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RE: Exploring the medieval Avebury Henge and Stone

I've seen a lot of artifacts and lens flares in photos, but this is one of the freakiest I've encountered! It's like a ball hanging in the air, casting a shadow on the clouds! 😮 Did Scubahead see this?



Aye, ye ye ye! I just got what you pointed out while reviewing the photos. That photo in particular was taken right before I got off the bus. That's a reflection of my flash on the windscreen. 🙃 I discarded many other photos because of it, but that one slipped 🙄

I'm glad you did not cull that one, as it was a smashing shot, despite the strange artifact! The field of yellow flowers is gorgeous, the view is magnificent, and the clouds are fascinating!

Yeah, I think that's why I didn't delete that photo, but I admire your eye for details 👏

Nope definitely aliens 🤣

Haha, the cropped image does look like aliens, indeed! 😂

Hehe! This sounds like the strangest thing, indeed. No, he didn't mention anything of the sort, but the area is so amazing that we might return if we get the chance:)