My Wednesday Walk to the Sea

in Wednesday Walk19 days ago (edited)


We had this walk in the very end of April, when the spring just decided that it was time to come to our northern country. Its arrival was impetuous and dasing - everything was covered with deep snow yesterday, but a couple of sunny and windy days cleaned the ground from it, the miracle happened! Dull brown soil rapidly got green colour, and shy very first flowers, yellow and purple, added brightness to the landscape.




We had a week of spring holidays, and my friend, currently living in Finland, visited me. Here she is, in the photos below.



I live quite close to the Baltic sea, so it does not take us much time toapproach it.
It was a sunny Wednesday. We had a pleasant short walk to the sea, and I took some pictures on the way - a good chance to participate in a wonderful Wednesday Walk contest, a photo challenge hosted by @tattoodjay.





This snag has been lying on the shore for about two years. The tree was uprooted and fell from a steep part of the coast. I think that they did not remove it from the beach on purpose since it, or rather its root part, looked quite picturesque. With time, the weather, and also people, have done their job, unfortunately.
Эта коряга лежит на берегу уже второй год. Дерево было вырвано из земли с корнем и упало с крутой части побережья. Думаю, что его не стали убирать намеренно, так как выглядело оно, вернее его корневая часть, довольно живописно. За это время погода, а еще, возможно, и люди, сделали свое дело, к сожалению.







Эту прогулку мы совершили в самом конце апреля, когда весна ещё только решила, что наконец-то настала пора посетить и нашу северную страну. Его прибытие было стремительным и бурным - ещё вчера все было занесено глубоким снегом, но пара солнечных и ветреных дней очистила от него землю, чудо произошло! Унылая бурая почва быстро зазеленела, а робкие первые цветы, желтые и фиолетовые, добавили пейзажу яркости.



How beautiful that spring has arrived there @olgavita
A beautiful place for a Wednesday walk, I love walking along the sea coast
beautiful photographs

I love the sea area too. We do not often have clear blue sky above it, unfortunately...

Beautiful views of the Clean beach atmosphere. People Will feel at home living there. Thank you.

Thank you for stopping by and your kind words, @hsidik ❤️.

Oh, I am very grateful 🙏❤️, thank you!

You're welcome

How are you dear friend @olgavita good morning
What a beautiful place you chose for this Wednesday walk, surrounded by nature and a lot of beauty, I love the coast.
Beautiful photographs, I appreciate you sharing with us.
have a happy wednesday

Thank you dear friend for stopping by and writing so nice words to me 💖! This shore is in just some minutes walk from my home. I am lucky to live so close to the sea, even in our northern climate.