A long drive and scrumptious chicken

in Galenkp's Stuff15 days ago

I had a busy week at work last week; I took four flights then had to drive a reasonably long way, 800 kilometres (497 miles) round trip, for a 45 minute meeting with a high profile and high dependency (HD) client on the very next day. I was pretty tired from the early part of the week but I had little choice so cowboy'd up and got it done.


I like driving and when it's on the open road away from the city traffic it's even better. I put tunes on, set the cruise control and was good to go.

It's a long drive for a short meeting though and the fact I was out there all day and not working for most of it meant I had to come home and work into the evening after an early start. Sucks ass, but I get paid well and it's required - not that the company would ever say as much.

My meeting went well, I might talk a little about it later, and I was happy with the result. There's a lot to be said for face-to-face meetings and I know many wouldn't have bothered preferring a Teams meeting from the office instead...but not me, I prefer face-to-face (when possible) and my results show the value in it; reading and reacting to body language and using my own to get the message across helps drive revenue and there's other advantages.

Anyway, I wanted to get the most from the long drive so set up a couple other meetings, less important but worth my time, and managed to get five meetings in total with three different clients. A productive day.

I was feeling chuffed (happy) with my effort and thought I'd reward myself with a decent lunch so I hit a local pub and ordered a grilled chicken breast with mashed potato (I hardly touched the potato because carbs are no bueno) and a side salad. It was fucken scrumptious although the chicken breast looked a little funny all rolled up like it was. See image above. I also got a really great chat with the bargirl over lunch who wasn't busy; it was nice to have a social conversation rather than read emails over lunch, and she was easy on the eye too.


It was a nice little reward and with a great view to enjoy as I ate my lunch as well, see above, it was also a really nice time to think about the meetings I'd had, mostly the one with the HD client, and to ponder how successful each was, what I could have done differently or did well, and how I'll proceed into the future. That relaxing view made it easy to think...in between chatting with the hottie bargirl.

Overall I had a good and quite productive day despite six hours of it being spent driving and even working later on into the evening wasn't too bad as I knew it would pay dividends down the track (which it has already since then.) Having to travel so much can be annoying at times but sometimes it's a pleasure and my road trip last week was once such time.

Design and create your ideal life, tomorrow isn't promised - galenkp

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Image(s) in this post are my own


Least it sounds like you're enjoying a job you're good at XD

the commuting required would absolutely do my head in and that's even if I was capable of the actual job itself

Yay for a productive day and a yummy lunch :D


I do, if I'm totally honest, but there's so many aspects I don't enjoy which make things very complicated, stressful and time consuming. Systems I guess I mean. I also don't enjoy the fact I seem incapable of switching off, leaving work at work which is something I've traditionally been very good at - you know, flicking the switch on or off. I'm finding my way back to that but it's difficult as I have such a high expectation of myself, always have. Anyway, a tasty lunch helps now and then, better than the cucumbers, celery and carrot sticks I usually eat. Lol.

That's a tasty sounding salad, though does it give an active guy enough energy? XD

Are you finding it more difficult because the job is so demanding and you can't always get the stuff you want done to the best of your ability done inside of working hours?

I have protein with it as well, keeps me going, and in between meals I have a snack like nuts or something like that. I'm not dead yet, seems to be working. Lol.

I work outside of work hours a fair amount, that's part of it, and also sometimes having trouble shutting off from it which affects other aspects of life. It ebbs and flows, but yeah, being so bloody busy isn't legit.

I took a break from my albatross. The prime repairs today to have a blackened Monterey chicken breast sammich with pepper jack/cheddar. I also had the mashed with gravy. It was sooo good. I can still eat the carbs and stuff you can not. For now...

Thanks for this post. It helped with my overwhelmed drowning mental state after a horrible week of swimming thru here. I do recall seeing the sun for a brief time last week... 🌧️ ☔ ⚡ 🌩️

You find a way to push thru and post mostly positive and top level writings.
I envy that and you inspire me to push on also. So many thanks to you for that inspiration bro.!!

Mate, I appreciate your candor and kind words, I like to think something I have to say has a positive effect on someone out there in my real life or here.

It seems you've had a fucked up week and it's easy to see why; we all have them I guess and what's good about it (for you and I) is that we're fucken Titans and can deal with the shit when it comes. That's what matters.

Scroll down to the comments of this post, you'll see the roads I took this drive on...no rain in sight...fuck-ton of triple road-trains though (primemovers hauling three full-length trailers.) I counted 167 of them that I passed going my way and going the other as well.

I like driving when it is the open road like that and I don't have to deal with a lot of traffic. People are just nuts these days in the US. They decide like maniacs. Thanks for explaining chuffed, I have seen that before and always wondered. Mashed potatoes are one of my weaknesses. I love them. Especially the fake powdered ones.

It's not just in the States Bozz, drivers here are bonkers and not in a good way like you, me and @mrbonkers...It's downright dangerous on the roads; maniacs, as you say.

