Hive JA Community has begun / Hive JAコミュニティ できました!(English&Japanese)

in LeoFinance8 months ago (edited)


About Hive JA Community

Hi, this is @go-kyo . I started Hive JA as a community for Japanese and people who speak or study Japanese.

This post summarizes my thoughts on why I created the JA community. I've been on this platform since 2016 (including an old account), and my interest in Hive still hasn't waned. In 2021-2022, I was playing blockchain games like Axie Infinity and STEPN, so I was on other chains a lot at that time. But that interest didn't last as long as my interest in Hive, and I ended up coming back here.

I think Hive is very different from other chains. I can't explain it well, but I feel like it's a place that's extremely close to the real world, where there's a community, where we can talk to different people, build relationships, manage our assets, have blogs, games, and even help people by voting and donating (and sometimes fighting each other). I also think it's great that most of the actions are free.

As a gateway to Hive for Japanese users

But unfortunately, there are very few Japanese users of Hive. Bloggers in particular may be at an all-time low. There was a time when I wasn't blogging myself, so there may have been a time when there were even fewer, I don't know...

So I decided to create this community to make it easier for Japanese users to join the Hive chain. I hope that this community will be a gateway for Japanese people to enter the Hive chain, and that Hive JA will be a foothold for them to communicate with other Hivers around the world.

The Hive system can seem quite complicated to those who are new to it. Once we get used to it, it is not so difficult and we can see that each of the mechanisms makes a lot of sense. However, at first it seems complicated and too much information. In addition, the fact that the language is not our native language adds to the difficulty. I think this is one of the reasons why there are so few Japanese in Hive.

So I wanted to create a place where people could at least find information about Hive in Japanese, find people who write in Japanese, and have conversations in Japanese. I myself always write posts using the DeepL translation, but I also thought it would be nice to have a community where I could casually write in my native language.

About Community Support Account

I created @hive-ja as a community support account, but it does not have HP yet. I would like to grow this account bit by bit. First of all, I will withdraw my own HBD savings from last year to buy HP and delegate it to @hive-ja . It will be about 1,000 HIVE. I have already processed the HBD withdrawal, but it will take 3 days, so the purchase will be made tomorrow... Anyway, it looks like I can make a small first step.

Also, if anyone inside or outside the community would like to support Hive JA, it would be great if you could delegate your HP to @hive-ja. Maybe we should pay dividends from the community account, but we are not at a scale where we can do that at the moment. So we are asking for free support, but if that is ok, please delegate. Any small amount would be appreciated!

I will post more community progress from time to time.



Hive JAコミュニティについて

こんにちは、@go-kyoです。日本人や日本語を話す人たちのためのコミュニティとして、Hive JAを作りましたので、お知らせです☺

私は(旧アカウントも含めると)2016年からこのプラットフォームに参加していますが、未だにHiveへの興味は薄れることがありません。2021~2022年はAxie InfinityやSTEPNなどのブロックチェーンゲームで遊んでいたこともあり、Solana、Roninチェーンを触っていた時期もありました。でもその興味はHiveに対するものほど長続きはせず、結局ここに戻ってきました。



そこで、もっと日本人ユーザーがHiveチェーンに参入しやすいように、という目的でこのコミュニティを作ることにしました。ここが日本人がHiveチェーンに参入するための入り口となり、Hive JAを足がかりに他のコミュニティにも参加し、多くのHiversと交流できるようになれたらいいなというのが私の考えです(日本人だけでかたまりたい!という意図ではないです☺)。








それから既存の日本人ユーザーの皆さんに提案というか相談なのですが・・・使っていないサブ垢なんてお持ちだったりしませんか・・・?ゲーム用とか、hive-engineトークン用とか、家族用とか、何か特定の目的で作ったけれども今は使っていないアカウントがあって、そこにもしHPが眠っていたら、@hive-ja にまとめて(delegate)稼働させるのはどうでしょうか。



Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha


Amazing @go-kyo! When you first told me about the new community, I totally forgot to delegate HP. 😅 ごめんなさい。😵
時々 I will help upvote posts in the community, though my upvote isn't that big. I'll help in any way I can. 😎

In the future when you've decided to do the delegations for rewards, maybe I can help with that. Currently, I'm running @kembot a discord bot that will send out daily rewards for delegators of @hivephilippines.

