Finally, Why is The Government of Pakistan Thinking of Taxing a House With Solar Panels?

in LeoFinance26 days ago

Hi inleo community.

For the past few days, this news has been going on in our country that in the next few days, the government is also taxing the houses that are generating electricity through solar panels and their houses. As soon as this news came to the media,

All the people who are there are very worried and angry because it is not at all possible that the government should tax them because every person has Invest your own money. Some people have installed a solar system inside their house, so some people have done this by taking loans and now the news has started circulating here that those who have installed this system,

The government is taxing them. Yes, if there is a 10 kilowatt system, then every month that is 20,000 rupees will have to be paid as tax, then there will be no benefit from such a system. Why people here have thought about solar system, then I am going to do the whole thing above the detail because here electricity bills have been taxed so much that if a person's every the monthly bill used to be 50 dollars.

But now it has been reduced to 100 dollars due to taxation, so people are very worried because they have to pay 100 dollars after using 50 dollars of electricity. Now if we talk about our city, within the last six months 70% of the people here have installed solar panels and they have spent money.

This amounts to a huge amount of money, so people have taken this step because they will not have to pay the electricity bills and will make their lives easier by spending one time because within the last four years here inflation has been increased so much that it has become impossible to live here and people here are very worried,

That's why they have taken loans and installed these systems inside their houses in this way to make their lives a little easier. It can be but the government here has now issued these things that taxes are being imposed, so the people here are not at all happy with this decision and this decision is very wrong because this system is running throughout the world. has been and is not being taxed anywhere.


People here are talking here that the sun is a natural thing and it has been giving energy like this for the last few hundred years, but this technology has been here for some time, so the people here want the government to have solar inside their homes.

Attach the plates to your money so that the people who are can live a good and prosperous life and pray to the government that it has also done some good work but the government has not taken any such decision but has said that it has taxes will be imposed here within the given time but it has not yet been decided that because this case has now gone to the court,

The final decision will be made by the court now, but whatever comes within this decision. Right now people are very worried because they have invested so much money and if we talk about India now, the biggest solar panel is being built there to give free electricity to the poor people there.


This is the reason that India is developing very much and now the respect of India has become very high among the countries of the whole world and no one respects Pakistan so much now, so this is also a fact. It is very sad because the rulers of Pakistan come here only for their money, they do not care about the people at all and they come for their own benefit,

They make money from the government within five years and then. After that they go away and all those taxes have to be paid by the people. India has developed so much that now they are making their own electric vehicles and here in our country people don't even know about electric vehicles and those poor people are finding it difficult to fill even one liter of petrol.

That the price of one leder petrol is now one dollar and here in our country one dollar is very important because people living here earn 100 dollars in a whole month and 100 dollars They have to live their lives within it, that's why they still don't know about the technology of electric vehicles. Not installed where vehicles can be charged.


This system is not being brought here because people will charge their vehicles through solar panels, then the governments, the money they are earning from petrol, will also be lost. Many people have installed solar systems and are installing more so that people can live a little easier.

But the government here is never allowing people to live a good life and here in the last four years every the price of the item has been increased five times from what it is and still if we look at the prices of the items,

They are increased again after a few days. We all pray here that this decision will be in favor of the people and that no tax of any kind will be imposed on solar because this energy is natural and this is what the court decides, then people will be happy again.


The court has sided with truth and if such a decision is not taken then people will lose faith in the court because now it is known to everyone that money has been invested to install solar and now absolutely.

Even they will not pay the tax because this thing is very wrong and unfair because a poor person is collecting this money very hard and installing this thing in his house. You guys must tell in the comments whether the house with solar panels has been taxed or not in your country, I will wait for your comments.


[The post Thumbnail image is from Gencraft and designed by incollage]

Who is djbravo?

Djbravo real name is Asad-chughtai and i am from Pakistan. Asad-chughtai is an writter, blogger, crypto trader, and nature lover. My goal is to share these special places and natural sights with all of you.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Sad to here that. In most countries, the government pay you to put solar panels.

It is just like that, after seeing these things, We does not want to stay inside our country.

Government taxing people who use solar panels? That is utterly crazy. I hope things will change for the better.

The same news is going on in our country now, the decision will be taken by the court.