A world with mashed potato in it is a good world, alas I have little more than a fork full now and then these days and often none. 😭

That really is sad. I get why you do it though. Always important to take care of your health first. I don't remember if I said it before, but if I had the money I would have a personal driver.

I think the most important thing is that you feel fulfilled / motivated?

You are good at what you do and it shows that you enjoy it despite the stress it can generate, which is normal, isn't it? Besides you are used to it and you know the environment, as long as the effort is worth it, go ahead!

I was 12 years in charge of a work group and that generated many trips, sometimes intense and exhausting, but I thought they were worth it when I took into account the amount finally contracted with each company per year, which was in fact, quite estimable, but even if that amount was higher each year, it did not represent any benefit for my salary and that of my workers, then, inevitably you decide that it is not worth the sacrifice....
It was not the fault of my bosses, but of a highly centralized economy, a new form of exploitation at work?
What do you think?

I'm motivated for life for certain, and for many other things. I have a good life, if somewhat complicated at times, but I can't (and don't want to) complain too much.

I think you understand what it takes to be successful in business and the toll it can take which is lamentable but the way it goes mostly. There's no gain without pain, effort, sacrifice and all...there's a price to pay. I'm not sure where you are, Cuba possibly, which probably complicates things for you (and others), Castro cost that country dearly. It is never easy to do business, but it must be very difficult to do business there.

Yes, it is and has been complicated, especially in recent years.... the only business or investment project that can be done in this country is to emigrate.
The important thing is to stay motivated.

Excellent weekend to you.

Long distance never used to be a problem, now the roads are death traps, four or more wheels, powerful motor bike might be the answer getting through playing chicken!

Train-trucks you have there must be a nightmare of note overtaking, even on quiet roads!

Eye to eye chat is far superior to any other way of conducting business, one on one you can visually see or feel the persons reactions.

!BEER cold one after a long hard drive!

The road-trains can be difficult to pass, dangerous. They barrel along at 100kph so one needs to do far more to get by and with the speed limit only 110kph one is speeding just to get by. Some, in the Northern Territory, are five trailers long!

Trucks are always dangerous to pass, timing, speed, space, perhaps on quieter roads one can manage with courteous drivers.

Was this a freeway ride?

I like to drive too, but the restrictions on open roads kill the fun. I love driving on regional roads, when there is something to see along the way, but you can't go far on those roads.

I don't like the highway the least, it's monotonous to me, even though it's the fastest. Up to 350-400 km can be added in one day with short time for meetings or work and return. If the distance is longer, we practice either traveling by plane or staying overnight before returning...

Country roads but a speed limit of 110kph. There's not much around...here's a shot I took through the windshield.


One of mine from the car from the regional road

Yours looks more picturesque, much like parts of Australia actually.

I never thought I'd like a lot of traveling for work and so I didn't, but that doesn't mean it was always the right decision. Now I'll never know !

That's ok though.

It sounds like you had a successful time of it though and that you made the very best of the parts of it you could.

It has it's moments, good points, and I've had some amazing experiences although it's often quite a lonely experience also as Boomy and I was chatting about in another post recently. The key is trying to make the most of it where possible, as you have said.

You enjoy your job and you are well paid for it, that's something most people can't even have. We live civilizations apart though, I think that's the difference.
Treating yourself to a well deserved meal is worth it.

I'm not sure where you live, but I'm in Australia which is a reasonably affluent country where those who work hard can create a good life; I'm lucky fortunate to have worked hard my whole life.

I am from Nigeria, a third World country, that's why I said we are civilizations apart. Australia is a top rated country so I won't expect anything less.

Ah ok, that makes sense; worlds apart in every respect for sure.

It was really a busy week for you, and productive as well. That's great! It's satisfying to know that you have put in enough efforts and then gotten the reward from it.
Scrumptious lunch? I can't find the chicken. 😊

Yep, a good week from a productivity and revenue respect; a tough one though.

because carbs are no bueno

😂👍🏻 Me gusta que estás haciendo el intento.

Memucho habanero jalapeno estecaticas el paso hola.

😄 Hi.

I really liked that meal you enjoyed (mashed potatoes, with grilled chicken breast..... yummy... that all looks so good), I had to tell you. And well, sure this menu you just sent me is a delicacy of Gods too. LOL.


No comment on my exemplary Spanish in the previous comment? Lol.

As I was writing it I was thinking, fuck, hopefully I'm not writing actual words that means something and may be offensive. 🤔

You didn't say anything offensive, don't worry. Your Spanish is very good, I understood that you wanted to eat a jalapeño estecaticas memucho habanero (no idea what it is but it sounds good). 😅
Your Spanish is more understandable than my English so I thank you for all the times you read me and try to understand.

Jalapeño estecaticas memucho is a very traditional and much loved Spanish treat that is good for the health and tasty at the same time. 🙄🤪

🙃🙌 I hope to try it one day.

