El Salvador. The journey begins. A journey I took 12 months ago.

in Pinmapple2 months ago


An amazing eight day journey through such a wonderful country began with a couple of nights in a remote location, a captive audience, alas not much to do that tickled my fancy.

Bird watching....NO
Turtle watching....NO
Learn about biodiversity..... Fella, until you mentioned it I have never heard of that word before in my life...NO
Do my own thing....YES

Jiquilisco Bay


This was home for the two nights, originally I was put to share with a couple of single ladies.........be still my beating heart, alas they were both in their late 70's. My little soldier returned to his bunker disappointed.



I informed our leader that I walk around with no clothes on, and am unlikely to change a habit of a lifetime just for a couple of nights, I ended up having the place to myself as he did not want the elderly ladies to go into shock! (as he put it).




Yup lets go for a decent sized bed complete with en suite and balcony.


Situated on the southeast Pacific coast of El Salvador, Jiquilisco Bay, is a massive mangrove site in the country, a very photogenic area.





Chaparrastique volcano in the distance, last active as recently as 2016



Fishing boats on the jetty


Canoes on the shore for the energetic!

I always think of the waiting on staff,so...... one trip two drinks, what a kind guy am !?



Considering the remoteness the food was pretty decent.....

...... as was the sunset






Visiting a small family run farm, part of a larger co-operative, I learnt about chocolate.

Not personally a lover of chocolate, I can't see what all the hoo haa is about, endorphin rush, euphoria? nope, and there are better ways of releasing said chemicals than stuffing several bars of galaxy in ya gob!!



Once these large low hangers are picked



It is the seed inside that is the chocolate bean, loads of little white things, slimy to the touch. Popping one in my mouth was not unpleasant, I sucked ever so gently not wishing to rush the experience, quite a pleasant sensation running my tongue around the bean getting fruity flavours, eventually down to the bean biting in hard released a rather intense but very bitter chocolate flavour, I didn't, swallow, I spit it out, enough is enough.


Once fermented over a week to ten days the beans are sorted, graded and left to dry



Ready for the next stage once dried


That is packaging and forwarding to the wholesaler; chocolate? nah? give me a bag of wine gums.

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Thanks for visiting my page, I am pleased to make your acquaintance. this is Stephen aka, @grindle, happily retired, travelling the world snapping away. My weapon of choice is currently a Nikon Z6(2). Unless stated all images are shot by me, all text is mine based on various info sources. NOT AI generated. If you like my blog, it would be very much appreciated if you upvote and follow me. Also, I enjoy interaction please feel free to drop a comment.



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Nice! Could you pay with btc there? 😃 its legal tender right.

yes it is legal tender, and in some places there were signs up at some places ( BTC accepted here) I just stuck to plastic, as yet I know nothing about crypto currency.... Not a clue if I am being honest

Great reason given to scare two ladies out to have a place to oneself!

What a treat visually inspiring place to be, remote is great a little of this and that.

Chocolate beans interesting to learn how livings are maintained in that part of the world. Worth a pretty penny for those who love munching a bar or two of the authentic, which you don't obtain easily and at great expense.

@tipu curate

I guess it is called "the ways and means" act, it was Ok, I guess you are surrounded by nature all the time, I found it a bit tiresome being a city person if I am being honest. Still mustn't complain about the change of scenery

Absolutely no comfort in city zone here, favour the great outdoors away from everything when properly provisioned!

I guess that from your uploads 👍

Hahaha... you managed to escape from the old ladies o... viceversa 😁.

And you don't like chocolate? I heard that's not the way you should consume it. 😅

Yes indeedy!