The Worries Of A Mother

in Motherhood21 days ago

They say worry is not good. We are advised not to worry. Health experts recommend that worrying should be eliminated from one’s life as much as possible. This is true. Worry and anxiety can destroy and can even kill.

From religious perspective, people are taught to practice faith and belief God by refusing to worry. Every caution and advice given against worrying is good and should be taken seriously.

The truth remains that we have worries and fears about life which defines our activities and policies. We wire our lives in line with the fears that we anticipate. We learn and unlearn because of our worries. We make decisions and adopt certain principles in the way we run our lives and business in other to escape the fears we anticipate. Denying worry is a deception.

I greatly appreciate @ericvancewalton for putting up this kind of engagement. We will be given the ample opportunity to share experiences, feelings, emotions and deep lessons of life through our participation in the #memoirmonday initiative. Let me invite you to join the trend and share with us your thoughts by joining the the #memoirmonday through this link

This is my entry for the week 9 edition which centers around: What Do You Worry About?

The Concerns Of A Mother

A mother never stops worrying. When we are married, we worry about giving birth. We pray and trust the creator of us all to give us children in our wombs. Those who haven't gotten a single one seems not to be satisfied even though there is the option of adopting children. The pride of a woman is the children she has given birth to.

When we conceive, we begin another round of worry waking up every day in anticipation of the day of delivery. For nine months, we seem not to forget what we carry in our womb. We caution ourselves as we go about our daily activities because we are carrying the token of our joy in our womb. Worrying never leave a pregnant woman alone.

My Children, My Greatest Worry.

As a mother, my children are the center of my worries. I leave every single day thinking and praying about their lives. I am concerned about their ability to grow up strong, productive and relevant in life. I am concerned about how I and the father will be able to give them the life they desire. I worry about their future and their lives. The future of my children gives me more worries and concerns.

I Am Hopeful

Fears and worries are bound to come. But we keep doing what is necessary so that we will be able to overcome our fears. Though I have fears about raising my children and seeing them live out their dreams, I am hopeful and confident in their success. I am hopeful that God shall help me raise my children to become responsible people in their generation. I am confident that despite the seeming fears, there shall be resources and funds to give them the better life they deserve. I am hopeful for the fulfillment and success of my children in their lives endeavors.

Thank you for visiting my blog and reading my post


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