Walking is Great For Weight Loss

in Wednesday Walk17 days ago

Hi Hive friends.

On Wednesday, we went to this beautiful place for our Wednesday walk, but I am posting this post a little late because the solar system people came at night on Wednesday, so I have made this post too, but error. I will post that post till night too, so the temperature here was between 45 and 50 and it has become so hot that it is impossible to live now. At the time of going for some time over such a beautiful place where there are trees.

The temperature here is the same throughout the day, so it is sunny in the evening, but still, when you stay in such a place, you definitely get some comfort and if we walk 10,000 steps daily, it will improve our health. But kissing has good effects and many things inside us become right and we can live a good and healthy life, so I try to do this routine daily.

So that we can live a good and healthy life, the benefit will be that if we do this daily, our stomach will also be full and the rest of the body will also be full, so doctors also tell us about the same thing. We all must go for a daily walk without it life can never go well but we are so busy these days in our mobile world that we don't have time to walk and go to places like this.

By the way, all of us should go for a walk in the morning, it will have more effect on our body because there is no sun in the morning and the morning air is very special, so I try to do the same. I want to change my routine a bit and then visit again in the morning, so you can see in the pictures that this place is very beautiful and in the video you can see the work here.

The boy was a young lad so he took great care of all these things and it is also a fact that if the flowers and such grounds were not protected in this way, they would have deteriorated very quickly. Their beauty is maintained only by giving water on time, that is why the government has given jobs to such people here and in many places we have seen that these people do not do their job well.

And only giving money every month from the government but this guy was doing the work honestly. So the people who come here should also respect those who work here because it is because of them that they are working here if they take care of cleanliness then all such people It will be easy to work and then when such a place is beautiful, we all have to go for a walk, then we will feel very good.

Then you can see here these pictures that I made. These leaves were looking very beautiful and clean and that's why they took some pictures then there was a special arrangement to sit here because in the evening many families come here and children come to play. Because of this, many things were kept special so that all the people who come here can forget their life's worries and enjoy for some time and improve their health.

Here inside the park, you can see that a person addicted to drugs was also sitting, so it was very sad to see him, because this addiction that happens is a very wrong thing, it ruins life. The recognition of six evils ends and a person continues to be humiliated on the road in the same way and life is in a lot of trouble and a religion ends in the same way this life ends, so it is a fact that I myself Also,

Many such people have seen in their lives that there were many, they live in trouble in the same way, and because of the trouble, they get addicted to addiction, then that addiction does not end and it becomes their life. Ends it but they continue to take drugs in the same way every day, we will see such people everywhere, so it is our effort as well as that of the institutions that these people lead a right and good life and that give up addiction.

Tracks were also made here nice and clean due to which people don't have problem to walk here. All these things I liked the park very much. Such parks should be near our home. We could go everyday it was 15 minutes away from our house so I had to go here on a bike because 15 minutes is a bit difficult to walk the road is very fast and the traffic is very heavy so that's why.

Then when we reached here, then we spent two hours here, so we got to learn many special things, met many people there, so this is life, in the same way, together with each other. We should all live by helping others. Nowadays, all the people in our city are trying to get solar panels installed in their houses by borrowing money or in any other way so that the electricity bill is not so high and they don't have to worry about the problem.

Because of this, the life becomes worse and because of anxiety, people start committing suicide because when a person goes into depression, they do not understand anything and that is the only solution. That some things were more special here, the gate of the park was also very cute,

They installed it and there were other special things, the conditions here are bad, so they kept the security system good, otherwise, here at night time. Things are stolen because of which people are very worried that's why a security guard has been arranged here at night.

Here's my entry for @wednesdaywalk community, as hosted by @tattoodjay.

Who is djbravo?

Djbravo real name is Asad-chughtai and i am from Pakistan. Asad-chughtai is an writter, blogger, crypto trader, and nature lover. My goal is to share these special places and natural sights with all of you.