One Day Home Keeper - My Sunday Experience On Sunday, 5th May, 2024.

Hello friends, how has our day been? I trust that you have fun all the way. How was your weekend? Did you share your experience? It is fun sharing our weekend experiences here in the community. It gives us a sense of fun and happiness. I mean, it is a thing of joy to share with friends how we spent our day.

I had known about a month ago that my wife wouldn't be around on that Sunday. Maybe she observed my helpless disposition and that made her change her original plan which was to travel on the preceding Saturday. She didn't travel on the Saturday anymore, she made the journey on the Sunday morning.

That change in plan relieved me of the work of preparing the children to take them to church that early. Our church starts by 7am every Sunday morning. I was happy inside of me knowing that the fear of going to has finally been sorted out.

My wife is a musician who sings christian songs. She usually have such invitations where she will go and sing in church program or other outdoor programs

Daddy Cooked

When we came back from church, we needed something to eat. I entered the kitchen and prepared our native rice and beans delicacy. My children like rice and beans (type that I cook), that was why I decided to cook that. It would not be funny anywhere, preparing food which the children won't accept. Wisdom demanded that I prepare their favorite.

Did a little laundry

After we finished eating, I did a little bit of laundry so that my wife would feel better when she returned.

Taking care of the house can be interesting. Doing dishes; cooking food, doing the laundry, and cleaning the floor. My children and I enjoyed the day. I allowed them to watch their favorite program on the television. That bought me their hearts. There was joy and excitement in my home.

Helping My Wife

In the African settings, there are certain duties which the woman of the house oversees. That Sunday, while my wife was away I helped handle some of those. There was cassava chips she had fermented which needed to be sun dried. I put them outside and sat down near it to allow it to dry. Why I had to sit near it all the time was to keep goats from consuming the cassava chips.

The Fun And The Discipline

It was fun attending to my work and helping them with their home work which is usually done by the mother. It was fun doing the kitchen work of preparing food. I discipline myself to avoid buying fast food or snacks. I allowed myself to enter the kitchen and prepare something for my children and I. I showed that I have been watching what my wife has been doing all along by sitting down to dry the cassava chips.

Sunday, 5th of May taught me again that I need to be more homely and learn to help my wife and to give the children attention.
Thank you for reading my weekend tales.