Thank you so much @wittyzell 🙏🙏
I was surprised when I woke up in the morning and saw @hive-ja's account. I need to delegate more too!

Are you running a bot? That's awesome... I have no idea about those things, so please help me when the time comes.
I really thought that I should pay the members for their services, but I would like to focus on growing hive-ja first. I want to run it as fairly as possible, and want to find ways to motivate everyone in this community.

Anyway, your delegate has given JA a lot of strength. I really appreciate it. I'll be waiting for your posts too.

I sure hope I can post in the community but let' see in the future 🙂
For now, I'm happy to be supporting it on the sidelines.

Sure, I'll be happy to help! For now, yes, better to let the community account grow.

I'm happy! I need to start taking the time to write some of my posts in Japanese. I'M lazy so I usually don't want to take the extra time to do that, but I should, it will be good for my language skill.

As I told you before, I don't think I do a very good job managing my community, Blockchain Poets. But I do have one idea I use that you might consider using here. Anyone who delegates HP to the group is set as a member of the group. You can find the place to add members under the community roles page.

So far I only request a delegation of 10 HP or higher to get the member role. But I might increase that in the future.

So far I am just giving one perk to members. I upvote anyone who submits a post into our group at 80%, but I upvote members at 100%. It's a small perk because we don't really have a lot of HP so even at 100% the vote is small, but it is something. Or there could be other ideas you might have for member perks.

Anyway, that is one idea I had.

Thanks dbooster for the tip. As for the community role and upvotes, I may take your idea as is...🫡 I can't pay out dividends to those who delegate to the community support account, but I was thinking of upvoting them. Ecency boosts and HSBI are also being considered so I will post those at a later date.
I looked at the Blockchain Poets community and found a lot of members! There are posts every day... It must be very hard to manage such a large community.

Thank you so much for delegating 200HP. I am very very happy! I will manage it so that I can take advantage of your kindness.

And of course we look forward to your Japanese posts as well!

If you need an easy way to create accounts with beneficiary referrals for onboarding people directly 1 on 1, please feel free to reach out as ocd could invite you onto the onboarding program which would give you a lot of perks and ways to welcome the newcomers to the community better! We've had people onboarding for quite a while now with some good success:

Thank you very much acidyo, I read both posts.

I have always felt that we need to find people who have a high affinity for HIVE, rather than just increasing the number of temporary participants. This onboarding program seems to fit that purpose very well.

I will apply later on Discord!

Awesome, glad to hear!
The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people ( go-kyo ) sharing the post on LeoThreads,LikeTu,dBuzz.


私の中では、日本語だけで書いても$1ついたら、だいぶ違うのかなぁ… と思っていたりして。


wow this is a big move all the best O.O. did you find the people to support you? interesting use of ja o.o thought u were gonna go with nihon ;p

Yes, I chose JA. One of our community members donated the cost of creating the accounts. It's not on an organized scale yet, but I'm sure my friends will help me out☺️

creating the accounts? dont u only need 1 why so many accounts

I created a community account (@hive-158302)and a support account(@hive-ja ). It seems many communities do it that way.

i see i didnt know that

Good luck with the community project

Thank you!☺

セブンさん、ありがとうございます!200HPですが @hive-ja にデリゲートしました :)



操作はWalletからになるのですが、報酬claimの際、HIVE WALLETをお使いですか?


Steemit 時代からずーっと自分のページ中心にしか見ていないからPeakDやEcencyとかわからないんです。私のページのWALLET で説明していただけますか?


WALLETの「HIVE POWER」下の▼ボタンをタップして、「Delegate」を選択します。







Wave Media


@hive-jaに少ないのですが100HP をdelegateしました。ご確認ください。他にも私にできることがあったらお手伝いさせていただきますので、教えてください。


私もまずはコミュニティと支援アカウントを作ってHP集めから… と思っていますが、今後に向けて何かよいアイデアがあったらぜひいただきたいです😀


