeds?
Now you're contemplating if you should reciprocate the care, let me ask you,
If you don't care for them, Who will do it for you?

What are you doing in preparation for your own old age?

At this stage, my parents are still taking care of me, lol, but, I believe having the mindset of wanting to take care of my parents not even in their old age but once I find my footing on Earth is already something very nice... It all starts from the mind anyway.

For the time been, I'll be imitating my lecturer to also place my parents on some percentage of my salary when I start receiving one.

Although, I've got other plans on how to take care of them...
If life goes as plan, I would love to build a tenant house where my parents would be collecting the rents and taking care of their needs; it won't be easy doing that but it's what I'm focused on doing and I know it's doable, by the way "if plans aren't scary, they're not good enough", they say, hehe.


Our Parents will always play a great role in whatever and whoever we become in life even to their own detriment because they love us, there's nothing, absolutely nothing argumentative about whether you should reciprocate that care or not.

Thanks for reading and have a nice day

 23 days ago  

It's never a must, but every grateful child knows the right thing to do even without being told. However, for our own old age...I think it's best we plan it solid even without expecting anything from our children. That's simply the best inorder not to struggle incase of uncertainties
Btw, you got nice plan regarding your parents and I pray that God blesses you to actualize it in due time 🤗


 23 days ago  

That's very true... Making plans for ourselves will be an add on to the care and even help relieve the worry on the children


$PIZZA slices delivered:
@nkemakonam89(1/5) tipped @sperosamuel15

 23 days ago  

Thanks ☺️

 23 days ago  

Anyone who can’t take care of their old parents doesn’t deserve to call them their parents. Even if you don’t have money, there’s always something you can help with. They deserve it.

 23 days ago  

That's my point honestly... They don't even need much, just the little sacrifice and care is enough which doesn't cost billions

 23 days ago  

May God give everyone children who will be tire for them in their old age.

 23 days ago  


 23 days ago  

Every child oughts to know that the parents made sacrifices for them, if not for anything for the sacrifices show your parents love.

 23 days ago (edited) 

Well spoken my brother

 23 days ago  

A reasonable child should have his parents at heart...well it is a natural thing that every child should do. But I argument is for the parents who just take things too high to the point that even when the kids are not stable they make unnecessary demands, haba..that's too bad. Your lecturer did well and its a good example

 23 days ago  

Honestly I've not witnessed that but I'm not doubting it but then, my mum will even prefer to still give me rather than take from me

 23 days ago  

The family is the basis of society, that is the first thing they teach us in schools, each of its components has a role. The fourth commandment of the law of God for Catholics tells us that we must honor our father and mother, I believe that it should be so regardless of the religion we profess.

The help we give to our parents can not only be monetary, we can cheer them up when they are sad, or help them to do some task that they can no longer do because of their age. Without hesitation, we must take an interest in our parents in some way.

 23 days ago  

That's very true friend.... There's always somewhere to come in if you really want to help your parents, it mustn't even be monetary like you just said also

 23 days ago  

My unwavering answer is that you not just should but MUST take care of them.

I think in most countries you can get sued if you don't take care of the elderly (related to you of course).