Productive day, meetings that went well, roads with almost no traffic, a decent meal, and a very good view, well two good views. What more could you ask for.

It is tiring to travel but at least there is the satisfaction that everything went well and there is good pay. All in all a success!

Here's to more trips like this one!

It worked out quite well indeed.

That's the positive, now let's enjoy the rest of the weekend!

It’s great to have such a meeting and a productive day. I’ve been a little out of sorts from crazy high stress for a while but am getting back into the swing of things. Having a day where you feel things go well and you get some good food and conversation definitely helps boost the satisfaction.

I think traveling for work is one of those things I don’t look forward to doing. It’s not that I don’t like traveling which I do but I don’t want to leave the family to go somewhere alone, that’s one of the things holding me back from taking a different role. One day, maybe.

The good days (hopefully) balance out the bad and that's what happened last week.

Travelling for work and travelling for pleasure are worlds apart even when one has the time on a work trip to sightsee or relax a little...it's a different sort of travel.

Hi Galen, I admire your ability to make the most of time, in this case travel. I am also glad that after the effort you find moments of pleasure. Have a great weekend

I like to take advantage of the moments I'm afforded and because I like simple things, don't need momentous things to feel like I've found value, little moments like this deliver enjoyment.

About enjoying the little things, I feel the same way. Although I am not religious, for the last few days before any activity I try to stop and give thanks for that moment. That's the idea, to enjoy the good moments and not let them pass without leaving a mark. I'll see if it works...🤔

We are quite similar I think, I'm also non-religious.

Difficult answer to your comment, I guess if I'm here it's probably because there are things I can relate to.

A couple months ago, I drove across most of Montana (it's a long drive) and much of North Dakota one one long day. A 500-or-so-mile drive is nothing to sneer at. At 70 MPH (as fast as my car is happy to cruise) that's more than 7 hours behind the wheel. Based on your travel time, I assume you were doing 80 MPH at least.

Yep, just under 80mph, and it was open road (image in the comments section) so very little slowing down or stopping. Loads of overtaking though, I counted a total of 167 triple road-trains going in either direction. (Triple trailer trucks)

Driving for long periods takes a toll as you've pointed out but in big countries like yours and mine it's required I guess. I think your Montana drive would have been more picturesque than my recent trip though.

Driving through Glacier was great. Then you leave the forested mountains and hit the plains and it's like hitting a brick wall except the exact opposite. It opens up and there is nothing. Just flat land with brown grass. And it's like that until about 2/3 of the way eastward across North Dakota. Then the lakes and deciduous forests start.

Yeah, that sounds a little like where I drove the otter day...flat, featureless ground mainly although it's the Riverland, so Australia's longest river snakes through it which is the photograph above; 2508km long and runs through three States with some very beautiful scenery along the way.

Hmmmm... hold the phone on everything else... the chicken was rolled?

Did they fillet or butterfly it and then stuff it with something? I don't usually like the breast.

HOWEVER... I would be chuffed 😉 if I could learn to do something along those lines to the breast... though knowing me I am going to stuff it with bell peppers and cheddar cheese...

Yeah, they rolled up a chicken breast, must have had it tied up or held rolled up by a skewer or something in the cooking process. Fucken tasty. Lekker indeed.

Hehehehe. Lekker! 🍻

Indeed. I did something like that with a pork belly rolled. You tie it up, cook it and then slice it and it all stays in that shape. Lovely stuff!

I once had (at a friends place) a turkey stuffed with a chicken which was stuffed with lobster done on the Weber. Fucken awesome!

😱😱😱 Must have been a fairly slow roast! Slow and steady, even heat... I have not had Turkey much but I know its tough... so it needs to be cooked for a long time.

What was tough was not going back for thirds fourths!

Hahahaha, wow! Sounds amazing! 🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤

I prefer face-to-face (when possible) and my results show the value in it

That always feels more organic and more humane. Nowadays digital life has overshot real life so much so that we hardly distinguish between the two. Real interactions whether personal or professional have a profound touch and better outcomes as compared to digital things.

I'm able to make both work however I'm more valuable to my organisation from a relationship and revenue perspective, and am able to provide better solutions to my customers in a face-to-face situation. Hiding behind a computer isn't my style.

That's good. That's how ideally it should be....👍👍👍

That is a really nice plating. But man, going for an 800km drive to a 45min meeting sounds exhausting. I'm hoping you had cruise control to make it more bearable.

Yeah, cruise control as I say in the post. I fell asleep for most of the drive.

Ok, not really.

800 KM drive wow is that the food you enjoyed, damn you had a great time G😍😍😍

Not a great time, it was work, but a less bad time with the addition of a decent lunch and view...but you'd know that because you actually read my post before commenting right?

Absolutely... I was only focused on the food part and although I knew you were a little stressed with work G.... Just want to be positive to encourage my number 1 G. that's all 😁😁😁 hope you're having a great weekend

Here's some !LUV G

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All smiles😊😊😊😊... Despite the long drives it's good it came out productive❤