It Happened On A Sunday - My Most Memorable Trip.

This is another submission I am making as I enjoy this legacy by @ericvancewalton. The call to make useful documentations of our experiences and encounters is such a great and welcome initiative. Thank you brother for putting this up.

This is my entry for week 10. You can join the #memoirmonday initiative through this link

What’s Your Favorite Way To Travel And Your Most Memorable Trip

Favorite Way To Travel

For now my favorite way to travel is by road. I travel by road using commercial bus services. I would have preferred traveling by air because of the comfort and then convenience but inability to afford the high cost of air transport makes me settle on the road. My work doesn't make me travel frequently. I only travel once in a while. I travel from Ilorin in Kwara State where I am based to Lagos State more frequently than when I travel from Ilorin, Kwara State to Uyo in Akwa Ibom State.

Most Memorable Trip

It was on a Sunday. That was when I first have to travel such a long distance. It was my trip from my state of origin to another state. The distance took about seventeen hours. I was an interesting experience to me because I have not made such a journey before (covering such a long distance).

That trip was significant in the history of my life. This is because it gave a huge definition to my life. By that trip, I got to redirect my destiny in life. I must say that it marked the beginning of the right repositioning of my life journey. Because of that trip, my relocation from Akwa Ibom State to Kwara State took effect. That relocation settled my life both in career, marriage and family establishment. I saw life pursuit in a different way and was able to pursue my life dreams and ambitions successfully. Because I made that trip, I am gainfully employed now, I am happily married now, I am able to raise my personal family now. I have a house of my own now. And many more good things are coming my way because I take that journey that day.

The journey was on a Sunday. It's because of that trip that I adapted to traveling to my state on Sundays. It was on a Sunday in October, 2012. I could call it the trip of my destiny repositioning.

Thank you for your time in reading my blog. I hope to see you again


Seventeen hours is a very long time to be on a road trip. But I can understand that distance, and some factors common in our country play their roles to that effect.

Your story is interesting. Of that one trip brought about this much good tidings as you highlighted, it definitely was your trip for repositioning