Weekend-Engagement 206. Sentence of loneliness.

in Weekend Experiences15 days ago

Nice day friends of the Weekend Experiences community. In this new week @galenkp brings us very interesting topics. Many are designed so that we spend time reflecting and questioning such important issues as life and death.
This week I would like to participate in the #weekend-engagement with the topic related to immortality. Since the questions are very interesting.

✓Would you choose to be immortal if you could?

✓How would it affect your life and relationship considering everyone else around you would eventually die?

The search for eternal life is as old as the human species. Initially it was the monarchs who were most interested in this aspect. Because with their desire for power they wanted to live forever. Today it is scientists who strive to extend life, even if it is not eternal, beyond what time and health allow us as a species.
It is true that life is a scale and is full of ups and downs. There are moments when we wish that the energy that sustains our life was inexhaustible and at other times we only wish to turn into dust and be carried away by the wind. But it cannot be denied that immortality continues to be a very interesting topic for many.
If I had the option to choose a life in which I would never grow old or get sick and my days would be infinite on Earth, I would not accept it. Although the proposal is attractive, it would be a life of sadness and loneliness. We humans greatly need emotional ties with our peers. We establish strong bonds with our parents, children, partners and pets. Their loss leaves deep wounds in our hearts.
Eternal life, more than a gift, would become a punishment. She would be a sentence of loneliness. In my opinion, an ephemeral life, full of emotions and happiness with the people you love, is better than an eternal life, where your soul is lost in the darkness of sadness and memories.

Here I share my humble opinion. I hope you like it. I wish you a nice weekend and may good energy always accompany you.


The text was translated by Google translator, because English is not my native language.