HIVE Blockchain Announces Rebranding to HIVE Digital Technologies Ltd.

in LeoFinance11 months ago

I have been waiting for this name change.

As a shareholder of Hive Blockchain (HIVE) and a player in a Hive blockchain I wondered how long it would take for a rebranding to take place.

The following is a publicly traded stock on TSXV and NASDAQ and not to be confused with the Hive blockchain hosting this blog.



I always liked the blockchain technology and this company is an opportunity to be an investor in the technological changes coming.

fast tracking our HPC data centres by utilizing our Nvidia high performance Graphics Processing Unit (“GPU”) chips for the mass adoption trend in Artificial Intelligence (“AI”)

The trading ticker symbol will remain as HIVE

HIVE Blockchain Technologies Ltd. went public in 2017 as the first cryptocurrency mining company listed for trading on the TSX Venture Exchange with a sustainable green energy focus.



Thanks for sharing this news. One less contestant for the Hive blockchain branding.

My pleasure.