Galata Tower(Galata Kulesi) in Istanbul, Turkey

in Pinmapple29 days ago

Galata Tower(Galata Kulesi) in Istanbul, Turkey


Hello dear travellers

The tourist visa stamp ink for Turkey hasn't even dried that I've also sorted out some photos to share with you, and yes, we've had a few days experiencing life in beautiful Istanbul.

Even though this site is temporarily closed for renovations I wanted to share it with you in the hope that maybe some of you will visit Istanbul in the future and not miss it.

A walk through the streets of Istanbul is a real experience and so it was for us, everywhere we went we saw local stalls selling everything from souvenirs to carpets.


At first contact with these streets you might find them a little dubious.



But we weren't the only ones who chose these streets to reach the Galata Tower.


As I wrote the streets are animated by these stalls where you can go home with a souvenir.









Below is some important information about this tourist attraction.

The Galata Tower, included on the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) World Heritage List and considered one of the oldest towers in the world, is one of the symbols of Istanbul. It is located in the European part of the city, in the Beyoğlu district, with a position as if it were the master of the Bosphorus Strait.
The Galata Tower which was first built by the Byzantine Emperor Justinian in 508 AD has seen many wars and suffered destruction. The tower was rebuilt by the Genoese in 1349. A bay window or arched window was added to the upper floor of the tower, which was damaged by the earthquake of the 1500s and repaired during the reign of Selim III. In 1831, the tower suffered another fire and was repaired. During the reign of Mahmud II, two more storeys and a conical roof were built. The tower was repaired in 1967 and finally restored in 2020.
Although the Galata Tower, which has adorned Istanbul for centuries, was built as a lighthouse, it has been used for various purposes throughout history, serving as a prison, an observatory and a fire tower. The height of the tower, which has 11 floors in total, from the ground to the top of the conical spire is 69 meters and its area is 208 square meters. Although simple in design, this is a magnificent structure.



If you are in Istanbul don't hesitate to buy at least one of these pretzels, it is very tasty.


At the time when the tower could be visited from here you could buy tickets, an ingenious way to turn this very old tram into a ticket office.










Our visit here could not end without buying some Turkish delights and of course a watermelon juice.







If you liked what you saw and read here please don't forget to give a LiKe, Follow, reBlog or a Comment, for all this I thank you, and until the next post I say goodbye.

P.S. The attached picture you have just seen are taken by me with my mobile phone(Samsung Galaxy S21), and the text is also designed by me.

Yours @triplug😉


We visited Istanbul last summer and loved it - what a fantastic city. The Tower was open and the views from the top were stunning (its a pity you didnt get to experience them).


I'd happily go back to Istanbul tomorrow - what a place !

Istanbul is just like a book, only if you go there you will be able to discover it.
And yes, unfortunately the tower is closed to visitors because it is under renovation.
And from what I've noticed a lot has changed lately in Istanbul, this is compared to the year 2023.
Here I am also referring to the fees that have been adopted for access to certain tourist attractions(in my opinion, a bit high).
Have a wonderful week ahead.

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Wow, thank you very much.

Welcome to city. You visited one of the best places in Istanbul. The tower has been in restoration for a while, I think they don't accept visitors.

I am very glad that I was able to visit this city (I've been wanting to for a while) and yes this tower is a very popular tourist attraction but unfortunately it is under restoration.
I can't wait to share with you the rest of the experiences I had in a few days in Istanbul.
Thanks so much for stopping by.

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