
It is certainly difficult to find an anime nowadays to connect with, I remember reading that review and I was also attracted by the plot and now I read yours, it's a sign that I must watch it haha

I have a feeling it will bring a few tears to my eyes 🦉

Yes, I think you should see it, I'm sure you'll like it. Greetings!


If I have noticed that many anime are like more of the same but on the other hand it is also difficult to create innovative stories, then I think that in reality the real problem is the emptiness of personalities in the characters (this applies to anime as to series, movies etc) because if you can tell something with a similar foundation (in fact I think so happens a lot) but what attracts the viewer is the emotions that those characters generate. It is a good topic to debate that calls my attention to make a post and read opinions.

For example if the characters generate empathy to the spectator the success, this I notice happened with you and the one that leads them then the anime fulfills and that is the success.

I will keep annotated because I call attention to the stories of conflicts of races, this is something that in real life happened for millennia, it is like part of human nature to form groups or societies and to do so see the rest as inferior


Si he notado que muchos animes son como mas de lo mismo pero en contraparte es que también cuesta crear historias innovadoras, entonces pienso que en realidad el verdadero problema es el vacio de personalidades en los personajes (esto aplica a anime como a series, peliculas etc) porque si se puede contar algo con un fundamento similar (de hecho asi pienso sucede mucho) pero lo que atrae al espectador es las emociones que esos personajes le generen. Es un buen tema a debatir que llama mi atención para hacer un post y leer opiniones

Por ejemplo si los personajes le generan empatía al espectador el éxito, esto noto sucedió contigo y la que los lidera entonces el anime cumple y eso es el éxito

La tendré anotada porque me llaman la atención las historias de conflictos de razas, esto es algo que en la vida real sucedió por milenios, es como que parte de la naturaleza humana el formar grupos o sociedades y al hacerlo ver al resto como inferiores

The characters really connected with me, but I think it's because the writer managed to capture quite well the situations that derive from race conflicts that as you know have a lot of issues to deal with.

Keep this anime in mind, you will like it for sure.

It sounds very interesting the way you describe it so I will try to start looking into it as well.

You are right these times it is not easy to find anime with real entertainment and those meaningful vibes.

Nothing easy, but just like this case, an interesting one appears from time to time.

I haven't finished watching this. From episode 10 on, that's past where the first Light Novel ends and the rest of the books are written out of order due to the original being a one-shot (was never supposed to be a full series). For a first major work from its author, it's a very interesting read with some fun author's notes about her preferences in women and other things. I wish I could get my youngest sister to read it due to its core themes and inspiration being directly related to her military career (she was a drone pilot).

Would recommend a read if you have quite a bit of time. It's not a "long" series but the Anime surprisingly got most of the tone down (up to where I stopped watching so I could read). :D