Weekend -Engagement 204. A space for my passions

in Weekend Experiences29 days ago

Nice day friends of the Weekend Experiences community. I found the ideas promoted by @galenkp in #weekend-engagement topic this week very interesting.There was one in particular that caught my attention.

Would you still want to post blogs on Hive if there was no monetary reward at all?

This question is really interesting. To give an answer, several aspects must be analyzed.

First, human beings have the need to transmit our experiences. That's part of human nature. Knowledge, discoveries and adventures are transmitted from one generation to the next. The only thing that has changed is the way of expressing it. Initially it was done orally, today we do it through the internet.

Another aspect to take into account is the relationship that exists between quality, effort and reward. The three variables are closely related. If one increases, the others will do so too.

Furthermore, we live in a world where money is our sovereign. He imposes his will and crosses the barriers of language and culture. Regardless of the latitude of residence, he governs with a heavy hand, like a dictator. It is very difficult for most people to give up the benefits they receive from the cruel sovereign by following his orders. I admit it, I am also his slave and I adapt to this crazy society that I had to live in.

But there is a very important aspect that cannot be overlooked. Hive is a very interesting platform. It shows posts with great quality. Its creators strive to create works that nourish knowledge and delight you with the beauty of their works. Furthermore, with their creativity and originality they add immense value to their publications. Here they do not appropriate other people's work, nor do they bullying you for the content you show. There are no negative reviews or comments that incite hatred. On the contrary, everyone is very friendly and I like that a lot.

That's why my answer to the question is: Yes, I would continue publishing. I have always liked to share everything that I am passionate about on my social networks and Hive has become the perfect space to do so, because as I said before, there are no comments that incite hatred and that makes it the ideal place to publish.

Thank you very much for taking a minute to read my post. May good energy be with you. I wish you a nice day.

The text was translated by Google translator, because English is not my native language.


I am also passionate about Art🥹 and I am new here.
I've been trying my best to connect with different Artists I come across and I love every artwork I see here.
So I believe with your explanation, and mine too, I would also still publish on Hive because aside the monetary rewards, I genuinely wish to connect with people too through their blog posts

Art is a beautiful way to connect. Here at Hive, I have seen incredible work from different artists and as I mentioned in the post, there is a lot of respect between everyone. It's been a pleasure meeting you. Greetings ☺️

Yeah there are a lot of interesting artists here.
It's a pleasure too.
Greetings to you