Ask Anime Week #17: How will you get isekai'd?

We're going to make this a weekly mini-contest where we ask something related to Anime. Read the rules carefully.


Ask Anime Question of the Week:

How will you get isekai'd?

Isekai is a genre where the protagonist gets transported into another world as a premise.

The question is how do you think you're going to get transported into another world if you were an isekai protagonist? get hit by truck-kun? swallowed up by a magical book? died in your sleep? which scenario would you likely end up having?

Yeah we skipped a week because I was on vacation - Adam

  1. Comment your answer to the weekly question to this post as an entry.
  2. Must be in English but you can attach a section for a different language too as long as there is an English section that conveys the same thought.
  3. No need to make a post about the contest or use a specific tag for your post. You can still post about this but it serves no purpose in picking a winner.
  4. Tag someone who you think might be interested in joining (optional) but if that person participates in the event, there's a bonus reward IF either of you wins. In cases where multiple users tag the same person, we'll count only the user that mentioned that person first as evidenced by the time stamp on the blockchain.
  5. Comments must be below 4 sentences for the actual entry. There's no need to comment 4 sentences for an entry, it's just a max number to avoid the entries becoming long form posts. If you have conversations in the comment section, make sure it's done on a separate comment/reply section.
  6. Response must not be AI generated. While this can sometimes be a challenge to detect and prove, it's not worth trying because you're being asked to share in your own words.
  7. Only 1 winner will be picked. Criteria for judging will not be disclosed but the closest hint available is: put some thought into your answer within the limited number of sentences available.

Notes: Think less of this as a contest and more of an avenue to share your thoughts and get more exposure within the community. We'll adapt the mechanics of the contest depending on the outcome of the previous contests so expect rules can change in the future.

Prize: The winner will receive 1 Hive.

If you won and tagged another user that participated in the mini-contest, you get 2 Hive and the other person you tagged gets 0.5 Hive.

If the person you tagged won, they get 2 Hive and you get 0.5 Hive for tagging them along.


If I were an isekai protagonist, I would be transported to another world while playing a video game, this as a result of a power failure, because in my country (Venezuela) the electricity goes out a lot. Surely I would be playing, and when fighting the final boss, an electrical failure would occur, I would end up impacted by the energy and I would end up inside the video game. And in this way I would start my new adventure haha. 😅

Hahaha game and electricity 😂 that could be a nice plot

Hahahahaha OMG, I am from Venezuela too and I can understand you!

Ironically, I would go on vacation and that would lead to me surviving a plane crash that kills most of the passengers, washing up on a remote island with only a basketball (named Wiruson), and being away for months from here, surviving off of God's green earth. My rescuers would be an alien race of octopi from the planet Thelma, only saving me because they saw me in a classic television series that they believed was a religious sermon of some type. The kicker: what would kill me would be none other than how bad the wireless internet would be in space.

Welcome back. I hope you enjoyed your vacation. 😌

hahahaha internet is important 😅

Most probably, I'd get isekai'd by drowning because, in my almost two decades of existence, I shamefully still don't know how to swim. I almost got drowned way back then, and since it's summer here in our country, the timing is impeccable! The scenario will be that I'll join my classmates in their night swimming, then I'll drown, and while submerging further down the depths of the sea, memories of my life will flashback, then slowly I'll lose consciousness, and next thing I know, I'm awake and alive in the body of a man! (Heh, I've always wondered how it is to be a man, so if I get isekai'd, then why not be one?)

Gender swap? Nice!
I think it's okay if you still don't know how to swim. Many people are like you but still it's okay. 😅
Just be careful next time you go out swimming with friends, don't go far or else you'll be isekai'd

There's one anime where an old king was reborn into a young girl. I can't remember the title though.

Hahaha noted, though sometimes I wished I can be isekai'd because I think my life will be better if I was born as a man...-_-

I’m on a plane for vacation but the destination is already elsewhere unknown. It was the other Earth of another universe. The wittyzell in that universe also traveled to my universe. Swapped. Totally different lives.

Would you both be the same gender, age and profession, though? If not, would the world rewrite itself to accommodate the new memories required to make sense of the change or would they be totally foreign? I love this reply so much for how unused this kind of Isekai tends to be.

Same gender and age. Profession might be different. It's because of the different choices both person made in 2 different environments.
So the memories they have will be from their original universe, but now they're in a new universe. They need to understand and learn the ways of the foreign world. 😅 And also find ways how to go back.. if they can.

Most common way is to be hit by a truck, another is to be transported in game. For me, I'd like to be isekai'd in old age when I have a lot of experience to take advantage of in the new world 😀

That's so.. haha What if you'll be isekai'd but your age is still the same? Meaning you'll still be in old age when isekai'd? 😂

Lol, that would suck 😂
Give me powers to make me young again. 😄

😂 That's just so funny!

I'm probably gonna say something very typical, but I can definitely see myself getting isekai'd by getting lost in a magical forest, wandering around and suddenly finding another magical and unknown world. Basically because I love forests but also because I know I get lost very easily. My sense of orientation doesn't work xD

Would mistaking eating non-edible mushrooms or following a suspicious rabbit be also be included in the possibilities of you getting isekai'd?

Definitely would be included, maybe not a rabbit (that's too Alice) but surely a mystical creature, with an intriguing aura

I'd get isekai'd as I accidentally stepped on a land mine... 💥
Then, I'd get transported to an underwater world where a different kind of population live and I found myself being one of them (human form but can easily and normally live underwater like in NagiAsu). Our species are then to head out on an adventure to discover what's on the surface. 😎✨

land mine seems fun! hahahaha esp when it's unexpected

Did you ever read about the actor in Lord of the Rings almost dying from one during filming? I’m imagining you with a beard now 😅


I haven't... That sounds scaryyyy... xD
Ohh... I don't mind having a beard. lol
I'll check the article. Thanks! ^^

Yeah, the films should have had multiple deaths and been very bad. They filmed all three mostly all at once 😂

I read the article... It sounded so scary. Good thing they didn't trigger any of them. It's amazing how land mines can still blow up even after so many years as long as they're still intact. I wonder why shooting was approved in such an area... anyway, thanks for sharing... ^^

I believe it’s because of New Zealand only having a single desert that the military used for ammunition testing, but yeah. That’s very scary!!! Isekai LotR when? there’s already the Suicide Squad Isekai 🫣

Though I'm a little odd on this one, I'd love to be transported into a world during apocalypse acting as the hero that saves the world. I'll be given powers and skills to fight my way to be the hero.

Not Odd. That’s partially the premise of two Isekai: I’m Standing on a Million Lives and Rising of the Shield Hero

What kind of powers and skills do you want to have?

In an adventure guild, I'll have powers like Rimuru Tempest in Reincarnation as a Slime.

With that kind of powers, I don't need anything else 😁😁.