Not financial advice.

in The Ink Well25 days ago

I just gained admission to college, started making new friends, and everything about my life changed. As always, just gaining admission to college gives one some kind of feeling. The new environment, new people, and trying to fit into the college lifestyle as well as adapting to the new environment were a bit difficult at first, but I gave it my all because I waited so long for that moment. I fantasized a lot about how I'd live my life in college, and finally it was time to make those fantasies happen.

designed in canva.

The way I expected things to be in college is not really the way they are. I always wanted to leave home so I could have my freedom and live my life the way I wanted. I finally left home but still did not gain freedom like I wanted because of how tedious college activities were. The only freedom gained was that my parents were not there to watch my every move, but getting school work done made me wish I could just go back home and have them watch my every move because it was better than the type of stress I was passing through, ranging from getting registration done as well as attending classes at the same time. After class one Tuesday evening, I met a guy who kept talking about cryptocurrency and how he made a lot of money by just investing in it, and the same evening I had a conversation with my dad.

"Hey son, I don't know how to say this, but I have an ongoing project that is going to cost me a lot of money, so for that reason, I will be sending you your tuition fee for 200 Level so I don't have to worry about it when the time comes and just in case I run out of money. I hope you can keep it safe." My dad asked over the phone.

"Yes, sir, you can trust me to keep the money safe." I responded with so much joy in my heart.

"First thing tomorrow morning, I will be at the bank to send the money to you. Have a goodnight rest." Dad replied

After the guy's testimony about how cryptocurrency changed his life, I wanted to give it a try. Before meeting the guy, I did not know much about cryptocurrency, just bitcoin. Since I picked interest, we became friends with Daniel, and so I stepped into the crypto space with the mindset that I will be a millionaire soon enough, as I plan to use the tuition fee my father sent me to invest as well, and before the time I will need to pay my tuition fee, I would have taken a lot of return on investment and from there pay my tuition fee.

"You can invest in coins like feg, safemoon, safemars, freecoin, and fries; they have great potential and can give you three times your investment before you know it." Daniel said after I asked him about good tokens to invest in

Sometimes he posts about a coin on his status, and I rush to invest in them too. The time to pay my tuition fee was fast approaching, and my investments were not yielding anything; instead, my capital depreciated. I knew I was in trouble, and my dad wouldn't take it lightly with me, so I had to handle the situation on my own. I was able to raise some money, but I still needed more to make up the amount needed for my tuition fee.

"It was never financial advice; you took the risk willingly, and I did not force you to." Daniel said after he saw how confused and deep in regret I was.

"But it is who said they had great potential and could give a very high return on investment." I responded with a shaky voice.

"I have an idea. You can try sports betting. I have seen a lot of people making money from it. You can use the money you have raised to try your luck." The same Daniel suggested

"I really don't want to go down that path because I heard it can be addictive." I responded

I later tried sports betting, and it only added fuel to the burning fire as I lost a huge sum of the money I managed to raise to cover the lost tuition fee.

Thanks for stopping by.


This is kind of a partial story, @offia66. You hooked us with the story line! We then wanted to know many things, such as whether Daniel was genuine or not to be trusted, and how you recovered your money. Remember that when we read creative nonfiction, we are looking for the same things we look for in fiction: character development, a story arc, and how things turn out in the end. You can read more in our article on creative nonfiction. Thank you for sharing your story in The Ink Well, and for reading and commenting on the work of other community members.

I was in a similar situation. I invested in some crypto back in school with my money for textbooks, and it didn't yield profit.

I'm glad you were able to raise the money for your tuition.

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I remember those tokens you mentioned. Unfortunately, Daniel kept leading to paths that worsened your state. Hopefully we get over the adrenaline rush for a quick profit