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RE: A love hate relationship with farming

in HiveGhana • last month

Oh My! I almost missed this 😂. The tag wasn’t tagging. Maybe you were even about to tag fox 😂.

Glad I am able to get to read this. Farming is diverse and there are lot of aspects to dive into. As for me I love farming in general. But I prefer the livestock aspect the more. I have plans for crop farming too. But not the stressful ones.

I can see why you feel the hate for this type of farming and that because it’s come with stress. Though there are machines for most of these processes now. But still it’s a matter of choice and capital.

Fish farming is kinda interesting. I also love other aspects too. And I am grateful for appreciating my contents. I am still doing all my very best to keep it going. And hopefully whenever you are ready to start up. We can have better things to do.

I smiled a lot about the mating. 😂. But now at least you know when to mate them and when not to mate. 😂 😂.