Bull Flag Materializing

in LeoFinance7 months ago



Obviously we got some insane price action yesterday that sent the whole space squealing out of control. I saw a lot of talk about $31k being a resistance, but I seemed to know better than most people. There was zero resistance at $31k. In fact, we spiked from $32k to $35k in under two minutes. A third of a billion dollars in short squeezes later and the entire mindset of the space has shifted. We are no longer in a bear market.

Of course anyone with common sense can easily see that the bear market immediately after the FTX collapse. This is why charts can be deceiving. Those who didn't live through this period of time will look at a chart and not realize that we just lived through the entire year of 2023 thinking it was a bear market, when it was really just the first year of the bull market just like it always is. This is a 4-year cycle, and only one of those years is a bear market (2022). It is known.

The x-axis (time) is the same length in both SS but the y-axis is a different scale and deceiving.
The pump we got on Feb 7, 2021 is comparable to this one.

Others still look at yesterday's green candle and call it a "god candle" because that's exactly what it is. The contrarian response to this is something like, "Yeah, a god candle for ants," or some such nonsense. Yeah, it's not though. That's one of the biggest daily candles BTC has ever had. People forget that these runs last longer than a day.


Within an hour of me saying this the market did exactly what I said it would.
And I traded it almost perfectly.

5m candles

Another milestone

Today was the first day that I've correctly assessed the pattern we are seeing in the market and correctly day-traded it for a profit. This is clearly a bullish flag pattern. Price is highly volatile and slowly coming to a point at the $34k level. After BTC stabilizes at $34k it will spike up again. A bull flag is one of the most bullish patterns possible and also one of the easiest ones to trade.


Basically what is happening here is that bulls want as much BTC as they can get without pushing the price up. The shorts have been annihilated so there's very little reason to keep pushing it up in the short term. The market is waiting for users to dump their BTC. Don't be the sucker that dumps on a bull flag. That's just silly. We haven't seen this pattern since... I want to say 2021 but I can't even find one, so maybe 2017 or even summer 2019. Needless to say it's been a very long time.

So we should continue to expect the price to continue tapering until it stabilizes around $34k. With any luck volume will drop like a brick and bears will be tempted to short the market all over again only to get completely wrecked on the next pump. Again, the market clearly wants more BTC, and there aren't a lot of sellers. Volume was three times higher than this during the summer and the price movements were less than what we are seeing today. This indicates a massive supply shock, which is confirmed by on-chain analysis.

A Twitter story

~~~ embed:1716460253313736782 twitter metadata:UGFjZW1hazNyfHxodHRwczovL3R3aXR0ZXIuY29tL1BhY2VtYWszci9zdGF0dXMvMTcxNjQ2MDI1MzMxMzczNjc4Mnw= ~~~

~~~ embed:1716590405628707267 twitter metadata:b2x2ZWxlejAwN3x8aHR0cHM6Ly90d2l0dGVyLmNvbS9vbHZlbGV6MDA3L3N0YXR1cy8xNzE2NTkwNDA1NjI4NzA3MjY3fA== ~~~

Yep so that happened.

So what happens now? Well if the bull flag pans out as expected it should be mostly boring for a few days until the price settles around $34k. My guess would be 3-5 days, and coincidentally enough the crystals girls whisper about the next full moon on the 28th of October also being a partial lunar eclipse. You all know how I like to make shit up like "Eclipse bullish" and whatnot.


Sticking to the plan

My plan has always been to hold my position till my 40th birthday on November 14th.
Surly the market revolves around me so this is a sound strategy.

  • September was a green month which is very rare and bullish.
  • October has changed everyone's outlook even though it's only up 21% so far.
  • November is always the crazy ass month given these setups.

What's a good guess for the local top?

A bull market like this is going to go x2-x3 above the baseline.
Normally the stronger the baseline, the higher the peak.
Those who have been paying attention to my tweets know that the current baseline is one of the strongest ones we've ever seen, so an x3 is pretty reasonable. But where is the baseline?

