Fare well Minato, Welcome Robin!

in LeoFinance3 months ago

For a long time now on this network, I have always signed my posts with a Minato from the manga Naruto.

It's a character I've been known for on hive for quite some time and it's something I've always been asked about:

Why the yellow lightning of Konoha?

And the simple answer was always, plain and simple

because he is a charismatic character that I always liked.

However, people's tastes change, and I'm not an exception.

...Welcome Robin!

Lately I've been enjoying a lot One Piece as this series has been with me for quite some time lately.

I consider that I have been going through a difficult time these last two years and One Piece has been very much with me in times of 'relative' loneliness ( you know, those moments when you're technically 'not alone' (you have family, friends, partner...) but for x reason that you never really understand you feel that way).

It was in one of those moments, when the anime introduced me to Nico Robin, that I instantly felt deep empathy for the character. Not only because of her story, but also because of the fact that I identify with her on a personality level.

We are both nerds, serious and calm, with a taste for black humour. And we both have a weirdo laugh.

Dere shi-shi shi!

I wasn't having a good time, and some idiot with a pen managed to make me laugh and cry at the same time.

Thx Oda.

Accordingly, other accounts profile pics (like my witness and empo.voter) have been changed. The difference is that it is Sogeking the one in charge.

Come with me while I talk a little bit more about myself..

Going back to Minato, it wouldn't be fair to change my profile picture without giving him a fair tribute.
What better way than to immortalise him forever on the Hive blockchain with this little post?

This has been my journey with him.

This has been my most recent pfp, which adopted when I needed to became a bit more serious.

But anyone members this? (this has been the one which used the less, for a short time like a couple of months back in mid 2022).

now we start with the real OG Minato, this was a frenetic era. I was full into shitcoining around BNB in late 2020 early 2021.

However, the first one, the original... was this beauty (such nostalgia). This one accompanied me in my first stages here as 'empoderat'.

And before that...?

Secret from pre-empo era:

Previously my name here was... @thecryptolink

Nothing special there, some actifit posts, TA and my humble beginnings.


One Piece helped me to overcome a difficult time. Now Robin is in charge. Do you have any similar story which you would like to share?

Tell me in the comments! And have a good weekend!

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


How far are you with the Manga/Anime? :)
Robins Backstory is fascinating and sad, but also shows you to never give up. I really hope Oda gives some details what happens between Ohara and Alabasta, there are some, but you know. 😃

insert Shishishi here

Currently around chapter 750~ or Elephant Island, very relevant in term sof lore as far as I'm seeing it!


Gay 😂

as always sir, but hey, you loved the lore


Sogeking is my favourite! I like how humble he is. :)

I love his song!

Cool avatars! My avatar history is just boring: the profile name is the scientific nomenclature of the iberian Lynx (yes, the geekiness is strong within me), but since I don't have my own photos of it, I was browsing through my archive and found the cuban rock iguana with a fun expression... and that's it! :P Cheers!

''cuban rock iguana with fun expression'' made me giggle xd

Cheers for u!

Those cuban iguanas know how to party! :)))

It’s my first time hearing about Robin though
It seem cool

Minato was loved by all. Every Naruto fan loved the yellow flash ❤️

Now that looks more like you 😎

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