Capela de São João & Muralha de Caminha Baluartes da Matriz

in Pinmapplelast month
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Capela de São João & Muralha de Caminha Baluartes da Matriz.jpg


We return to the city of Caminha and its charms. It was a sunny but windy afternoon and after what we had already seen we decided to explore the imposing Walls of Caminha and the serene Capela de São João. As we walked through the narrow cobblestone streets, the fresh breeze that was felt brought with it the aroma salty sea and the cries of seagulls.


Voltamos à cidade de Caminha e aos seus encantos. Era uma tarde solarenga, mas ventosa e depois do que já tínhamos visto decidimos explorar as imponentes Muralhas de Caminha e a serena Capela de São João. À medida que caminhávamos pelas estreitas ruas de paralelepípedos, a brisa fresca que se fazia sentir trazia consigo o aroma salgado do mar e os gritos das gaivotas.






When we arrived at the high walls that surround the city, we were amazed by their grandeur. Built centuries ago to protect Caminha from invasions and attacks, the walls welcomed us as silent guardians of the past. From its ramparts, we could observe the sea and the families that walked there. We took advantage of the grass to run and play a little.


Ao chegarmos às altas muralhas que rodeiam a cidade, ficamos maravilhados com a sua imponência. Construídas há séculos para proteger Caminha de invasões e ataques, as muralhas recebiam-nos como guardiãs silenciosas do passado. Dos seus baluartes, podíamos observar o mar e as famílias que por ali passeavam. Aproveitamos a relva para correr e brincar um bocadinho.








Descending from the walls, we headed towards the picturesque Capela de São João. Its white exterior shone in the sunlight, while the leaves of the trees swayed in the wind. We enter and are enveloped by a feeling of peace and serenity, as if time had stopped. We didn't take photos out of respect for those who were praying there.
It's incredible how if we have an open spirit, any of these places of worship, regardless of our religion, can give us a feeling of peace.
I would really like to be able to visit other places of worship of other religions to understand the energies they transmit to us.
I'll be back tomorrow with the last part of our visit.


Descendo das muralhas, seguimos em direção à pitoresca Capela de São João. O seu exterior branco brilhava sob a luz do sol, enquanto as folhas das árvores balançavam ao sabor do vento. Entramos e somos envolvidos por uma sensação de paz e serenidade, como se o tempo tivesse parado. Não fotografamos por respeito a quem lá estava a rezar.
Incrivel como se estivermos com um espirito aberto qualquer um destes locais de culto independentemente da nossa religião, nos pode transmitir uma sensação de paz.
Gostava muito de poder conhecer outros locais de culto de outras religiões para perceber as energias que nos transmitem.
Volto amanha com a ultima parte desta nossa visita.






I hope you enjoyed.
See you around.
Wishing you much peace and health

Those who pass by us do not go alone. They leave a bit of themselves, taking a piece of us."
Author: Antoine de Saint-Exupery, The Little Prince.

"The Template cover used in this post is from Canva - Created by Misia"

Text & Photography by @Onyfest

With love @onyfest


Great post!

!discovery shots

Thank you 😊

I loved those walls, they remind me of some in my city. Beautiful pictures

Hi there @jordy0827 . Glad you like it. Your country is also really beautiful and full of story. Thank you for stopping by😊

what a beautiful place!! 💚

Hi there @marialeovalless. Portugal is a beautiful country with lovely places :-) Thank you for stopping by😊

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