Well it's either at $26.5k which is where we bottomed out right before the current pump, or the much safer and tested level was $25k. That would mean I expect BTC to hit something like $75k before the end of January. There also appears to be a nasty resistance block in the $45k-$50k area so this is also a level to lookout for if you believe that a new all time high this early is a bit ridiculous.

If an ETF gets 100% confirmed by the SEC and Blackrock/Grayscale I think we have to assume that the price could go a helluva lot higher than even these predictions. The market loves to try to price these things in and frontrun any potential fundamental developments like this, which always leads to sell-the-news events were the speculation and overhyped FOMO always trump the launch day of the new thing.

There's also the exponential curve to take into consideration. Both the doubling curve and PlanB's stock-to-flow analysis but BTC at $100k by the end of the year. As ridiculous as that sounds it's really only an x3 from where we are now and easily possible. At the same time this is another reason why the $50k level is significant, as this is not only a huge unit-bias level but also half of the $100k target. This means a lot on the logarithmic scale and exponential growth factors.


The god-candle-flag is pretty much the most bullish and most predictable technical indicator of all trading. It's a bull market dream, and we are seeing one at exactly the correct timeline. None of this is accidental. What happens if the FED decides to start lowering rates in a couple of months?

Even if they don't it becomes a win/win situation because leaving rates high creates systemic risk for the entire legacy system, including assets that were once thought to be safe like treasuries. Just this month Bank of America was forced to report $132B in unrealized losses on their assets. This puts Bitcoin in a win/win situation where it's either a risk-on asset during quantitative easing or a risk-off "flight to quality" in the opposite scenario. Crazy times we're living in.

In any case it's obvious that the current bull market has staying power. Volume is still relatively low, which would be concerning in most cases, but in this one it simply means that the price must go even higher because nobody is selling. Bulls are going to accumulate here for a few days before pushing higher. Another 20% god-candle will push us up to $40k. Best case situation would be transitioning from one bull flag into a second one. Wouldn't be the first time. Fingers crossed.


"risk-on asset during quantitative easing or a risk-off "flight to quality" in the opposite scenario" never though of BTC this way and I'm sure many haven't neither, I think the common way is a risk on asset all the time as its not "backed up" by anything else, fiat is neither but anyways, it still doesn't make that much sense to me why its pumping but if I learn something from markets during COVID is that at extreme times markets never make sense, with rumors of a "rescission" who would though it would pump this hard, Im still waiting for the market to chill a bit more so I can buy some more HIVE 😴😓

Ten years or so ago when $10 candles were big news, I posted to somebody’s YouTube channel something to the effect of Wake me up when we have a $100 candle.

Updating that, Wake me up when we have a $10,000 candle.

But a $10k candle is only 10% if BTC is trading at $100k :D
Perhaps that's the point eh?

Once it percolates it out the the normie sphere and all their friends are saying "You've got to have some of those bitcorns in your IRA" you'll see steady accumulation.

I'd expect to see a bump around Thanksgiving or Christmas when younger people are talking to their relatives around the dinner table and it becomes a major source of conversation.

onward and up with the rage of a bull

peak fomo starting to settle in

Because you’re hyped it’s not gonna do what you want. These hypes tend to do that! Lol.

It would be cool to see it ride up and the downstream benefits that causes for places like hive.

so far it already has done what I want
price is now hugging $34k hard

I guess this is truly Pumpcktober
Some people predicted earlier that the bullish run will start by October and here it is

I have to admit this is my first time hearing the god candle name. And I am glad I learned lots while reading.

Your birthday is close by, and I can't wait to see what the bull market will bring.

See you on the other side.

Two years or so to the top. It’s been a long and boring wait.

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yep you called it!

Hive is also looking incredibly bullish right now with it overcoming the weekly resistance


Need a 42-43 cents to confirm a higher high

I just feel a bit sick that Steem is closing in on Hive with the latest pump

Thank you so much for the Wisdom Nuggets

There is indeed a lot to learn as it's my first time hearing about the god candle. Well I do hope it follows your plan and you get to hold your position till your birthday. It's almost around the corner anyways.

Thank you for sharing this.