Castro de São Paio - Labruge - Vila do Conde / Portugal is Beautiful

in Pinmapple2 months ago
Hello everyone and welcome to my blog :-)


Gray days at the beach often allow us to see things more clearly. When you discover new places and then return in the summer even better. I have the privilege of having clients with companies near the beach, in city centers and even in villages further inland. When some meetings are cancelled, I have the freedom to enjoy that moment and stretch my legs :-)


Dias cinzentos ao pé da praia permitem-nos muitas vezes ver as coisas com mais clareza. Quando se descobrem locais novos para depois voltar no Verão ainda melhor. Tenho o privilégio de ter clientes com empresas ao pé da praia, no centro das cidades e até em aldeias mais no interior da cidade. Quando algumas reuniões são canceladas tenho a liberdade de poder aproveitar esse bocadinho e esticar as pernas :-)








One of these days, as it wasn't raining, I stopped the car, dealt with some emails and went for a walk. Here along the coast there has been a large investment in walkways along the sea and beyond. I think the pandemic created this need and we see more and more people taking walks, whether during the day or night and on any day of the week. I went for a coffee and saw some people passing by and decided to follow the same path. I immediately found a symbol of the route to Santiago de Compostela and realized that I was on the right path.


Um destes dias e como não chovia parei o carro, tratei uns emails e fui caminhar um pouco. Aqui pela costa tem existido um grande investimento em passadiços ao pé do mar e não só. Acho que a pandemia fez com que se criasse essa necessidade e vemos cada vez mais pessoas a fazerem caminhadas seja durante o dia ou a noite e em qualquer dia da semana. Fui tomar um café e vi algumas a passar e decidi seguir o mesmo caminho. Encontrei de imediato um símbolo do caminho de Santiago de Compostela e percebi que estava no caminho certo.








The first part of the walkway is long and we pass by a very beautiful beach, with a very large sandy area. On the rocky wall protected by the wind, they made drawings and placed some spirit chasers. At the top we can see the Geodesic Vertex of São Paio and at the end of the day it should be a spectacular place to watch a beautiful sunset.
Upon returning to the walkway I found a little friend who had almost gone unnoticed. Hidden in the rock was a small sardon, with vibrant green colors showing (it was shedding its skin).


A primeira parte do passadiço é extensa e passamos por uma praia muito bonita, com um areal bastante grande. Na parede rochosa que a ampara de algum vento fizeram desenhos e colocaram alguns espanta espíritos. Lá no alto podemos ver o Vértice Geodésico de São Paio e ao final do dia deverá ser um local espetacular para assistir a um belo por do sol.
Ao regressar ao passadiço encontrei um pequeno amigo que estava quase a passar despercebido. Escondido na rocha estava um pequeno sardão, com umas vibrantes cores verdes a aparecer (estava a mudar a pele).







He stayed there with his little life and I followed mine :-) Further ahead, a chapel facing the sea. I climbed to the top and took the opportunity to stay there admiring the view.
This little bit served to catch up for the rest of the day and to discover another beautiful place to enjoy a day at the beach when the heat arrives :-)


Ficou lá na sua vidinha e eu segui a minha:-) Mais a frente uma capela virada para o mar. Subi ate ao topo aproveitei para ficar ali a contemplar a vista.
Este bocadinho serviu para ganhar folego para o resto do dia e para descobrir mais um bonito lugar para aproveitar um dia de praia quando chegar o calor :-)

I hope you enjoyed.
See you around.
Wishing you much peace and health

Those who pass by us do not go alone. They leave a bit of themselves, taking a piece of us."
Author: Antoine de Saint-Exupery, The Little Prince.

"The Template cover used in this post is from Canva - Created by Misia"

Text & Photography by @Onyfest

With love @onyfest


I simply love that spot! Been there couple of years ago... I miss it so much....
Great post has always! Congratulations

Ps: Yes, I've misspelled the word praia in the post title... Ahahah

Thank you so much :-) Come back and you won't regret it😊. (Paria)😂

Manually curated by ewkaw from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Thank you so much!

What an amazing place! How I wish I could travel Portugal soon🥺

Hello @khay.yryn! I hoppe that you can come to Portugal as soon as possible. Thank you for stopping by🙂

I love such views. If I am left in this place, I will only take pictures until sunset to find the best vantage point to show these places.

Hello @azamsohrabi That sounds like an amazing plan! Thank you for stopping by 😉

a relaxing place to unwind

I there @joyce152218. It really is indeed. Thank you for stopping by :-)

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