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RE: Exploring the medieval Avebury Henge and Stone

in Wednesday Walk • last month

It also looked like the head of a lion to me 😅 Hi Milly, it is a pleasure to greet you and see that you have enjoyed a very special day. Apparently it never started raining and that added up to a perfect day where you were able to take pictures without so many obstacles. It is felt through your words that you enjoyed the walk and I have gone to your husband's profile to continue looking at pictures, my favorite is the black and white post. Thank you for sharing your experience, a sincere hug for you!. 😘


Hello @jesuslnrs
Thanks for your lovely comment. I'm pleased that you got to check out the other links in the area. I didn't want to duplicate anything that he had already written. Yes, the stones are perfect for black-and-white images.
Have a lovely day:)))